2004: PhD in Physics. “Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Earth-Atmosphere Infrared Emission in Presence of Ice Clouds and Its Implications on Atmospheric Cooling”. University of Bologna (I)
2000: Master Degree in Physics (110/110 cum Laude). University of Bologna (I)
5) "Aerosols and Climate Change", International Summer School on Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ISSAOS) 2008, by CETEMPS - University of L'Aquila (I).
4) “Remote Sensing Seminar: Application with the newest Multi-Spectral Meteorological Satellites”, by NOAA, CIMSS, University of Basilicata. 2003, Maratea (I).
1, 2, 3) “Parameterisation of Diabatic Processes”, “Numerical Methods, Adiabatic Formulations of Models”, “Data Assimilation and Use of Satellite Data”, 15 April - 22 May 2002, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF, (UK).
2020-current: Associate Professor at the Physics and Astronomy Dep. of the University of Bologna (I).
2006-2020: Assistant Professor/Researcher at the Physics and Astronomy Dep. of the University of Bologna (I).
2005-06: Associate Researcher at the Space Science and Engineering Centre of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison (USA).
2004-06: Research Fellowship (3 years) at the Physics Department of the University of Bologna (I) on the project “Radiative Transfer and Earth Climate”.
TEACHING ACTIVITY at the University of Bologna
Master II level: Space Missions Science, Design and Applications (SPICES)
2021-current: Satellite Monitoring of the Climate and Ocean System (10h)
PhD in Future Earth, Climate and Societal Challenges
2019-current: Remote sensing observations of scattering layers, (6h).
Master in Physics of the Earth System
2022-current: Radiative Transfer: theory and modelling (6 cfu - 56h)
2022-current: Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology - module 1 (3 cfu - 24h)
Master in Science of Climate
2022-current: Radiation, Clouds and Climate - module 2 (3 cfu - 24h)
2023-current: Earth Observation of the Climate system - module 1 (3 cfu - 24h)
Minor Course
2021-current: The climate system: drivers and impacts - module 1 (6h)
2011-2023: Planetary Atmospheres, (6 cfu - 48h), Bachelor in Astronomy
2018-2022: Radiative Transfer and Remote Sensing, (6 cfu - 64h-48h)
2020-2022: Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology - module 2 (28h)
2013-2018: Radiative Transfer and Remote Sensing - Mod. 2, Master in Physics of the Earth System
2012: Laboratory for Atmospheric Measures - Mod. 3, Bachelor Physics of the Atmosphere and Meteorology (FAM)
2010-2011: Planetary Physics, Earth Atmosphere, Bachelor in Astronomy
2009-2012: General Physics II – Mod. 2, Bachelor FAM.
2006-2011: Radiative Transfer - Mod. 2, Master in Physics
2004/2006-2009: Physics of the Atmosphere – Mod. 2, Bachelor FAM
2004 Climatology – Mod. 2, Bachelor FAM
2010-15: Permanent committee of the PhD in Scienze della Terra (Earth Sciences) - DOT0303581, Univ. of Bologna.
2015: Evaluation Committee for XXVII° Cycle PhD Thesis on Telerilevamento Univ. Roma La Sapienza.
2013: Evaluation Committee for XXV° Cycle PhD Thesis on Telerilevamento Univ. Roma La Sapienza.
2007-12: Permanent committee of the PhD in Modellistica Fisica per la Protezione dell'Ambiente - DOT0303181, Univ. of Bologna.
2012: Committee for the admission to the XXXVIII° Cycle PhD in Science della Terra, Univ. di Bologna
TUTOR ACTIVITY for PhD, PostDoc and MASTER Final Dissertations
2007-current: Tutor of 5 PhD thesis (P. Veglio, D. Ori, W. Cossich, M. Martinazzo, G. Proietti Pelliccia) and co-tutor of 5 PhD (A. Bozzo, P. Pettinari, S. Della Fera, R. Ghidoni, M. Reza Shirzad) thesis from the XX° PhD cycle and followings of the University of Bologna.
2006-current: Supervisor of various thesis for the Master degrees in Physics, in Physics of the Earth System, in Astrophysics and Cosmology and for the Bachelor degree in Physics and in Physics of the Atmosphere and Meteorology.
Currently tutoring 1 Associate Researcher and 3 PhD students.
2023: Professor at the INDRA project Summer School: Machine learning applications in precipitation estimation. Hanoi (Vietnam)
2022-23: Collaborator for the course “Conhecendo a Baia de Guanabara” organized by UFRJ, Pro-Reitora, Rio de Janeiro (Br)
2016-17-19: Professor in the Remote Sensing Satellite Data Course (two weeks course in Portuguese, 12h and 20-25 students) within the Post Graduate Program in Meteorology at the Instituto de Geociencias, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Br). In addition to the teaching classes, 2 research seminars were provided concerning the research activities of the atmospheric physics group at the DIFA-Unibo. International Mobility Projects for teaching staff.
2012: Visiting Professor at the DEGGE, Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade de Lisboa (PT), 1 week seminars on research and teaching activities concerning atmospheric physics at the DIFA-Unibo.
2003, Teaching/Tutor at the International Summer School on “Remote Sensing School: Application with the newest Multi-Spectral Meteorological Satellites”, Bertinoro (I). Organised by NOAA-NASA, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Univ. of Bologna.
2017 and 2019: Personal Encomium from the Rectorate of the University of Bologna for the results obtained in the teaching activities at the Physics and Astronomy Department.
2021-current: Working group for the International relations of the Physics and Astronomy Department of the Univ. of Bologna.
2019-current: Committee for the Erasmus+ Trainship for the Physics and Astronomy Department of the Univ. of Bologna.
2019-current: Erasmus Plus Reference Coordinator for the inter-institutional agreements in Earth Science with the Universität zu Köln - GERMANIA (D KOLN01).
2010-current: Erasmus Plus Reference Coordinator for the inter-institutional agreements in i) Meteorology and ii) Others: Geography-Geology with the Universidade de Lisboa (P LISBOA109 ULISBOA).
