Foto del docente

Tommaso Tabanelli

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHEM-04/A Chimica industriale


Velasquez Ochoa, J.; Tabanelli, T.; Cesari, C.; Puzzo, F.; Innocenti, G.; Lucarelli, C.; Mazzoni, R.; Zanotti, V.; Cavani, F., The upgrading of bio-alcohols to chemicals: The Valsovit project, in: DGMK International Conference on Petrochemistry and Refining in a Changing Raw Materials Landscape, Hamburg, Deutsche Wissens. Gesell. fur Erdoel, Erdgas und Kohle EV, 2017, 2017, pp. 187 - 189 (atti di: 2017 DGMK International Conference on Petrochemistry and Refining in a Changing Raw Materials Landscape, Dresden, 2017) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Brevetto n. WO 2017/051363 A1, Process for the preparation of organic carbonate derivatives.

Tabanelli, T.; Passeri, S.; Lucarelli, C.; Zhambakin, D.; Cavani, F., Methanol as the precursor oft the true electrophilic reactant in the multi-step methylation of phenolics catalysed by mixed metal oxides: superior performance of FeVO4 catalyst, in: Synthesis Gas Chemistry, Hamburg, DGMK Tagungsbericht, «DGMK-TAGUNGSBERICHT», 2015, pp. 283 - 289 (atti di: DGMK Conference on „Synthesis Gas Chemistry", Dresden (D), 7-9 October 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Ziosi, P.; Tabanelli, T.; Fornasari, G.; Cocchi, S.; Cavani, F.; Righi, P., Carbonates as reactants for the production of fine chemicals: The synthesis of 2-phenoxyethanol, «CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY», 2014, 4, pp. 4386 - 4395 [articolo]

T. Tabanelli; F. Cavani; S. Passeri; S. Cocchi, A new domino-type mechanism for a classical reaction: the gas-phase phenol methylation, in: Proceedings, 2013, pp. PO-3 - PO-3 (atti di: Symposium on heterogeneous catalysis for fine chemicals, FineCat 2013, Palermo, 10-11 April 2013) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Paolo Ziosi; Fabrizio Cavani; Stefano Cocchi; Paolo Righi; Tommaso Tabanelli, Carbonates as reactants for the production of fine chemicals: a greener way to ethoxyphenol synthesis, in: Book of Abstracts, 2013, pp. O45 - O45 (atti di: 10th Congress on Catalysis Applied to Fine Chemicals, Turku (Finland), 16-19 June 2013) [atti di convegno-abstract]

P. Ziosi; F. Cavani; S. Cocchi; P.Righi; T. Tabanelli, Carbonates as reactants for the production of fine chemicals: a greener way to 2-ethoxyphenol synthesis, in: Book of Abstracts, 2013, pp. 128 - 128 (atti di: XVII National Congress of Catalysis GIC 2013, XI National Congress of Zeolite Science and Technology, Riccione, 15-18 September 2013) [atti di convegno-abstract]

P.Ziosi; F. Cavani; S. Cocchi; P. Righi; T. Tabanelli, Carbonates as reactants for the production of fine chemicals: a greener way to 2-phenoxyethanol, in: Book of Abstracts, 2013, pp. 230 - 230 (atti di: 11th European Congress on Catalysis EuropaCat-XI, Lyon, 1-6 September 2013) [atti di convegno-abstract]

P. Ziosi; F. Cavani; S. Cocchi; P. Righi; T. Tabanelli, Carbonates as reactants for the production of fine chemicals: a greener way to ethoxyphenol synthesis, in: XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale, 2012, pp. OR-03 - OR-03 (atti di: XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale, Firenze, 11-14 giugno 2012) [atti di convegno-abstract]

P. Ziosi; F. Cavani; S. Cocchi; P. Righi; T. Tabanelli, Carbonates as reactants for the production of fine chemicals: a greener way to ethoxyphenol synthesis, in: Recent advances and new trends in catalysis, 2012, pp. 236 - 236 (atti di: EFCATS Summer School – 2012 and 1st Italian-Spanish School on Catalysis, Verbania, 11-15 September 2012) [atti di convegno-abstract]

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