Foto del docente

Valeria Reggi

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne

Dipartimento delle Arti

Tutor didattico

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne


Appelli d'esame

Elenco degli appelli pubblicati sino ad oggi, suddivisi per insegnamento. Per le informazioni dettagliate accedi ad AlmaEsami.


Laurea Magistrale in Informazione, culture e organizzazione dei media (cod. 5698)
Data, ora e luogo:
29 maggio 2024 ore 09:30 - Aula Picchi via Barberia, 4 
30 maggio 2024 ore 09:30 - aula del Camino via Barberia, 4 
Lista iscrizioni:
aperta dal 14/05/2024 al 28/05/2024
Tipo prova:
Important notes 1. The written assignment (group work) must be sent by email to no later than 20 May. Please follow the instructions on Virtuale carefully. You will receive your essay, revised and marked, 2-3 days before the oral exam. 3. If you are not happy with the result of your written assignment, you may choose to hand in another essay on one of the following sessions or sit the oral exam and decide to refuse the final grade altogether. 3. The date/time of the session has been chosen considering general scheduling and available classrooms, so the exam will take place in two shifts. If you need to change the day of your exam, please swap with your colleagues directly. 4. If you can’t sit the exam, please delete your name from the list asap to leave room for other students. Please remember there will be another session a month later.

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