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Alberto Melloni, Deputy Dean of Desu at Unimore it, he is secretary of FSCIRE.IT.
He holds the UNESCO Chair on Religious Pluralism and Peace at the Sapienza, University of Rome, and the Chair of History of Christianity at Unibo.it and Unimore.it in the MA on Religions History & Cultures.
He is dean of the Italian national PhD in Religious Studies DREST.EU; Scientific coordinator of the EU research Insfrstrucure RESILIENCE-RI.ORG.
Founder of the European Academy of Religion; General Editor of COGD in «Corpus Christianorum», member of the the board of several journals («Cristianesimo nella storia», «CommonbKnowledge»«Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und
Kirchengeschichte», «Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae», «Palermo occasional
papers on Islam»).
Since 2020 he serves as Chief Scientific Advisor of the European Commission.
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