Tabacchi, Gloria; Silvi, Serena; Venturi, Margherita; Credi, Alberto; Fois, Ettore, Dethreading of a Photoactive Azobenzene-Containing Molecular Axle from a Crown Ether Ring: A Computational Investigation, «CHEMPHYSCHEM», 2016, 17, pp. 1913 - 1919 [articolo]
Credi, Alberto, Editorial, «TOPICS IN CURRENT CHEMISTRY», 2016, 374, pp. 78 - 78 [replica/breve intervento]
Ceroni, Paola; Credi, Alberto; Venturi, Margherita, Electrochemically Driven Supramolecular Devices, in: Organic Electrochemistry, Boca Raton, Ole Hammerich and Bernd Speiser, 2016, pp. 433 - 479 [capitolo di libro]
Silvi, Serena; Baroncini, Massimo; La Rosa, Marcello; Credi, Alberto, Interfacing Luminescent Quantum Dots with Functional Molecules for Optical Sensing Applications, «TOPICS IN CURRENT CHEMISTRY», 2016, 374, Article number: 65, pp. 1 - 27 [articolo]
Colasson, Benoit; Credi, Alberto; Ragazzon, Giulio, Light-driven molecular machines based on ruthenium(II) polypyridine complexes: Strategies and recent advances, «COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS», 2016, 325, pp. 125 - 134 [articolo]
Franchi, Paola; Bleve, Valentina; Mezzina, Elisabetta; Schäfer, Christian; Ragazzon, Giulio; Albertini, Marco; Carbonera, Donatella; Credi, Alberto; Di Valentin, Marilena; Lucarini, Marco, Structural Changes of a Doubly Spin-Labeled Chemically Driven Molecular Shuttle Probed by PELDOR Spectroscopy, «CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL», 2016, 22, pp. 8745 - 8750 [articolo]
Zanichelli, V.; Ragazzon, G.; Arduini, A.; Credi, A.; Franchi, P.; Orlandini, G.; Venturi, M.; Lucarini, M.; Secchi, A.; Silvi, S., Synthesis and characterization of constitutionally isomeric oriented calix[6]arene-based rotaxanes, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 2016, 2016, pp. 1033 - 1042 [articolo]
Orlandini, Guido; Zanichelli, Valeria; Secchi, Andrea; Arduini, Arturo; Ragazzon, Giulio; Credi, Alberto; Venturi, Margherita; Silvi, Serena, Synthesis by ring closing metathesis and properties of an electroactive calix[6]arene [2]catenane, «SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY», 2016, 28, pp. 427 - 435 [articolo]
Zappacosta, Romina; Fontana, Antonella; Credi, Alberto; Arduini, Arturo; Secchi, Andrea, Incorporation of Calix[6]Arene macrocycles and (pseudo)rotaxanes in bilayer membranes: Towards controllable artificial liposomal channels, «ASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 2015, 4, pp. 262 - 270 [articolo]
Ragazzon, Giulio; Baroncini, Massimo; Silvi, Serena; Venturi, Margherita; Credi, Alberto, Light-powered, artificial molecular pumps: a minimalistic approach, «BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY», 2015, 6, pp. 2096 - 2104 [articolo]Open Access
Ragazzon, Giulio; Baroncini, Massimo; Silvi, Serena; Venturi, Margherita; Credi, Alberto, Light-powered autonomous and directional molecular motion of a dissipative self-assembling system, «NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY», 2015, 10, pp. 70 - 75 [articolo]Open Access
Silvi, Serena; Credi, Alberto, Luminescent sensors based on quantum dot-molecule conjugates, «CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS», 2015, 44, pp. 4275 - 4289 [articolo]Open Access
Tron, Arnaud; Jacquot De Rouville, Henri-Pierre; Ducrot, Aurélien; Tucker, James H. R.; Baroncini, Massimo; Credi, Alberto; Mcclenaghan, Nathan D., Photodriven [2]rotaxane-[2]catenane interconversion, «CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS», 2015, 51, pp. 2810 - 2813 [articolo]
Baroncini, M.; D'Agostino, S.; Bergamini, G.; Ceroni, P.; Comotti, A.; Sozzani, P.; Bassanetti, I.; Grepioni, F.; Hernandez, T.M.; Silvi, S.; Venturi, M.; Credi, A., Photoinduced reversible switching of porosity in molecular crystals based on star-shaped azobenzene tetramers, «NATURE CHEMISTRY», 2015, 7, pp. 634 - 640 [articolo]Open Access
Ragazzon, Giulio; Baroncini, Massimo; Silvi, Serena; Venturi, Margherita; Credi, Alberto, Pompe molecolari azionate dalla luce, «LA CHIMICA E L'INDUSTRIA», 2015, 97, pp. 35 - 39 [articolo]