Foto del docente

Giacomo Santi

Assistant professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: IUS/10 Administrative Law

Curriculum vitae

Giacomo Santi obtained a degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna, discussing a thesis in Administrative Law on "Simplification of the administrative procedure" and obtaining the highest marks with honours.

- Confirmed researcher in Administrative Law IUS10 (Department of affiliation: 795456-QUVI – Department of sciences for the quality of life);

- Teacher of "Public services and sports law" at the University of Bologna;

- Lecturer in public contract law at the School of Specialization in Public Administration Studies (SP.I.S.A.) of the University of Bologna

- Teacher of Administrative Law I - at the School of Specialization for the Legal Professions of the University of Bologna

- Lecturer at the 2nd level Advanced Master "Public contracts and public services" organized by the School of Specialization in Public Administration Studies (SP.I.S.A.) of the University of Bologna