2014-current: responsible for the international activities within the Master Degree in Physics of the Earth System (FST), Univ. of Bologna.
2017-current: University of Bologna Committee for the definition of the requirements and evaluation of the basic qualifications for the Meteorologist Certificate (CAM) in accordance with the WMO/OMM standard (technical regulations no. 1083 Vol. I).
2015-current: Member for Committees for different positions at ISAC-CNR Bologna (6).
2013-current: Admission Committee for the FST Master degree, Univ. of Bologna.
2006-2018: Permanent committee for the Bachelor FAM, Univ. of Bologna.
2023: chairman of the 1st Workshop of the FORUM Italian community, Univ. of Bologna.
2022: co-chair (with Tobias Wehr, ESA) at the ESA Living Planet Symposium session “Cloud and precipitation optical properties and microphysics”
2015-17: Chairman at the Lunch Seminars, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. Of Bologna
2008: Chairman at the Earth System Colloquia, Physics Department, Univ. of Bologna.
2023-2025: “Orientamento attivo nella transizione scuola-università”, funded by European Union– NextGenerationEU
2007-current: AlmaOrienta and seminars on the Physics of the Atmosphere, Meteorology and climate science in many first and second level schools and Gymnasiums of the Emilia Romagna region.
2018: La notte dei Ricercatori - Meteorology and Climate. Bologna.
2011: Speaker at La Fisica in Barca organised by INFN, Marina di Rimini (I)
2008-11: Seminars in various Gymnasiums of the Emilia Romagna Region within the national Project Lauree Scientifiche.
2007-10: responsible for the Outreach activities of the Bachelor degree in FAM through seminars on the Physics of the Atmosphere, Meteorology and climate science in the Gymnasiums of Emilia Romagna territory.
A part of the scientific activity is currently related to the European Space Agency satellite mission called FORUM (The Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring) of which Tiziano Maestri is one of the proposers and developers. FORUM, which will be devoted at providing the first high spectral resolution measurements from space in the far infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum, will be sent on orbit in 2027 as the 9th ESA Earth Explorer mission.
General scientific activities include:
- Numerical modelling of the atmospheric radiative transfer: from gas spectroscopy to multiple scattering of electromagnetic waves in presence of spherical and non-spherical particles.
- Scaling methods and fast solution for multiple scattering radiative transfer in the atmosphere.
- Inversion techniques to infer geophysical parameters, optical and microphysical properties of clouds and aerosols from high spectral resolution measurements at IR.
- Studies on clouds based on a multi-sensor approach with attention to the validation and characterisation of optical properties of cirrus clouds over the entire electromagnetic spectrum (from microwave to visible wavelengths with special focus on the FarIR).
- Cloud identification and classification algorithms from high spectral resolution infrared data using innovative machine learning techniques (application of Principal component analysis).
- Identification of methane sources and quantification of emission fluxes from hyper spectral imagers (i.e. PRISMA) in the solar spectrum.
- Urban aerosol from passive satellite measurements in the SW and LW. Merging of in-situ concentration measurements of PMs with satellite derived aerosol optical depths.
2023-2025: Local PI for the Italian Space Agency project “CASIA – CAIRT: analysis and synergy with IASI-NG” Agreement between IFAC-CNR and ASI.
2023-2025: Collaborator for RESTART (uRban hEat and pollution iSlands inTerAction in Rome and possible miTigation strategies). PRIN2022, by MIUR (code: 2022KZ2AJE)
2023-24: PI for the FORUM E2E Simulator - MetOp-SG Module (MSGM) (ESA Contract No. 4000141335/23/NL/CT)
2023-25: PI for the FIT-FORUM (Forward and Inverse Tool for the FORUM mission) project funded by the Italian Space Agency (Accordo attuativo: n. 2023-23-HH.0)
2023-24: Local PI for the ESA RFP/3-17846/22/NL/IA Technical Assistance for the CAIRT Experiment (CAIRTEX) by means of a Balloon-borne Limb sounding Campaign in Canada. (ESA Contract No. 4000141036/23/NL/FF/ab)
2022-26: RETURN Extended Partnership funded by the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005. Spoke 5, TS1 Urban and metropolitan settlements. Task leader for T5.2.3 - Models and methods for urban multi-risk data management.
2022-27: Collaborator for “Developing a geolocation/temperature-dependent ice cloud spectral optical property model toward an improved understanding of outgoing far-infrared spectra under ice cloud conditions”, PI: Prof. P. Yang, proposal 22-EUSPI22-0006, funded by NASA call “Earth Science U.S. Participating Investigator”.
2018-23: Local PI in the FIRCLOUDS - Closure experiment in the Far infrared for the Antarctic clouds (funded by MIUR PNRA16_00189).
2019-22: Local PI for the FORUM-Scienza project funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). Accordo Quadro n-2018-6-Q.0 with ASI and CNR-INO Florence (I). Responsible for the generation of scattering properties of clouds and aerosols for Line-by-Line and fast radiative transfer codes.
2019-20: Local PI for the E2E Simulator for FORUM CCN2 the future 9th Earth Explorer Track Mission (FORUM_E2ES_CCN2-ECP for ESA Contract n° 4000123810/18/NL/CT CCN2) sub-contractor with DEIMOS Elecnor (Spain).
2018-19: Scientific responsible and Local PI for the E2E Simulator for FORUM the future 9th Earth Explorer Track Mission (ESA_E2E_ITT AO/1-9220/18/NL/CT) sub-contractor with DEIMOS Elecnor (Spain). Responsible for the Scene Generator Module, L2 classification, ATBD definition.
2018-9: Local PI for the ESA Express Procurement (EXPRO) “FORUM - Testing models and retrieving cloud properties from aircraft observations of cirrus” (ESA-EOPSM-FORM-SOW-3306). Sub-contractor with Imperial College London (UK).
