Foto del docente

Marco Albertini

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: SPS/09 Economic Sociology and Sociology of Work and Organizations


Albertini, Marco; Lewin-Epstein, Noah; Silverstein, Merril; Tur-Sinai, Aviad, Becoming Sandwiched in Later Life: Consequences for Individuals’ Well-Being and Variation Across Welfare Regimes, «JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES», 2024, 79, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]

Albertini Marco; Eva Bei, The potential for AI to the monitoring and support for caregivers: an urgent tech-social challenge, in: Proceedings of the 4th Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society co-located with 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2024, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 4th Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for an Ageing Society, Roma, 09/11/2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access

Albertini M.; Piccitto G., The social stratification of access to long-term care in later life. The Italian case|La stratificazione sociale nell'accesso alle cure di lungo termine in età anziana in Italia, «POLIS», 2024, 38, pp. 131 - 146 [Scientific article]

Albertini, Marco; Piccitto, Giorgio, Linked generations: child’s transition into unemployment and parents’ mental well-being, «EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW», 2023, 0, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access

Pietrolucci, Andrea; Albertini, Marco, Not all wealth is the same: types and levels of wealth and children’s university enrolment, «EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW», 2023, 20, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access

Albertini, Marco; Zanasi, Francesca; Piccitto, Giorgio, THE SOCIAL STRATIFICATION OF INFORMAL CAREGIVING ARRANGEMENTS IN EUROPE, «INNOVATION IN AGING», 2023, 7, pp. 1141 - 1142 [Abstract]Open Access

Marco Albertini, Teodora Maksimovic, Letizia Mencarini, Giorgio Piccitto, Classe sociale e fecondità: conta più la classe “di lei” o “di lui”?, in: Le conseguenze della Grande Recessione e della pandemia di COVID-19 sulle famiglie, Firenze, Associazione Neodemos, 2022, pp. 2 - 6 [Chapter or essay]

Zilincikova, Zuzana; Albertini, Marco, Does union type make a difference when you separate? Frequency of father–child contact and father’s satisfaction with the relation, «GENUS», 2022, 78, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article]Open Access

Albertini, Marco; Tosi, Marco, Grandparents, family solidarity and the division of housework: evidence from the Italian case, «GENUS», 2022, 78, Article number: 21 , pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marco Albertini; Marco Tosi, Il profilo delle famiglie povere con figli minori in Italia. Le tendenze dell’ultimo quarto di secolo, in: Gli impoverimenti delle famiglie con minori durante la pandemia. Il Laboratorio di Bologna, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2022, pp. 34 - 51 (VITE PARALLELE, IBRIDAZIONI E SOCIETÀ MUTAGENA) [Chapter or essay]

Glaser, Karen F.; Albertini, Marco; Arpino, Bruno; Tomassini, Cecilia, Italian grandparenthood within the European context: an introduction, «GENUS», 2022, 78, Article number: 31 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

Albertini M.; Mantovani D., Older parents and filial support obligations: a comparison of family solidarity norms between native and immigrant populations in Italy, «AGEING AND SOCIETY», 2022, 0, pp. 2556 - 2587 [Scientific article]Open Access

Albertini, Marco; Tur-Sinai, Aviad; Lewin-Epstein, Noah; Silverstein, Merril, The Older Sandwich Generation Across European Welfare Regimes: Demographic and Social Considerations, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POPULATION», 2022, 38, pp. 273 - 300 [Scientific article]Open Access

Albertini, Marco; Prandini, Riccardo, Care inequality in later life in ageing societies, in: The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course, London, Routledge, 2021, pp. 274 - 284 [Chapter or essay]

Albertini M.; Brini E., I’ve changed my mind. The intentions to be childless, their stability and realisation, «EUROPEAN SOCIETIES», 2021, 23, pp. 119 - 160 [Scientific article]Open Access