Foto del docente

Alejandro Jose Vargas De Leon

Research fellow

Department of Mathematics

Short Bio

Hello and welcome to my personal webpage, with mostly math content. My interests revolve around combinatorial questions that arise in the context of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, e.g. questions about graphs, posets, matroids, simplicial complexes, Bruhat-Tits buildings. Most of my research is in the sunny field of tropical geometry [] . Currently, I am a postdoc (assegnista di ricerca) at Università di Bologna, mentored by Luca Moci [] . Before, I was a postdoc (SNF Early Postdoc.Mobility) at Frankfurt and at Nantes with the SNF project 200142 [], mentored by Martin Ulirsch [] and Erwan Brugallé [], respectively. Before before, I did my phd at the university of Bern. My advisor was Jan Draisma [] . A detailed CV is available upon request. See also my ORCID profile . Go to the Curriculum vitae



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Piazza di Porta S.Donato 5, Bologna - Go to map

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