2017-18: Local PI in the ASI (Italian Space Agency) DC-OST-2015-045 (SCIEF - Sviluppo delle Competenze Italiane per l’Esperimento FORUM). Sub-contractor with IFAC-CNR Florence (I).
2017: Local PI (Co- Investigator) for the FORUM project in response of the ESA Earth Explorer Mission EE-9 accepted by ESA for Phase-A competition.
2016-18: Local PI for the ESA Tender AO/1-8236/15/NL/RA (Characterisation of Particulates in the Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere, contract 4000116779). Sub-contractor with Julich Forschungzentrum (D).
2007: Collaborator of the COBRA-ECOWAR project (Italian Ministry of the University and Research, DM n. 287 23 feb. 2005, project # 2005025202): Earth Cooling by water vapour emission.
2006-07: EUMETSAT contract EUM/CO/06/1529/PS (Reference tool for simulation of VIS/NIR spectral radiances) in support of the post EPS mission on Cloud, Precipitation and large scale Land surface imaging.
2006: Collaborator of the TC-ROSES Roses A.9 (NRC 2006)
2001: Collaborator of the project REFIR Radiation Explorer in the Far Infrared funded by ASI Piccole Missioni Scientifiche (PMS-II)
2000-2012: Collaborator of many International projects such as REFIR (EU and ASI funding) and AEROCLOUDS (MIUR-FISR funding).
2011-23: Data analysis of the REFIR-PAD interferometer at Dome-Concordia Station (Antartica) within the PRANA and FIRCLOUDS projects
2015-22: Data analysis from the airborne sensors TAFTS (Imperial College London, UK) and ARIES (MetOffice) during the 2015 CIRrus Coupled Cloud-Radiation Experiment (CIR- CCREX) and the PinknMix-F campaign 2019.
2004-10: Participation in the EAQUATE field campaign experiment and data analysis for the understanding of main physical processes concerning clouds and for the calibration/validation of satellite sensors (South of Italy),
2006-09: Data analysis and cal/val in support of the NPOESS and MetOp series of operational satellites during the JAIVEX experiment (Houston, USA).
2008-12: Data analysis for the calibration/validation of satellite sensors during the P-THORPEX (Pacific Ocean) experiment.
2004-10: Data analysis of the M-PACE experiment (Barrow, Alaska, USA).
2019-current: International Working Group on Radiative Transfer and Surface Properties (ITWG-RTSP) part of the WMO WG.
2018-current: International Clouds Working Group (ICWG) part of WMO WG.
2017-2019: Member of the Associazione Italiana Scienze dell’Atmosfera (AISAM)
2015-2019: Affiliation to IAPS-INAF (Roma) for the definition of the VALSER-VE project for the analysis of VIRTIS data collected on planet Venus and in the development of forward and inverse radiative transfer models applied to JIRAM-Juno mission on Jupiter.
2005-2006: GOES-R3 (Risk Reduction) Algorithm Development Working Group (clouds and radiative transfer), for NOAA/NESDIS GOES-R mission.
Modelling of the stochastic aggregation of distributions of pristine ice crystals and evolution to dry and wet snowflakes. Computation and definition of optical and polarimetric properties of aggregated complex snowflakes. Application to polarimetric radar and microwave measures and definition of reflectivity-snow rate parameterisations.
Statistical analysis of vertical features of cirrus clouds by means of combined satellite lidar and radiometric measurements.
Evaluation of the performance of climate models in reproducing total cloudiness fraction on global and regional scales.
Radiative transfer in the Venus atmosphere and characterisation of the planet's hazes and aerosols layers through combined analysis of nadir and limb data. Inversion methods for inferring atmospheric properties on Jupiter (Juno mission).
Comparison of LbL multiple scattering forward models with fast radiative routines used in NWP and Climate models and in development of new ice cloud optical properties parameterization for weather and climate forecast models (i.e. the COSMO Lokal-Modell).
- Visiting professor Tristan L’Ecuyer, director of CIMSS, University of Wisconsin-Madison USA (1 week)
- Visiting professor Xianglei Huang of the University of Michigan, USA (1 week)
- Visiting professor Luiz Paolo Assad of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1 week)
- Visiting professor J. Harries of Imperial College, London, UK (1 month)
- visiting scientist R. E. Holz of the CIMSS-SSEC Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, (1 month)
- Visiting professor J. Harries of Imperial College, London, UK (3 months)
SCOPUS SC: 57206924573
h-index = 14
Citation = 580
Citations by documents: 369
Google Scholar: Tiziano Maestri
h-index = 15
i10-index = 21
Citation = 749
Research Gate: Tiziano Maestri
h-index: 16
Citation: 738
Masiello, G., Serio, C., Maestri, T., Martinazzo, M., Masin, M., Liuzzi, G., Venafra, S. The new σ-IASI code for all sky radiative transfer calculations in the spectral range 10 to 2760 cm-1: σ-IASI/F2N. [], 2024, 312, 108814.
Martinazzo, M.; Maestri, T. The MAMA Algorithm for Fast Computations of Upwelling Far- and Mid-Infrared Radiances in the Presence of Clouds. Remote Sens. 2023,15,4454. 10.3390/rs15184454
Di Natale, G., Turner, D. D., Bianchini, G., Del Guasta, M., Palchetti, L., Bracci, A., Baldini, L., Maestri, T., Cossich, W., Martinazzo, M., and Facheris, L.: Consistency test of precipitating ice cloud retrieval properties obtained from the observations of different instruments operating at Dome C (Antarctica), Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 7235–7258,, 2022.
Ben-Yami, M., Oetjen, H., Brindley, H., Cossich, W., Lajas, D., Maestri, T., Magurno, D., Raspollini, P., Sgheri, L., and Warwick, L.: Emissivity retrievals with FORUM's end-to-end simulator: challenges and recommendations, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 1755–1777,, 2022.
