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Degree in Mathematics (1979), Univ. of Firenze (Italy).
Ph.D. in Math (1987), Queen's University, Kingston (Canada),
Professional Status.
Since 1/11/2000 full professor at the "Dip. di Matematica", Univ. of Bologna (Geometry).
Present Courses:
- Geometria e Matematica di Base (8 CFU, LMCU Sc. della Formazione Primaria)
- Geometria Proiettiva (6 CFU C.d.S. Matematica) I module.
- Storia della Matematica (9 cfu Matematica, Laurea Magistrale) I module.
I take care of the Matematic@ (Math on line) project (see http://progettomatematica.dm.unibo.it) and of the OFA activities in Math for the LMCU "Scienze della Formazione Primaria".
I follow the "attività professionalizzante" for students in Mathematics with activities related to my teaching in Scienze della Formazione Primaria.
I was member of the european project (Comenius) FAMT&L (Formative Assessment for Mathematics teaching and Learning).
Research Activities:
All my studies and research are in the fields of Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra.
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