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Tvrtko Jakovina

Professore a contratto

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali



  1. Socijalizam na američkoj pšenici, Zagreb:Matica hrvatska, 2002.
  2. Američki komunistički saveznik; Hrvati, Titova Jugoslavija i Sjedinjene Američke Države 1945.-1955., Zagreb:Profil/Srednja Europa, 2003..
  3. Treća strana Hladnog rata, Zaprešić:Fraktura, 2011.
  4. Hrvatsko proljećečetrdeset godina poslije. Edited by: Tvrtko Jakovina, Centar za demokraciju i pravo “Miko Tripalo”, Filozofski fakultet, Pravni fakultet, Fakultet političkih znanosti, Zagreb 2012.
  5. Trenuci katarze. Prijelomni događaji XX stoljeća. Zaprešić:Fraktura 2013.
  6. Dvadeset i pet godina hrvatske neovisnosti – kako dalje? Edited by: Tvrtko Jakovina, Zagreb: Centar za pravo i demokraciju, 2017.
  7. The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After. Collection of Articles from International Conference. Tvrtko Jakovina and Martin Previšić (editors), University of Zagreb and University of Ljubljana, Zagreb - Ljubljana 2020.
  8. Budimir Lončar. Iz Preka do vrha svijeta. Biografija. Zaprešić: Fraktura 2020.
  9. Svijet bez katarze. Zaprešić:Fraktura 2023.
  10. Kakva Hrvatska? Miko Tripalo (1926-1995), Edited by: Tvrtko Jakovina; Centar za pravo i demokraciju „Miko Tripalo“, Zagreb 2024.

ARTICLES (since 2016, selection):

  1. It's Either Tito or the Soviet Aparatchik: Tito's Yugoslavia and the United States of America (1945-1999). U: Revolutionary Totalitarianism, Pragmatic Socialism, Transiotion, Volume one, Tito's Yugoslavia, Stories Untold, ed. by Goradan Ognjenović and Jasna Jozelić, London:Palgrave Macmillan 2016, 99-137.
  2. The Mediterranean in continuous crisis. Small nations, big sea, decades of crisis no one can solve? U: Europa Neu Denken, Di andere(n) Seite(n) des Meeres, Bau 3, ur. Ilse Fischer, Johannes Hahn Hg., Salzburg: Verlag Anton Pustet, 2016, 245-257.
  3. Neither Love, Nor Hate. Nuclear Bomb and Tito's Yugoslavia. IN: Images of Rapture in Civilization between East and West: The Iconography of Auschwitz and Hiroshima in Eastern European Arts and Media, Eds: Urs Hefterich, Robert Jacobs, Bettina Kaibach, Karoline Thaidigsmann; Univeristätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg, 2016, 351-367 (38,743 characters).
  4. Kako se mijenjao pogled na Prvi svjetski rat. U: Spomenica Renea Lovrečića, ur. Damir Agičić, Drago Roksandić i Tvrtko Jakovina, Zagreb, FF press, 2016; 365-397.
  5. Aktivna koegzistencija nesvrstane Jugoslavije, Jugoslavija u istorijskoj perspektivi; Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava Srbije, Beograd 2017; 434-485.Yugoslavia on the International Scene. The Active Coexistence of Non-aligned Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia from a Historical Perspective, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Belgrade 2017; 461-515.
  6. American and British Diplomats in Yugoslavia on Hungarian Revolution 1956, Limes +, Vol XIV (2017), No.1: pp. 43-73.
  7. Nesvrstavanje: čarobni štab(ić) jugoslavenske diplomacije, 255-289. U: Dejan Jović (ur.), Marksističke teorije međunarodnih odnosa, Zagreb: Političke analize 2018.
  8. The Evolution of Yugoslav Non-alignment: How Yugoslavia Abandoned its Opposition to Neutrality, 239-266. IN: Notion of Neutralities, Pascal Lottaz and Herbert R. Reginbogin (ed); Rowman and Littlefield 2018.
  9. Povijest neostvarenih mogućnosti, Socijaldemokracija i nastanak Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca (1918-1921); s Anom Rajković; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Zagreb 2018.A History of Unrealised Possiblilities: Social Democracy and the Creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (1918-1921) – with Ana Rajković, 341-372. IN: Social Democracy and State Foundation. The emergence of a new European state landscape after the First World War, Tobias Mörschel (ed.), Bonn: Dietz 2019.
  10. Tito’s Traitorous Clique, Kangaroos and Croats: The Australian Tour of the Football Club Hajduk and the Fight against the Cominformists in Oceania in 1949, 149-164. U: The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After. Collection of Articles from International Conference. Tvrtko Jakovina and Martin Previšić (editors), University of Zagreb and University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2020.
  11. Uništenje Židova u NDH, 79-128. U: Antijudaizam, antisemitizam i holokaust u Hrvatskoj, ur. Neven Budak, Predstavnik židovske nacionalne manjine grada Zagreba, Židovska općina Zagreb i Šoa akademija, Zagreb 2020.
  12. How Could the Non-Aligned Save Yugoslavia? The 1989 Summit of the Non-Aligned Countries in Belgrade and the Break-Up of Yugoslavia, 195-208. U: European Neutrality and the Soviet Union during the Cold War; Ed. Mark Kramer, Aryo Makko, Peter Ruggenthaler; Lexington Books within Harvard´s Cold War Studies Book Series, Washington DC 2021.
  13. Хорватская политика: Символика и бездействие (Hrvatska politika simbola i neaktivnosti) Na ruski preveo Sergej Romanjenko. U: Current Problems of Europe, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2/2021, Moscow; 101-126.
  14. To be in Love with Traitors. Collaboration during the Second World War in Several Balkan Countries after the end of the Cold War. U: Complicated Complicity. European Collaboration with Nazi Germany During World War II; Ed: Martina Bitunjac i Julius H. Schoeps, Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter 2021; 295-302.
  15. „Not Like a Modern Jesus Chirst“; Pragmatism and Idealism in Yugoslav Non-alignment, 108-131. IN: Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement. Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries. Edited by: Paul Stubs. McGill-Queens University Press 2023
  16. Fulbright u Jugoslaviji 1964-1992, 327-351. U: Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Vol. 55 No.2, Zagreb, 2023