Sgheri, L., Belotti, C., Ben-Yami, M., Bianchini, G., Carnicero Dominguez, B., Cortesi, U., Cossich, W., Del Bianco, S., Di Natale, G., Guardabrazo, T., Lajas, D., Maestri, T., Magurno, D., Oetjen, H., Raspollini, P., and Sgattoni, C.: The FORUM end-to-end simulator project: architecture and results, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 573–604,, 2022.
Cossich Marcial De Farias W.; Maestri T.; Magurno D.; Martinazzo M.; Di Natale G.; Palchetti L.; Bianchini G.; Del Guasta M., [], «ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS», 2021, 21, pp. 13811 - 13833
Michele Martinazzo, Davide Magurno, William Cossich, Carmine Serio, Guido Masiello, Tiziano Maestri, Assessment of the accuracy of scaling methods for radiance simulations at far and mid infrared wavelengths, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,
Volume 271, 2021, 107739, ISSN 0022-4073,
Di Natale, G.; Bianchini, G.; Del Guasta, M.; Ridolfi, M.; Maestri, T.; Cossich, W.; Magurno, D.; Palchetti, L. Characterization of the Far Infrared Properties and Radiative Forcing of Antarctic Ice and Water Clouds Exploiting the Spectrometer-LiDAR Synergy. Remote Sens. 2020, 12 (21), 3574.
Palchetti, L.; Brindley, H.; Bantges, R.; Buehler, S. A.; Camy-Peyret, C.; Carli, B.; Cortesi, U.; Del Bianco, S.; Di Natale, G.; Dinelli, B. M.; Feldman, D.; Huang, X. L.; C.-Labonnote, L.; Libois, Q.; Maestri, T.; Mlynczak, M. G.; Murray, J. E.; Oetjen, H.; Ridolfi, M.; Riese, M.; Russell, J.; Saunders, R.; Serio, C., [], «BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY», 2020, Vol.101, Issue12, pp. e2030-e2046. .
Magurno, D.; Cossich, W.; Maestri, T.; Bantges, R.; Brindley, H.; Fox, S.; Harlow, C.; Murray, J.; Pickering, J.; Warwick, L.; Oetjen, H. Cirrus Cloud Identification from Airborne Far-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectra. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(13), 2097; .
Maestri, Tiziano; Cossich, William; Sbrolli, Iacopo, Cloud identification and classification from high spectral resolution data in the far infrared and mid-infrared, «ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES», 2019, 12, pp. 3521 - 3540. DOI: 10.5194/amt-12-3521-2019
Maestri, T., Arosio, C., Rizzi, R., Palchetti, L., Bianchini, G., & Del Guasta, M. ( 2019). Antarctic ice cloud identification and properties using downwelling spectral radiance from 100 to 1400 cm‐1. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019, 124.
Rizzi, R., Maestri, T., and Arosio, C. Estimate of radiosonde dry bias from far-infrared measurements on the Antarctic Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018, 123.
D. Grassi, N.I. Ignatiev, G. Sindoni, E. d'Aversa, T. Maestri, A. Adriani, A. Mura, G. Filacchione, B.M. Dinelli, R. Noschese, A. Cicchetti, G. Piccioni, D. Turrini, F. Tosi, M.L. Moriconi, A. Olivieri, C. Plainaki, M. Amoroso, S.K. Atreya, G.S. Orton, S. Bolton, Analysis of IR-bright regions of Jupiter in JIRAM-Juno data: Methods and validation of algorithms, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 202, 2017, Pages 200-209, ISSN 0022-4073,
Magurno D., Maestri T., Davide Grassi, Giuseppe Piccioni, Giuseppe Sindoni, Retrieval of Venus' cloud parameters from VIRTIS nightside spectra in the latitude band 25°-55°N, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 144, 2017, Pages 16-31, ISSN 0032-0633,
Rizzi, R., C. Arosio, T. Maestri, L. Palchetti, G. Bianchini, and M. Del Guasta (2016), One year of downwelling spectral radiance measurements from 100 to 1400 cm−1 at Dome Concordia: Results in clear conditions, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 10,937–10,953,
Ori, D., T. Maestri, R. Rizzi, D. Cimini, M. Montopoli, and F. S. Marzano (2014), Scattering properties of modeled complex snowflakes and mixed-phase particles at microwave and millimeter frequencies, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 9931–9947,
T. Maestri, R. Rizzi, E. Tosi, P. Veglio, L. Palchetti, G. Bianchini, P. Di Girolamo, G. Masiello, C. Serio, D. Summa, Analysis of cirrus cloud spectral signatures in the far infrared, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 141, 2014, Pages 49-64, ISSN 0022-4073,
P. Probst, R. Rizzi, E. Tosi, V. Lucarini, T. Maestri, Total cloud cover from satellite observations and climate models, Atmospheric Research, Volume 107, 2012, Pages 161-170, ISSN 0169-8095,
Veglio, P. and Maestri, T.: Statistics of vertical backscatter profiles of cirrus clouds, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 12925-12943,, 2011
Bozzo, A., Maestri, T., and Rizzi, R.: Combining visible and infrared radiometry and lidar data to test simulations in clear and ice cloud conditions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 7369-7387,, 2010
Maestri Tiziano, Di Girolamo Paolo, Summa Donato, Rizzi Rolando, Clear and cloudy sky investigations using Raman lidar and airborne interferometric measures from the European AQUA Thermodynamic Experiment, Atmospheric Research, Volume 97, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 157-169, ISSN 0169-8095,
Di Girolamo, P., Summa, D., Lin, R.-F., Maestri, T., Rizzi, R., and Masiello, G.: UV Raman lidar measurements of relative humidity for the characterization of cirrus cloud microphysical properties, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 8799-8811,, 2009.
Maestri T. and Holz R.E.: Retrieval of Cloud Optical Properties from Multiple Infrared Hyperspectral Measurements: A Methodology based on a Line-by-Line Multiple Scattering Code. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 47, Issue 8, pp 2413-2426, doi 10.1109/TGRS.2009.2016105, 2009.
