Foto del docente

Alessandro Chiarucci

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-01/C Environmental and Applied Botany


Fungomeli, Maria; Githitho, Anthony; Frascaroli, Fabrizio; Chidzinga, Saidi; Cianciaruso, Marcus; Chiarucci, Alessandro, A new Vegetation-Plot Database for the Coastal Forests of Kenya, «VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION AND SURVEY», 2020, 1, pp. 103 - 109 [Scientific article]Open Access

Wang Z.; Chiarucci A.; Fang H.; Chen M., An interspecific variation in rhizosphere effects on soil anti-erodibility, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2020, 10, Article number: 2411 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Chiarucci A.; Partel M.; Pillar V.D.; Chytry M., Applied Vegetation Science in 2020: Editorial, «APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE», 2020, 23, pp. 1 - 2 [Comment or similar]

Devkota R.S.; Field R.; Hoffmann S.; Walentowitz A.; Medina F.M.; Vetaas O.R.; Chiarucci A.; Weiser F.; Jentsch A.; Beierkuhnlein C., Assessing the potential replacement of laurel forest by a novel ecosystem in the steep terrain of an Oceanic Island, «REMOTE SENSING», 2020, 12, Article number: 4013 , pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article]Open Access

Otto R.; Fernandez-Lugo S.; Blandino C.; Manganelli G.; Chiarucci A.; Fernandez-Palacios J.M., Biotic homogenization of oceanic islands depends on taxon, spatial scale and the quantification approach, «ECOGRAPHY», 2020, 43, pp. 747 - 758 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cacciatori C.; Tordoni E.; Petruzzellis F.; Sergio C.; Garcia C.; Chiarucci A.; Bacaro G., Drivers of distance-decay in bryophyte assemblages at multiple spatial scales: Dispersal limitations or environmental control?, «JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE», 2020, 31, pp. 293 - 306 [Scientific article]Open Access

Nimis P.L.; Martellos S.; Chiarucci A.; Ongaro S.; Peplis M.; Pittao E.; Nascimbene J., Exploring the relationships between ecology and species traits in cyanolichens: A case study on Italy, «FUNGAL ECOLOGY», 2020, 47, Article number: 100950 , pp. 100950 - 100950 [Scientific article]

Bolpagni, R.; Laini, A.; Buldrini, F.; Ziccardi, G.; Soana, E.; Pezzi, G.; Chiarucci, A.; Lipreti, E.; Armiraglio, S.; Nascimbene, J., Habitat morphology and connectivity better predict hydrophyte and wetland plant richness than land-use intensity in overexploited watersheds: evidence from the Po plain (northern Italy), «LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY», 2020, 35, pp. 1827 - 1839 [Scientific article]Open Access

Capotorti G.; Zavattero L.; Copiz R.; Del Vico E.; Facioni L.; Bonacquisti S.; Frondoni R.; Allegrezza M.; Attorre F.; Bacchetta G.; Barni E.; Biondi E.; Brandmayr P.; Caccianiga M.S.; Carli E.; Casavecchia S.; Cerabolini B.E.L.; Chiarucci A.; Dell'Olmo L.; Fascetti S.; Fenu G.; Galdenzi D.; Gargano D.; Gianguzzi L.A.; Manes F.; Oddi L.; Orsenigo S.; Paolanti M.; Pinna M.S.; Rosati L.; Rossi G.; Sarandrea P.; Siniscalco C.; Spampinato G.; Tazzari E.R.; Tesei G.; Venanzoni R.; Viciani D.; Blasi C., Implementation of IUCN criteria for the definition of the Red List of Ecosystems in Italy, «PLANT BIOSYSTEMS», 2020, 154, pp. 1007 - 1011 [Scientific article]

Martellos S.; d'Agostino M.; Chiarucci A.; Nimis P.L.; Nascimbene J., Lichen distribution patterns in the ecoregions of Italy, «DIVERSITY», 2020, 12, Article number: 294 , pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]Open Access

Chiarucci A.; Piovesan G., Need for a global map of forest naturalness for a sustainable future, «CONSERVATION BIOLOGY», 2020, 34, pp. 368 - 372 [Scientific article]Open Access

Nascimbene J.; Benesperi R.; Casazza G.; Chiarucci A.; Giordani P., Range shifts of native and invasive trees exacerbate the impact of climate change on epiphyte distribution: The case of lung lichen and black locust in Italy, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2020, 735, Article number: 139537 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

Montanari I.; Buldrini F.; Bolpagni R.; Laini A.; Dalla Vecchia A.; De Bernardini N.; Campione L.; Castellari I.; Gizzi G.; Landi S.; Chiarucci A., Role of irrigation canal morphology in driving riparian flora in over-exploited catchments, «COMMUNITY ECOLOGY», 2020, 21, pp. 121 - 132 [Scientific article]

Dengler J.; Matthews T.J.; Steinbauer M.J.; Wolfrum S.; Boch S.; Chiarucci A.; Conradi T.; Dembicz I.; Marceno C.; Garcia-Mijangos I.; Nowak A.; Storch D.; Ulrich W.; Campos J.A.; Cancellieri L.; Carboni M.; Ciaschetti G.; De Frenne P.; Dolezal J.; Dolnik C.; Essl F.; Fantinato E.; Filibeck G.; Grytnes J.-A.; Guarino R.; Guler B.; Janisova M.; Klichowska E.; Kozub L.; Kuzemko A.; Manthey M.; Mimet A.; Naqinezhad A.; Pedersen C.; Peet R.K.; Pellissier V.; Pielech R.; Potenza G.; Rosati L.; Terzi M.; Valko O.; Vynokurov D.; White H.; Winkler M.; Biurrun I., Species–area relationships in continuous vegetation: Evidence from Palaearctic grasslands, «JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY», 2020, 47, pp. 72 - 86 [Scientific article]Open Access

Chytrý, Milan; Chiarucci, Alessandro; Pärtel, Meelis; Pillar, Valério D., Thirty years of the Journal of Vegetation Science, «JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE», 2020, 31, pp. 1 - 2 [Comment or similar]