Foto del docente

Giuseppe Maria Bargossi

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Curriculum vitae

Giuseppe Maria Bargossi's currìculum

November 6, 1947: born in Forlì, Italy.

March 4, 1974:  Geology Degree, University of Bologna, 110/110 cum laude.

May 18, 1975: “Ciro Andreatta” prize for the best degree thesis.

1975-1992: postdoc position, then researcher at the University of Bologna , Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography, then Department of Mineralogical Sciences.

1992-1996: associate professor of applied Petrography at the Institute of Petrography and Ore Deposits, then Department of Earth Sciences of University of Parma.

1996-2018: associate professor of applied Petrography and Petrography at the Department of Earth and Geo-environmental Sciences, University of Bologna.

2018-2020: Alma Mater honorary professor, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

2019-present: Adjunct free professor at the "Giacomo Ciamician" Chemistry Department and at the History and Cultures Department.

2020-2028: Alma Mater University of Bologna professor.

Member of the Bolognese Naturalists Union, of the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology and of the Italian Geological Society.

Invited lecturer at Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), Università degli Studi “Mediterranea” (Reggio Calabria), Natural Science Museum of South Tyrol (Bolzano), Fundacion Uncastillo of Uncastillo (Spain).

2000-2006: Within the Project TIPOT (“Tecnologia ed innovazione nel campo delle Pietre Ornamentali toscane”), promoted by Regione Toscana, he was coordinator of a working team who established a trademark for the origin and quality control of the “Pietra Serena di Firenzuola”.

2004-2008: Editorial board member of Periodico di Mineralogia (Università degli Studi “La Sapienza”, Roma).

2013-today: Responsible Scientist of the Mineralogical Museum "Luigi Bombicci".

Director of the mapping projects regarding the metamorphic southalpine basement and permian magmatism within the APAT projects (CARG-PAB, CARG-PAT and CARG-RL) for the realization of the geological Sheets n.013 Merano, n.026 Appiano, n.043 Mezzolombardo, n.060 Trento and n.079 Bagolino.

Scientific Coordinator of Sheet n.079 Bagolino within the APAT project (CARG-RL) and of Sheet  n.027 Bolzano (PAB project).

As "Expert Petrographer" collaborates in the realization of Sheet n.044 Predazzo, (CARG-PAB project).

Prof. Bargossi is author of more than 100 scientific publications on national and international Scientific Journals and Reviews, concerning metamorphic and magmatic areas in Italy and Europe. Some of the research deals with the mineralogical-petrographic and physical-mechanical characterization of ornamental stones employed in the fields of buildings, cultural heritage and archaeology.



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