Bozzo, A., T. Maestri, R. Rizzi, and E. Tosi (2008), Parametrization of single scattering properties of mid-latitude cirrus clouds for fast radiative transfer models using particle mixtures, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L16809,
R. Bhawar, G. Bianchini, A. Bozzo, M. Cacciani, M.R. Calvello, M. Carlotti, F. Castagnoli, V. Cuomo, P. Di Girolamo, T. Di Iorio, L. Di Liberto, A. di Sarra, F. Esposito, G. Fiocco, D. Fua, G. Grieco, T. Maestri, G. Masiello, G. Muscari, L. Palchetti, E. Papandrea, G. Pavese, R. Restieri, R. Rizzi, F. Romano, C. Serio, D. Summa, G. Todini, E. Tosi, Spectrally Resolved Observations of Atmospheric Emitted Radiance in the H2O Rotation Band. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L04812,
Harries J.E., B. Carli, R. Rizzi, C. Serio, M.G. Mlynczak, L. Palchetti, T. Maestri, H.E. Brindley, G. Masiello, The Far Infrared Earth. REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS. 46, RG4004, doi:10.1029/2007RG000233, 2008
J. P. Taylor ,W. Smith, V. Cuomo, A. Larar, D. Zhou, C. Serio, T. Maestri, R. Rizzi, S. Newman, P. Antonelli, S. Mango, P. Di Girolamo, F. Esposito, G. Grieco, D. Summa , R. Restieri, G. Masiello, F. Romano, G. Pappalardo, G. Pavese, L. Mona, A. Amodeo and G. Pisani, EAQUATE – An International Experiment For Hyper-spectral Atmospheric Sounding Validation. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 89, 2, pp. 203-218, 2008. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-89-2-203
Holz R. E., Ackerman S. A., Gumley, L., Maestri T.: Comparing actively remote sensed lidar cloud properties with passive AIRS and MODIS retrievals. Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment. Santa Fe, NM, 11-15 February 2007. Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2007, Paper HTuD2. Call Number: Reprint # 5505. ISSN: 21622701. ISBN: 1557528284;978-155752828-5
Maestri T., Rizzi R. and Smith J.A., Spectral Infrared Analysis of a Cirrus Cloud based on ARIES Interferometric Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, Vol. 110, D06111, doi:10.1029/2004JD005098, 2005
Palchetti L., Bianchini G., Castagnoli F., Carli B., Serio C., Esposito F., Cuomo V., Rizzi R. and Maestri T., The bredboard of the Fourier Spectrometer for the Radiative Explorer in the Far Infrared (REFIR) atmospheric mission. Applied Optics, Vol. 44, Issue 14, pp. 2870-2878 (2005)
Rizzi R. and Maestri T.: Some Considerations on the Infrared Cloud Forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, Vol. 108, D14, pp. 4403-4408, 2003. ISSN: 01480227
Maestri T. and Rizzi R.: A Study of Infrared Diabatic Forcing of Ice Clouds in the Tropical Atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, Vol. 108, D4, 4139, 2003. ISSN: 01480227
*) Maestri, Tiziano; Martinazzo, Michele; Cossich, William; Serio, Carmine; Masiello, Guido; Venafra, Sara, Fast radiative transfer in multiple scattering atmospheres at far and mid infrared wavelengths, in: Radiation Processes in the Atmosphere and Ocean, New York, AIP Publishing, «AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS», 2024, 2988, pp. 1 - 4 (International Radiation Symposium, Thessaloniki (Greece), 4-8 July 2022).
*) Imam R., Ghidoni R., Spogli L., Alfonsi L., Maestri T., Cesaroni C. High latitude L-band amplitude scintillation from February 2023 G3 storm (2023) 2023 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2023, pp. 414 DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA57318.2023.10297720
*) Carmine Serio, Guido Masiello, Giuliano Liuzzi, Pietro Mastro, Tiziano Maestri, Michele Martinazzo, Fabrizio Masin, Sara Venafra, "Simultaneous retrieval from the full IASI spectrum of cloud and atmospheric parameters using the new all-sky forward model sigma-IASI/F2N: the first day-night infrared retrieval of the Antarctica ozone hole," Proc. SPIE 12730, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XXVIII, 1273006 (19 October 2023 Amsterdam, The Netherlands); doi: 10.1117/12.2679103
*) Rizzi, R., T. Maestri, and A. Bozzo, Reference tool for simulation of VIS/NIR spectral radiances, Eumetsat Report (116 pages) for contract EUM/CO/06/1529/PS, Eumetsat, 2007
*) Maestri T., Holz R. E. and Antonelli P.: “Retrieval of cloud optical properties from infrared hyper-spectral measurements: a new methodology based on a line-by-line multiple scattering code and measured particle size distributions”. Proc. of the 12th AMS Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, American Meteorological Society, Madison, WI, USA, 2006
*) Vincenzo Cuomo, Aldo Amodeo, Paolo Antonelli, Antonella Boselli, Alessio Bozzo, Carmela Cornacchia, Giuseppe D’Amico, Maurizio Di Bisceglie, Francesco Esposito, Paolo Di Girolamo, Giuseppe Grieco, Allen Larar, Luigi Leone, Fabio Madonna, Tiziano Maestri, Rocco Marchese, Guido Masiello, Giuseppe Meoli, Lucia Mona, Marco Pandolfi, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Giulia Pavese, Gianluca Pisani, Rosa Restieri, Rolando Rizzi, Filomena Romano, Enrico Rossi, Federica Rossi, Domenico Sabatino, Carmine Serio, William Smith, Nicola Spinelli, Donato Summa, Giulio Todini, Domenico Villacci, Xuan Wang, Dan Zhou: The Italian phase of the EAQUATE measurement campaign. Proc. SPIE volume 59791E Nov 2005, 14 pp. (SPIE Conference "Remote Sensing of Clouds and Atmosphere X, Brugge, Belgium, 22 August 2005), doi:10.1117/12.628279
