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Achille Tarsitano

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MEDS-15/B Chirurgia maxillo- facciale


Gissi D.B.; Suarez-Fernandez C.; Rossi R.; Vitali F.; Marzi Manfroni A.; Gabusi A.; Morandi L.; Balbi T.; Montebugnoli L.; Foschini M.P.; Tarsitano A., Direct healthcare costs of oral cancer: A retrospective study from a tertiary care center, «JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY», 2024, 52, pp. 630 - 635 [articolo]

Bevini, Mirko; Gulotta, Chiara; Lunari, Ottavia; Cercenelli, Laura; Marcelli, Emanuela; Felice, Pietro; Tarsitano, Achille; Badiali, Giovanni, Morpho-functional analysis of the temporomandibular joint following mandible-first bimaxillary surgery with mandible-only patient-specific implants, «JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY», 2024, 52, pp. 570 - 577 [articolo]

Gabusi A.; Asioli S.; Fabbri V.P.; Fellegara G.; Gibertoni D.; Rossi R.; Battaglia S.; Tarsitano A.; Balbi T.; Marchetti C.; Montebugnoli L.; Foschini M.P.; Gissi D.B., Pre-operative incisional biopsy of oral squamous cell carcinoma: high podoplanin expression is related to perineural invasion and may be a useful predictor of disease progression, «ORAL SURGERY, ORAL MEDICINE, ORAL PATHOLOGY AND ORAL RADIOLOGY», 2024, 137, pp. 53 - 60 [articolo]Open Access

Gissi, Davide B; Rossi, Roberto; Lenzi, Jacopo; Tarsitano, Achille; Gabusi, Andrea; Balbi, Tiziana; Montebugnoli, Lucio; Marchetti, Claudio; Foschini, Maria Pia; Morandi, Luca, Thirteen-gene DNA methylation analysis of oral brushing samples: A potential surveillance tool for periodic monitoring of treated patients with oral cancer, «HEAD & NECK», 2024, Online ahead of print, pp. 1 - 12 [articolo]Open Access

Bevini, Mirko; Vitali, Francesco; Ceccariglia, Francesco; Badiali, Giovanni; Tarsitano, Achille, Accuracy Evaluation of an Alternative Approach for a CAD-AM Mandibular Reconstruction with a Fibular Free Flap via a Novel Hybrid Roto-Translational and Surface Comparison Analysis, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE», 2023, 12, Article number: 1938, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access

Marzi Manfroni, Alice; Marvi, Maria Vittoria; Lodi, Simone; Breque, Cyril; Vara, Giulio; Ruggeri, Alessandra; Badiali, Giovanni; Manzoli, Lucia; Tarsitano, Achille; Ratti, Stefano, Anatomical Study of the Application of a Galeo-Pericranial Flap in Oral Cavity Defects Reconstruction, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE», 2023, 12, Article number: 7533, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access

Nasir, Naqash; Cercenelli, Laura; Tarsitano, Achille; Marcelli, Emanuela, Augmented reality for orthopedic and maxillofacial oncological surgery: a systematic review focusing on both clinical and technical aspects, «FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2023, 11, Article number: 1276338, pp. 01 - 24 [articolo]Open Access

Gregorio Pisaneschi and Mattia Mele and Andrea Zucchelli and Maurizio Fiorini and Giampaolo Campana and Emanuela Marcelli and Achille Tarsitano and Elisabetta Lucchi and Laura Cercenelli, Numerical and experimental investigation of a 3D-printed PCU patient-specific cranial implant, «PROGRESS IN ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING», 2023, Published Online, pp. 1 - 15 [articolo]Open Access

Ruggiero, Federica; Cercenelli, Laura; Emiliani, Nicolas; Badiali, Giovanni; Bevini, Mirko; Zucchelli, Mino; Marcelli, Emanuela; Tarsitano, Achille, Preclinical Application of Augmented Reality in Pediatric Craniofacial Surgery: An Accuracy Study, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE», 2023, 12, Article number: 2693, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]Open Access

