Carrassi A.; Vannitsem S.; Zupanski D.; Zupanski M., The maximum likelihood ensemble filter performances in chaotic systems, «TELLUS. SERIES A, DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY», 2009, 61, pp. 587 - 600 [articolo]
F. Porcu'; A. Carrassi, Toward an estimation of the relationship between cyclonic structures and damages at the ground in Europe, «NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES», 2009, 9, pp. 823 - 829 [articolo]
Carrassi A.; Trevisan A.; Descamps L.; Talagrand O.; Uboldi F., Controlling instabilities along a 3DVar analysis cycle by assimilating in the unstable subspace: A comparison with the EnKF, «NONLINEAR PROCESSES IN GEOPHYSICS», 2008, 15, pp. 503 - 521 [articolo]
Carrassi A.; Ghil M.; Trevisan A.; Uboldi F., Data assimilation as a nonlinear dynamical systems problem: Stability and convergence of the prediction-assimilation system, «CHAOS», 2008, 18, Article number: 023112, pp. 023112 - N/A [articolo]
Carrassi A.; Vannitsem S.; Nicolis C., Model error and sequential data assimilation: A deterministic formulation, «QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY», 2008, 134, pp. 1297 - 1313 [articolo]
F. PORCU'; A. Carrassi; C. M. Medaglia; F. PRODI; A. Mugnai, A study on cut-off low vertical structure and precipitation
in the Mediterranean region, «METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS», 2007, 96, pp. 121 - 140 [articolo]
Carrassi A.; Trevisan A.; Uboldi F., Adaptive observations and assimilation in the unstable subspace by breeding on the data-assimilation system, «TELLUS. SERIES A, DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY», 2007, 59, pp. 101 - 113 [articolo]
Uboldi F.; Trevisan A.; Carrassi A., Developing a dynamically based assimilation method for targeted and standard observations, «NONLINEAR PROCESSES IN GEOPHYSICS», 2005, 12, pp. 149 - 156 [articolo]