*) Mlynczak M.G., Wielicki B., Kratz D., Charlock T., Johnson D., Gazaric M., Miscolczi F., Martin-Torres F.J., Zhou D., Stackhouse P., Smith W. L., Hildebrand P., Wiscombe W., Shoeberl M., Ellingson R.G., Reekstin J., Harries J., Murray J., Rizzi R., Maestri T., Carli B., Palchetti L., Bingham G., Yang P., North G., Collins W., Rice J., Traub W., Jucks K.: The Far InfraRed Spectrum Exploring a New Frontier in the Remote Sensing of the Earth Climate. White paper to the NRC 16 May 2005
*) Maestri T., Rizzi R. and Smith J.A., Preliminary Spectral Infrared Analysis of a Cirrus Cloud based on ARIES Interferometric Measurements. Proc. of IEEE, Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, Anno LX, n. 4, pp. 681-688, July-August 2005
*) D. Cimini, V. Cuomo, S. Laviola, T. Maestri, P. Mazzetti, S. Nativi, J. M. Palmer, R. Rizzi and F. Romano: Cloud Parameters from Infrared and Microwave Satellite Measurements. Proc. of ITWG: ITSC-XIV: Beijing, China, 25-31 May, 2005
*) Maestri T., Rizzi R., Di Girolamo P., Summa D., Romano F.: Preliminary results combining ground-based RAMAN Lidar and NAST-I airborne spectrometer to describe the evolution of a cirrus cloud – EAQUATE, ITALY 2004. Proc. of ITWG: ITSC-XIV: Beijing, China 25-31 May 2005
*) Rizzi R., Maestri T. and Amorati R.: Quantitative Role of Far-Infrared Emission on Diabatic Forcing of the Middle and Upper Troposphere in Clear and Cloudy Conditions. Proc. SI, 4485, 159-170, Optical Spectroscopic Techniques, Remote sensing, and Instrumentations Atmospheric and Space Research. A. Deepak Pu.Co., Hampton Virginia, 2001. doi:10.1117/12.454248
2022) Masiello, Guido; Serio, Carmine; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Venafra, Sara; Maestri, Tiziano; Martinazzo, Michele; Amato, Umberto; σ-IASI.
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7019991
2023) T. Maestri et al. Proposal for the implementation of a MetOp-SG Module (MSGM) in the FORUM E2E simulator. 18/04/2023 13th FORUM MAG, Estec (N)
2023) T. Maestri Updates on FORUM status and activities. PREFIRE 2022-23 Science Team Meeting California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (USA)
2022) T. Maestri Cloud and aerosol optical properties parameterisation for the sigma-FORUM radiative transfer model. CAMEO Workshop by ASI (online)
2021) T. Maestri et al. Remote sensing of clouds using FIR high spectral resolution measurements from ground. 30/04/2021 FORUM MAG, Estec (N).
2019) T. Maestri, William Cossich, Davide Magurno, Richard J. Bantges, Jonathan E. Murray, Stuart Fox, Helen E. Brindley, Luca Sgheri, Piera Raspolini. Cloud identification and classification from Far InfraRed high resolution spectra. Oral presentation at PIERS 2019 Rome (I).
2018) Maestri T.: Climate change drivers and impacts. Journey Climate-KIC 2018, Bologna (I)
2018) T. Maestri. Clouds detection and properties from FORUM mission measurements. First Workshop on the Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM) mission, Florence (I).
2011) Maestri T: Analysis of down-welling radiances in presence of thin ice clouds: data from the ECOWAR-COBRA Experiment. The Far Infrared Workshop 2011 (Madison, WI, USA).
1. T. Maestri. Updates on FORUM status and activities. PREFIRE 2022-23 Science Team Meeting California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (USA)
2. T. Maestri. Far Infrared Fast Radiative Transfer Modelling. PREFIRE 2022-23 Science Team Meeting California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (USA)
3. G.Masiello, T. Maestri et al. The new features of the sigma-FORUM Forward Model, the general purpose Fast Radiative Transfer Model for the present and next hyperspectral instruments. 24th International TOVS Study Conference (ITSC-24) Tromsø, Norway
4. T. Maestri et al. Fast spectral radiance computations in cloudy conditions at far and mid infrared wavelengths using the sigma-FORUM code. Poster at 24th International TOVS Study Conference (ITSC-24) Tromsø, Norway
5. T. Maestri et al. Research activities at the University of Bologna. 1st Workshop of the Italian FORUM community. Bologna (I)
6. M. Martinazzo and T. Maestri. A New Algorithm for fast multiple scattering radiative transfer in the far infrared. 1st Workshop of the Italian FORUM community. Bologna (I)
7. S Della Fera, T. Maestri at al. The use of spectrally resolved radiances to test and improve the representation of the Earth's atmosphere in climate models. 1st Workshop of the Italian FORUM community. Bologna (I)
8. T. Maestri et al. Proposal for the implementation of a MetOp-SG Module (MSGM) in the FORUM E2E simulator. 18/04/2023 13th FORUM MAG, Estec (N)
9. T. Maestri et al. Cloud Identification and classification from ground based and satellite sensors on the Antarctic Plateau. 19/04/2023 13th FORUM MAG, Estec (N)
10. M. Martinazzo, T. Maestri et al. Cloud Identification and Classification from Ground Based and Satellite Sensors on the Antarctic Plateau. Pico Press at EGU, Wien (A)
11. F Masin, M. Martinazzo and T. Maestri. About the use of Satellite Hyperspectral Images for Methane Detection. EGU23-6606 (poster), Wien (A)
12. Luca Spogli, Maaijke Mevius, Claudio Cesaroni, Katarzyna Beser, Rebecca Ghidoni, Lucilla Alfonsi, and Tiziano Maestri. Detection of multi-scale ionospheric irregularities with LOFAR and GNSS data: the case of the January 2022 storm. URSI GASS 2023, Sapporo, (J).
