Foto del docente

Flavio Flamigni

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/10 Biochemistry

Curriculum vitae


Medical degree (MD), summa cum laude, 1979, University of Bologna;
Specialist in "Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry", 1981, University of Parma;
"Post-doctoral Associate", 1981/82, Yale University, New Haven, Ct, USA;
"Researcher", 1983-92, and "Associate Professor of Biochemistry", 1992-2012, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna;

"Associate Professor of Biochemistry", 2012-present, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Bologna.

"Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale" for Full Professor in Biochemistry (05/E1).




Team leader of the "Laboratory of cellular biochemistry of degenerative diseases", Biochemistry section, DIBINEM, University of Bologna. URL for web site:

Principal investigator or responsible for research units of several projects funded by MUR (Italian government), University of Bologna, Italian National Institute for Cardiovascular Research (INRC), Carisbo Foundation, Fondazione del Monte.


MAIN RESEARCH FIELD: biochemical and molecular aspects of autophagy, apoptosis, cell growth and differentiation, and of cell and tissue response to oxidative stress and inflammatory stimuli, also in relation to pathological conditions, such as cardiovascular and arthritic diseases. Biochemical and cellular actions of nutritional factors.


PUBLICATIONS: 141 "in extenso" (in about half of these as first or last author) and more than 180 abstracts of communications to scientific meetings, published in journals or abstract books. More than one hundred records on Scopus, PubMed-Medline and Web of Science; over 8000 citations according to Scopus, H-Index 31.
"Invited speaker" at several international and national meetings and at a CME course organized by Foundation Sigma-Tau.



for international journals in the Web of Sciences categories of biochemistry and molecular biology, cell biology, physiology, pharmacology & pharmacy, rheumatology, orthopedics, cardiac & cardiovascular systems, oncology, Medicine, Research & Experimental, etc;

for evaluation of international research projects.


TUTOR of several under-graduate students, foreign visiting students, PhD students, Post-doc and Researcher fellows. PhD students and Post-Doc fellows under his supervision received awards for best comunications at national and international congresses and travel grants and fellowships.



Courses of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Bologna for:

School of Medicine, 1991-present;

post-graduated medical specialty in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, 1993-2015, Infectious Diseases, 1996-2008, Oncology, 1997-present, Pediatric Surgery, 2006-08, and Nephrology, 2009-2015;

lectures for PhD students in Biochemistry.

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