Lucchi, Elisabetta; Cercenelli, Laura; Maiolo, Vincenzo; Bortolani, Barbara; Marcelli, Emanuela; Tarsitano, Achille, Pretreatment Tumor Volume and Tumor Sphericity as Prognostic Factors in Patients with Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Prospective Clinical Study in 95 Patients, «JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE», 2023, 13, Article number: 1601, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access

Tarsitano A.; Ceccariglia F.; Bevini M.; Breschi L.; Felice P.; Marchetti C., Prosthetically guided mandibular reconstruction using a fibula free flap: three-dimensional Bologna plate, an alternative to the double-barrel technique, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY», 2023, 52, pp. 436 - 441 [articolo]

Adisa, Adewale; Bahrami-Hessari, Michael; Bhangu, Aneel; George, Christina; Ghosh, Dhruv; Glasbey, James; Haque, Parvez; Ingabire, J C Allen; Kamarajah, Sivesh Kathir; Kudrna, Laura; Ledda, Virginia; Li, Elizabeth; Lillywhite, Robert; Mittal, Rohin; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Ntirenganya, Faustin; Picciochi, Maria; Simões, Joana Filipa Ferreira; Booth, L; Elliot, R; Kennerton, A S; Pettigrove, K L; Pinney, L; Richard, H; Tottman, R; Wheatstone, P; Wolfenden, John W D; Smith, A; Sayed, A Emad; Goswami, Aakansha Giri; Malik, Aamer; Mclean, Aaron Lawson; Hassan, Abbas; Nazimi, Abd Jabar; Aladna, Abdallah; Abdelgawad, Abdalrahman; Saed, Abdel; Abdelmageed, Abdelfatah; Ghannam, Abdelilah; Mahmoud, Abdelrahman; Alvi, Abdul; Ismail, Abdulaziz; Adesunkanmi, Abdulhafiz; Ebrahim, Abdulla; Al-Mallah, Abdullah; Alqallaf, Abdullah; Durrani, Abdullah; Gabr, Abdullah; Kirfi, Abdullahi Musa; Altaf, Abdulmalik; Almutairi, Abdulmjeed; Sabbagh, Abdulrahman J; Ajiya, Abdulrazak; Haddud, Abdurrahman; Alnsour, Abed Alfattah Mahmoud; Singh, Abhinav; Mittal, Abhishek; Semple, Abigail; Adeniran, Abiodun; Negussie, Abraham; Oladimeji, Abraham; Muhammad, Abubakar Bala; Yassin, Abubaker; Gungor, Abuzer; Tarsitano, Achille; Soibiharry, Adaiah; Dyas, Adam; Frankel, Adam; Peckham-Cooper, Adam; Truss, Adam; Issaka, Adamu; Ads, Adel Mohamed; Aderogba, Adeleke Akeem; Adeyeye, Ademola; Ademuyiwa, Adesoji; Sleem, Adham; Papa, Adrian; Cordova, Adriana; Appiah-Kubi, Adu; Meead, Adullah; Nacion, Aeris Jane D; Michael, Afieharo; Forneris, Agustin Albani; Duro, Agustin; Gonzalez, Agustin Rodriguez; Altouny, Ahmad; Ghazal, Ahmad; Khalifa, Ahmad; Ozair, Ahmad; Quzli, Ahmad; Haddad, Ahmad; Othman, Ahmad Faidzal; Yahaya, Ahmad Shuib; Elsherbiny, Ahmed; Nazer, Ahmed; Tarek, Ahmed; Abu-Zaid, Ahmed; Al-Nusairi, Ahmed; Azab, Ahmed; Elagili, Ahmed; Elkazaz, Ahmed; Kedwany, Ahmed; Nuhu, Ahmed Mohammed; Sakr, Ahmed; Shehta, Ahmed; Shirazi, Ahmed; Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim; Sherif, Ahmed Elshawadfy; Awad, Ahmed K; Abbas, Ahmed M; Abdelrahman, Ahmed Saber; Ammar, Ahmed Siddique; Azzam, Ahmed Y; Ciftci, Ahmet Burak; Dural, Ahmet