13. Rebecca Ghidoni, Luca Spogli, Maaijke Mevius, Claudio Cesaroni, Lucilla Alfonsi, Katarzyna Beser, and Tiziano Maestri. Ionospheric irregularities with LOFAR and GNSS data: the case of the January 2022 storm. (Poster) European Space Weather Week 2023, Toulouse (F)
14. T. Maestri et al.. The FIT-FORUM project. 2nd FORUM Workshop by ESA. Space Center Leicester (UK) November, 2023.
15. T. Maestri et al.. The FORUM E2E Simulator - MetOp Second Generation Module. 2nd FORUM Workshop by ESA. Space Center Leicester (UK) November, 2023.
16. M. Martinazzo and T. Maestri. The MAMA algorithm. Poster at the 2nd FORUM Workshop by ESA. Space Center Leicester (UK) November, 2023.
17. G. Masiello, T. Maestri, et al. The first day-night infrared retrieval of the Antarctica ozone hole using the radiative transfer model developed for FORUM. 2nd FORUM Workshop by ESA. Space Center Leicester (UK) November, 2023.
1. T. Maestri. CAMEO Cloud and aerosol optical properties parameterisation for the sigma-FORUM radiative transfer model. Workshop by ASI (online)
2. M. Martinazzo, W. Cossich, T. Maestri, C. Serio, G. Masiello, S. Venafra and the FORUM-Scienza team. A New Cloud Properties Parameterization Implemented in the Fast Radiative Transfer Code σ-FORUM. EGU 2022, Wien (A).
3. William Cossich, Tiziano Maestri, Michele Martinazzo, Gianluca Di Natale, Luca Palchetti, Giovanni Bianchini, and Massimo Del Guasta. Cloud occurrence on the Antarctic plateau: ground-based detection and satellite products. EGU 2022, Wien (A).
4. T. Maestri, W. Cossich, M. Martinazzo, G. Di Natale, L. Palchetti, G. Bianchini, M. Del Guasta, F. Porcù, A. Bracci, L. Baldini, L. Facheris. Cloud occurrence on the Antarctic plateau: ground-based detection and satellite products. ESA - Living planet Symposium 22, Bonn (D).
5. B.M. Dinelli, M. Ridolfi, G. Masiello, C. Serio, S. Venafra, T. Maestri, W. Cossich, M. Martinazzo, S. Del Bianco, P. Raspollini, A. Di Roma, E. Castelli, E. Papandrea and L. Palchetti. FARM: A Fast Retrieval Model for Inversion of Surface, Atmospheric and Cloud properties from Nadir FIR and TIR measurements. ESA - Living planet Symposium 22, Bonn (D).
6. L. Palchetti, T. Maestri, et al. Ground-based and balloon-borne far-infrared spectral observations to support the preparation of the FORUM mission. ESA - Living planet Symposium 22, Bonn (D).
7. W. Cossich, M. Martinazzo, T. Maestri, G. Di Natale, L. Palchetti, G. Bianchini, M. Del Guasta. Occorrenza di Nubi sul Plateau Antartico da Osservazioni dalla Superficie e da Satellite. AISAM Congress 2022, Milan (I).
8. T. Maestri, W. Cossich, M. Martinazzo, G. Di Natale, L. Palchetti, G. Bianchini, M. Del Guasta. Cloud occurrence on the Antarctic plateau: ground-based detection and satellite products
IRS 2022, Salonicco (Gr)
9. T. Maestri, M. Martinazzo, W. Cossich, C. Serio, G. Masiello, S. Venafra. Innovative solution for fast radiative transfer in multiple scattering atmospheres at far and mid infrared wavelengths. IRS 2022, Salonicco (Gr)
10. T. Maestri, W. Cossich, M. Martinazzo, G. Di Natale, L. Palchetti, G. Bianchini, M. Del Guasta, Robert. H. Holz, Paolo Veglio. Cloud detection and properties from ground-based and satellite sensorson the Antarctic plateau. AMS (17th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography), Madison, WI (USA).
11. Masin F., Maestri T. Martinazzo M.: Pilot study for the identification of methane sources in urban areas with satellite hyperspectral sensors. 13° Workshop di Telerilevamento Applicato ai Processi di Conoscenza e Gestione del Territorio, AIT-ENEA, Bo (I)
1.D. Magurno, M. Martinazzo, T. Maestri, W. Cossich, C. Serio, G. Masiello. Valutazione delle approssimazioni di scattering multiplo in modelli veloci di trasferimento radiativo: nubi e aerosoli nel lontano infrarosso. Terzo Congresso AISAM, L’aquila, Italy.
2. T. Maestri et al. Remote sensing of clouds using FIR high spectral resolution measurements from ground. 30/04/2021 FORUM MAG Estec (N)
3. Gianluca Di Natale, Luca Palchetti, Giovanni Bianchini, Massimo Del Guasta, Tiziano Maestri, William Cossich, Davide Magurno, Michele Martinazzo, Alessandro Bracci, Luca Baldini, Luca Facheris. A far Infrared radiative closure experiment for Antarctic clouds. 16th Workshop on Antarctic meteorology and Climate. WAMC Virtual.
4. T. Maestri. Satellite remote sensing of the surface atmosphere and clouds. 2021 Physical Sensing and Processing Summer School - Univ. of Bologna
5. Sgheri Luca; Belotti, Claudio; Ben-Yami, Maya; Bianchini, Giovanni; Carnicero Dominguez, Bernardo; Cortesi, Ugo; Cossich, William; Del Bianco, Samuele; Di Natale, Gianluca; Guardabrazo, Tomás; Lajas, Dulce; Maestri, Tiziano; Magurno, Davide; Oetjen, Hilke; Raspollini, Piera; Sgattoni, Cristina. The FORUM end-to-end Simulator project: architecture and results. Poster at ESA Atmos 2021
6. Martinazzo, Michele; Cossich, William; Maestri, Tiziano; Serio, Carmine; Masiello, Guido; Venafra, Sara. Assessment of Accuracy of Scaling Methods for the Computation of Satellite Spectral Radiances at Longwaves. Poster at ESA Atmos 2021
7. Di Natale G., Maestri T. et al. Simultaneous Retrieval of the Water Vapour and Temperature Profiles, Surface Temperature and Cloud Properties from FORUM Spectral Radiance Simulated Observations. Oral at ESA Atmos 2021.
