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Valentina Colonnello

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo b) (senior)

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: PSIC-01/A Psicologia generale


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

2017. Colonnello V., Petrocchi N., Heinrichs M. The psychobiological foundation of prosocial relationships: The role of oxytocin in daily social exchanges, Invited chapter in Gilbert P., Compassion: Concepts, Research and Applications. London, Routledge, in press.

2016 Colonnello V., Petrocchi N., Farinelli M., Ottaviani C. Positive Social Interactions in a Lifespan Perspective with a focus on Opioidergic and Oxytocinergic systems: Implications for Neuroprotection. Invited review for the special Issue “Neuroprotection” in Current Neuropharmachology, in press.

2016 Colonnello, V., Domes, G., & Heinrichs, M. As time goes by: Oxytocin influences the subjective perception of time in a social context. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 68:69-73.

2016 Colonnello V., Heinrichs M. Invited Opinion Article. Oxytocin and self-consciousness. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 10:67.

2016 Colonnello V., Newberry R., Panksepp J. Developmental underpinning of social behavior. Invited chapter in L. Ebensperger & L. D. Hayes (Eds) Sociobiology of Caviomorph Rodents: An Integrative Approach. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (pp. 91-118).

2015 Roello M., Ferretti M.G., Colonnello V., Levi G. When words lead to solutions: Executive function deficits in preschool children with specific language impairment. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 37:216-222.

2015 Iacobucci, P., Colonnello, V., D’Antuono, L., Cloutier, S., Newberry, R.C. Piglets call for maternal attention: Vocal behaviour in Sus scrofa domesticus is modulated by mother's proximity. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 171:88-93.

2014 Colonnello V., Heinrichs M. Intranasal oxytocin enhances positive self-attribution in healthy men. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 77:415-419.

2014 Levi G., Colonnello V., Giacchè R., Piredda M.L., Sogos C. Building words on actions: Verb enactment and verb recognition deficits in children with specific language impairment. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 35:1036-1041.

2014 Levi G., Colonnello V., Giacchè R., Piredda M.L., Sogos C. Grasping the world through words: From action to linguistic production of verbs in early childhood. Developmental Psychobiology. 56: 510-516.

2013 Colonnello V., Chen F.C., Panksepp J., Heinrichs M. Oxytocin sharpens self-other perceptual boundary. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 38:2996-3002.

2013 Iacobucci P., Colonnello V., Fuchs T., D’Antuono L., Panksepp J. Differential ultrasonic indices of separation distress in the presence and absence of maternal cues in infant rats bred for high and low positive social affect. Acta Neuropsychiatrica. 25:289-296.

2011 Colonnello V., Iacobucci P., Fuchs T., Newberry R.C., Panksepp J. Octodon degus. A useful animal model for social-affective neuroscience research: Basic description of separation distress, social attachment, and play. Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews. 35:1854-1863.

2011 Colonnello V., Iacobucci P., Anderson M.P., Panksepp J. Brief periods of positive peer interactions mitigate the effects of total social isolation in young Octodon degus. Developmental Psychobiology. 53:280-290.

2011 Colonnello V., Iacobucci P., Panksepp J. Analysis of the disruption of social bonds in Octodon degus: Separation distress in restricted reunion tests. Developmental Psychobiology. 53:657-669.

2011 Guerra D.J., Colonnello V., Panksepp J. The neurobiology of RAGE and anger & psychiatric implications with a focus on depression. Invited chapter in Amirrezvani-Pahlavan Farzaneh (ed). Multiple facets of anger: getting mad or restoring justice? Nova Science, New York. (pp. 47-81).

2010 Colonnello V., Iacobucci P., Newberry R.C. Vocal and locomotor responses of piglets to social isolation and reunion. Developmental Psychobiology. 52:1-12.

2008 Venerosi A., Cutuli D., Colonnello V., Cardona C., Ricceri L., Calamandrei G. Neonatal exposure to chlorpyrifos affects maternal responses and maternal aggression of female mice in adulthood. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 30:468-474.

2007 Sogos C., Mazzoncini B., Salvadore I., Colonnello V. Caratteristiche genitoriali e fattori psicosociali nell’emergenza di disturbi psicopatologici in età prescolare. Psichiatria dell'Infanzia e dell'Adolescenza. 74:14-29.

2006 Colonnello V., Prezza M., Tonucci F. Un’esperienza di sviluppo sostenibile per l’ambiente urbano: il Consiglio dei Bambini di Roma e il suo rapporto con la scuole. Psicologia della Salute. 2:89-104.


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