Foto del docente

Mauro Gamberi

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: ING-IND/17 Industrial Mechanical Systems Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Mauro Gamberi was born in 1975, Summa cum laude master degree in “Materials Engineering” in 1999 at the University of Ferrara. He worked as engineering designer and consultant in the field of HVAC system plants.


- Full Professor from 2022 in Mechanical Plants and Logistics at the Department DIN, University of Bologna.
- Associate Professor from 2016 in Mechanical Plants and Logistics at the Department DIN, University of Bologna.
- Associate Professor in the years 2011-2015 in Mechanical Plants and Logistics at the Department DTG, University of Padova.
- Assistant Professor and Researcher from 2001 to 2010 at the Bologna University Department DIEM, Industrial Mechanical Plant sector.

- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctorate School in Mechatronics and Mechanical Product Innovation – Padova University, from 2007.
- Partner of “Inter-Departmental Industrial Research Center - Advanced Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Material Technology”, division “Advanced materials, design and photonic applications” – University of Bologna (
- Member of the “Food Supply Center & LAB” at Bologna University;
- Scientific coordinator of the “Agritech-Lab” funded by POR initiative from 2010 to 2012.

- Award “TECHNICAL INNOVATION EIMA 2012” for the Triple-Combined Machine (Feder-UNACOMA, EIMA2012);
- Award "JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING: One of the Top FIVE cited articles 2006-2010" REGATTIERI A., GAMBERI M., MANZINI R. (2007). Traceability of food products: general framework and experimental evidence. , vol. 81, p. 347-356, ISSN: 0260-8774.

Professor Mauro Gamberi is currently teaching
- Industrial Plants M, master degree in Mechanica Engineering;
- Logistics Simulation Laboratory, master degree in Management Engineering
- Industrial Plants L, degree in Mechanical Engineering
He has been professor from 2033 to 2017 of 55 courses in both degree and master degree in mechanical and management engineering for the Universities of Bologna, Padova and Ferrara.

He is author and co-authors of more than 150 publications in the field manufacturing engineering, food industry and energy belonging to the scientific sector ING-IND/17 (MIUR (Italy) classification). The research topics developed in his career are:
- Optimization of manufacturing (assembly lines and layout problem);
- Virtual Simulation (design and validating technique for logistic problem);
- Warehouses design for manufacturing and distribution industry;
- Food distribution and monitoring improvement;
- Traceability of food products;
- Design and Control of renewable energy plant with innovative techniques;
- Simulation of mechanical plants with dynamic approach.

During his research and academic activity, prof. Mauro Gamberi conducted more than 20 research projects as leader or scientific partner, for several institutions and industrial producers. In the following are reported the more relevant projects:
- “Studio e sviluppo di un sistema innovativo di saldatura multifunzionale per materie plastiche che integri in una sola isola di lavoro saldatura ad alta frequenza, ad ultrasuoni e a termo-contatto”, POR-FESR 2014-2020, n. 2015/803462.
- “Progetto REPACKER, ricerca e sviluppo di una nuova linea automatizzata ad alta flessibilità per la pallettizzazione personalizzata multi-prodotto di soft-drink da unità di carico mono-codice, POR-FESR 2014-2020 n. 803564.
- “Andanatore sostenibile a ridotto consumo energetico, versatile e facilmente configurabile per prodotti agricoli di elevata qualità”, POR-FESR 2014-2020 n. 803564.
- “Sviluppo di sistemi di packaging innovativi per bevande con abbattimento dei rifiuti plastici e risparmio energetico”, Fondo Crescita Sostenibile, MISE 2015.
- “Less water bev tech: innovative combination of water technologies in the beverage industries”. Ecoinnovation EU project (2014). Ruolo: responsabile scientifico. European commission – ACMI spa.
- “Progetto MISTICO - Micro Sistemi e Tecnologie Innovative per COgenerazione da energia solare”. Trento (2011). Ruolo: Responsabile di unità locale. Fondazione CARITRO.
-“AGRITECH-Lab project” (2011), funded by Emilia Romagna Region for the design and development of innovative agricultural machines for corn harvesting;
-Project “Generator” (2009), EE0054_1 INDUSTRIA 2015 Energy Efficiency call, funded by Italian Economic Development Ministry, for the design and development of a “green” street lamp, supplied by renewable energy sources;
-Scientific leader of the project “MISTICO” (2011) in partnership with FBK Reaserch Center, funded by CARITRO for the development of an efficient solar co-generator;
-“Virtual simulation project” (2011) funded by LAMBORGHINI Spa for the optimization of the composite monocoque production system;
-“Discrete events simulation” (2009) funded by FERRARI AUTO Spa for the design and management of its new car assembly line.
Other funded projects regarding packages, warehouses, layout problems, forecasting have been promoted by institutions and firms (Immergas SpA; ITL Istituto Trasporti e Logistica; Ferrari Auto SpA; Fondazione CARISBO; Spinner 2013 "Persone al Futuro" Rotary International - Progetto ENFASI; Inver SpA; Camst soc. Coop; Ferrari Auto SpA; Invisibilie srl; Saeco SpA; Camst soc. coop.).

Reviewer for many International top Journals, among them the more representative:
- Energy Conversion Management
- Computer and Industrial Engineering
- Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Technology
- Journal of Food Engineering
- Int. Journal of Production Economics
- Int. Journal of Production Research
- IIE –Transactions (ISI Journal)