Cem; Sanli, Ahmet Necati; Rahy-Martín, Aida Cristina; Tantri, Aida Rosita; Khan, Aimal; Al-Touny, Aiman; Tariq, Aiman; Gmati, Aimen; Costas-Chavarri, Ainhoa; Auerkari, Aino; Landaluce-Olavarria, Aitor; Puri, Ajay; Radhakrishnan, Ajay; Ubom, Akaninyene Eseme; Pradhan, Akhilesh; Turna, Akif; Adepiti, Akinfolarin; Kuriyama, Akira; Kassam, Al-Faraaz; Hassouneh, Ala; El-Hussuna, Alaa; Habeebullah, Alaa; Ads, Alaa Mohamed; Mousli, Alaa; Biloslavo, Alan; Hoang, Alan; Kirk, Alan; Santini, Alasdair; Melero, Alba Vazquez; Calvache, Albaro José Nieto; Baduell, Albert; Chan, Albert; Abrate, Alberto; Balduzzi, Alberto; Sánchez, Alberto Cabañero; Navarrete-Peón, Alberto; Porcu, Alberto; Brolese, Alberto; Barranquero, Alberto G; Saibene, Alberto Maria; Adam, Albushra Altayeb; Vagge, Aldo; Maquilón, Alejandra Jara; Leon-Andrino, Alejandro; Sekulić, Aleksandar; Trifunovski, Aleksandar; Mako, Aleksandro; Bedada, Alemayehu Ginbo; Broglia, Alessandro; Coppola, Alessandro; Giani, Alessandro; Grandi, Alessandro; Iacomino, Alessandro; Moro, Alessandro; D’amico, Alessia; Malagnino, Alessia; Tang, Alethea; Doyle, Alex; Alfieri, Alex; Haynes, Alex; Wilkins, Alex; Baldwin, Alexander; Heriot, Alexander; Laird, Alexander; Lazarides, Alexander; O'connor, Alexander; Trulson, Alexander; Rokohl, Alexander Christopher; Caziuc, Alexandra; Triantafyllou, Alexandra; Anesi, Alexandre; Nikova, Alexandrina; Andrianakis, Alexandros; Charalabopoulos, Alexandros; Tsolakidis, Alexandros; Chirca, Alexandru; Arnaud, Alexis P; Narvaez-Rojas, Alexis Rafael; Kavalakat, Alfie; Spina, Alfio; Recordare, Alfonso; Annicchiarico, Alfredo; Conti, Alfredo; Mohammed, Alhassan Datti; Kocataş, Ali; Almhimid, Ali; Arnaout, Ali; Fahmy, Ali; Mangi, Ali; Modabber, Ali; Ulas, Ali Bilal; Mohamedahmed, Ali Yasen Y; Frontali, Alice; Moynihan, Alice; Yunus, Alif; Ahmad, Aline;, Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY», 2023, 110, pp. 804 - 817 [articolo]Open Access

Mele M.; Cercenelli L.; Pisaneschi G.; Fiorini M.; Zucchelli A.; Campana G.; Tarsitano A.; Marcelli E., 3D Printing Of A Cranial Implant With Energy-Absorbing Polymer Via Arburg Plastic Freeforming Technology, «JOURNAL OF MECHANICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY», 2023, 23, pp. 1 - 16 [articolo]

Rossi R.; Gissi D.B.; Gabusi A.; Fabbri V.P.; Balbi T.; Tarsitano A.; Morandi L., A 13-Gene DNA Methylation Analysis Using Oral Brushing Specimens as an Indicator of Oral Cancer Risk: A Descriptive Case Report, «DIAGNOSTICS», 2022, 12, Article number: 284, pp. 284 - 294 [articolo]Open Access

Ceccariglia, Francesco; Cercenelli, Laura; Badiali, Giovanni; Marcelli, Emanuela; Tarsitano, Achille, Application of Augmented Reality to Maxillary Resections: A Three-Dimensional Approach to Maxillofacial Oncologic Surgery, «JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE», 2022, 12, Article number: 2047, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access