Foto del docente

Federica Ferrari

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: L-LIN/12 Language and Translation - English


English Help Desk

Communicate better, feel better


For those of you who are still ‘stuck’ on grammar, there is a service offered by Eva Vincenzi ( [] ), a Master student of Modern, Post-colonial and Comparative Literatures in Bologna. She will offer you a meeting during which she will

  • LiSten carefully
  • WElcom warmly
  • HeLp strategically
  • EValuate properly
  • Empathize wholeheartedly
  • Support actively

in order to make yourSELVES remove any obstacles between you and the language by using experimental ways of teaching and learning English.

After a meeting with Eva, should you need further personal support:

  • You will be redirected to professor Federica Ferrari, who will be available to offer you counselling during her receiving hours

    and, in case of need,

  • You will be introduced to the following services available at our university:
  • SAP []: Servizio di Aiuto Psicologico a Giovani Adulti (SAP). Il servizio offre interventi gratuiti di sostegno psicologico agli studenti dell’Università di Bologna e ai giovani dai 20 ai 28 anni, afferenti all’Azienda USL di Bologna.
  • Servizio di consultazione transculturale rivolto a studenti internazionali []: Il Servizio è stato istituito per prevenire, in una prospettiva transculturale, situazioni particolarmente critiche, relative ad adattamento, studio, eccessivi reclami e lamentele, isolamento, conflitti con altri studenti e/o docenti, problematiche ambientali pratiche, ecc.

If you want to contact us, please send us an email:


Published on: March 03 2023