Foto del docente

Luca Guidetti

Full Professor

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: M-FIL/01 Theoretical Philosophy

Head of Department of Philosophy

Curriculum vitae

21/03/1987: Doctor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Bologna, with 110 and Lode. Thesis title: Noetical and Dianoetical Aspects  the Philosophy of Plato. Theoretical Philosophy. Advisor: Prof. Enzo Melandri. Co: Prof. Stefano Besoli.

1985-1988: German language course (three years) at the Institute "European School" in Reggio Emilia. May-June 1988: Qualified for his German 16.06.1988 at Studiengesellschaft zur Förderung Europäischen Sprach-und Kulturgutes, Munich eV.

01.11.88 - 31.01.89: Scholarship (Forschungsstipendium) of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Austrian Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Graz, coordinated by Prof..Rudolf Haller. Research Topic: The systematic conditions of postkantian realism (Trendelenburg, Fries, Jürgen Meyer Bona) in relation to the Kantian problem of the "subject" and the "thing in itself."

1991: Member of the editorial board of the journal "Discipline filosofiche", founded by Enzo Melandri.

1990-1991: Winner by merit of a national competition for high school teaching (DM 23/03/1990), in the following classes of competition: - A043: Philosophy, educational sciences and history (80 / 80) - A042: Philosophy and of educational sciences (71/80); Enabling achieved in the following classes of competition: A057: Italian, history and geography in the middle school (64/80), - A066: literary subjects in the secondary schools (60/80).

1993 - 2005: Professor of Philosophy and History in the Liceo Scientifico Statale "Aldo Moro" in Reggio Emilia.

29-31 March 2001: International Meeting of L'Aquila on "Neokantianism and phenomenology. Logic, psychology and theory of knowledge ".

28-29 March 2003: International Meeting of Parma on "Phenomenology of practical reason. The ethics of Edmund Husserl. "

1993/94 - 2000/2001: Seminars by the teaching of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bologna.

1 April 2005: Ricercatore of Theoretical Philosophy (M-FIL/01) at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Bologna. Areas of research: ethics, phenomenological psychology and the theory of knowledge of Kantian matrix. Particular attention is given to biological and cultural bases of scientific concepts and ethical principles.

2007-2008; 2008-2009: Co-ordinator for the Region Emilia Romagna of the national project "News of tradition: The philosophical text".