Foto del docente

Walter Cabri

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-05/A Organic Chemistry


Patent n. MI2006A001517, Crystalline form of Ascomycin.

Cabri W; Roletto J; Olmo S; Fonte P; Ghetti P; Songia S; Mapelli E; Alpegiani M; Paissoni P, Development of a practical high-yield industrial synthesis of pergolide mesylate, «ORGANIC PROCESS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT», 2006, 10, pp. 198 - 202 [Scientific article]

Patent n. EP1910382, New approach to Tacrolimus Purification.

Patent n. US7399624, Cefalosporina C Acilasi.

Patent n. EP1812449, Crystalline form of Cefdinir ammonium salt as an intermediate for the preparation of pure Cefdinir.

Pollegioni L; Lorenzi S; Rosini E; Marcone GL; Molla G; Verga R; Cabri W; Pilone MS, Evolution of an acylase active on cephalosporin C, «PROTEIN SCIENCE», 2005, 14, pp. 3064 - 3076 [Comment or similar]

Patent n. WO2006053929, Process for the production of Pen V acylase from Streptomyces Lavendula.

Patent n. WO2006048145, Process for the Purification of Tacrolimus.

Patent n. US8101758, Stereoselective process and crystalline forms of a camptothecin.

Lopez-Nieto MJ; Costa J; Peiro E; Mendez E; Rodriguez-Saiz M; de la Fuente JL; Cabri W; Barredo JL, Biotechnological lycopene production by mated fermentation of Blakeslea trispora, «APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2004, 66, pp. 153 - 159 [Comment or similar]

Rodriguez-Saiz M; Paz B; de la Fuente JL; Lopez-Nieto MJ; Cabri W; Barredo JL, Blakeslea trispora genes for carotene biosynthesis, «APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY», 2004, 70, pp. 5589 - 5594 [Scientific article]

Estrella A; Lopez-Ortiz JF; Cabri W; Rodiguez-Otero C; Fraile N; Erbez AJ; Espartero JL; Carmona-Cuenca I; Chaves E; Munoz-Ruiz A, Natural lycopene from Blakeslea trispora: all-trans lycopene thermochemical and structural properties, «THERMOCHIMICA ACTA», 2004, 417, pp. 157 - 161 [Scientific article]

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