8. Masiello G. Maestri T. et al.:The extended All-Sky sigma-IASI Forward Model for the Next Generation IASI-NG and FORUM Infrared Atmospheric Sounders: Towards the Analysis and Retrieval of Cloud Microphysical Properties. IASI Conference 2021, Evian (F).
1. R. Spang, S. Griessbach, B.M. Dinelli, D. Gerber, M. Höpfner, L. Hoffmann, M. Kahnert, M. Krämer, T. Maestri, R. Siddans, J. Ungermann, X. Wu. Infrared limb sounding of cirrus clouds: state of knowledge, recent progress, and future prospects. EGU2020-4554, Wien (A).
2. Magurno D., Maestri T. et al. Antarctic cloud detection and classification from far and mid infrared downwelling radiance spectra: performances optimization and results. EGU2020-9036, Wien (A).
3. T. Maestri and the FORUM Team. Forward radiative transfer models in the FORUM community. First Workshop in Far Infrared satellite data. Online, University of Wisconsin and JPL NASA (USA).
1. Sabine Griessbach, B.M. Dinelli, D. Gerber, M. Höpfner, L. Hoffmann, M. Kahnert, M. Krämer, T. Maestri, R. Siddans, R. Spang, J. Ungermann, X. Wu. Characterization of Aerosol and Clouds in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere using Infrared Limb Emission Measurements. 10th International Limb Workshop. Greisfwald (D).
2. Ridolfi M. Palchetti L., Brindley H., Del Bianco S., Dinelli BM., Labonnete L. Maestri T., Sounders R. FORUM EE9 Mission Assessment of Geophysical products performances. INO Annual Symposium (I).
3. Tiziano Maestri, Iacopo Sbrolli, William Cossich, Davide Magurno, Richard J. Bantges, Jonathan E. Murray, and Stuart Fox. The use of Far InfraRed high spectral resolution data for cloud identification and classification [] . Oral presentation at EGU 2019-8167, Wien (A).
4. (Invited Speaker) Tiziano Maestri, William Cossich, Davide Magurno, Richard J. Bantges, Jonathan E. Murray, Stuart Fox, Helen E. Brindley, Luca Sgheri, Piera Raspolini. Cloud identification and classification from Far InfraRed high resolution spectra. Oral presentation at PIERS 2019 Rome (I).
1. Gianluca Di Natale, Luca Palchetti, Giovanni Bianchini, and Tiziano Maestri: Remote sensing of cirrus clouds properties by means of far infrared spectral measurements. EGU2018-14587, Wien (A).
2. Marco Ridolfi, Paolo Dandini, William Cossich, Samuele Del Bianco, Bianca Maria Dinelli, Alessio Di Roma, Tiziano Maestri, Luca Palchetti, and Iacopo Sbrolli: Estimate of the outgoing far-infrared irradiance with FORUM. EGU2018-13730, Wien (A)
3.Tiziano Maestri, Rolando Rizzi, Carlo Arosio, Luca Palchetti, and Giovanni Bianchini: Down-welling spectral radiance in the Far and Mid Infrared at Dome Concordia (Antarctica): clear sky and thin cirrus observations and retrievals. Poster at EGU2018-6578, Wien (A)
4. Paolo Dandini, Marco Ridolfi, William Cossich, Samuele Del Bianco, Bianca Maria Dinelli, Alessio Di Roma, Tiziano Maestri, Luca Palchetti, and Iacopo Sbrolli: Retrieval of minor atmospheric constituents from far-infrared FORUM measurements. Poster at EGU2018-14643, Wien (A).
5. Iacopo Sbrolli, William Cossich, Tiziano Maestri, Marco Ridolfi, Paolo Dandini, Luca Palchetti, and Gianluca Di Natale: Cloud identification and classification applied to satellite Far InfraRed Observations (FORUM mission). Poster at EGU2018-15096, Wien (A).
6. L.Palchetti, G.Bianchini, S.Del Bianco, B.M.Dinelli, G.Coppa, U.Cortesi, F.Girard, T.Maestri, D.Mazzotti, A.Ortolani, M.Ridolfi: SCIEF, sviluppo delle competenze italiane per l’esperimento FORUM. Workshop Missioni Tecnologiche e di opportunità per piccoli satelliti e payload di Osservazione della Terra Auditorium dell'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Roma, I.
7. (Invited Speaker) Maestri T.: Climate change drivers and impacts. Journey Climate-KIC 2018, Bologna (I).
8. Maestri T et al.: Analisi di radianza spettrale osservata da terra nel lontano e medio infrarosso a Dome Concordia (Antartide). Primo Congresso AISAM, Bologna, Italy.
9. Dinelli B.M., Palchetti L., Ridolfi M. and Maestri T.: FORUM: a mission to characterise the far- infrared spectrum of the Earth outgoing long-wave radiation. Primo Congresso AISAM, Bologna, Italy.
10. Sbrolli I., Maestri T. and Cossich W.: Cloud identification and classification applied to satellite Far InfraRed Observations (FORUM mission). Primo Congresso AISAM, Bologna, Italy.
11. (Invited Speaker) T. Maestri. Clouds detection and properties from FORUM mission measurements. Oral presentation at the First Workshop on the Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM) mission, Florence I.
12. Sbrolli I., Maestri T. and Cossich W.: Cloud identification and classification applied to satellite Far InfraRed Observations (FORUM mission). First Workshop on the Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM) mission, Florence I.
13. Maestri T et al. Cirrus clouds in the far infrared: some highlights from the FORUM mission Phase-A study. Second Workshop CGMS International Cloud Working Group (ICWG) Madison,WI, USA
14. Dinelli B.M., Maestri T, Di Roma A, Del Bianco S., Castelli E., Palchetti L., Ridolfi M, Cossich W. Sensitivity of FORUM/EE9 to trace gases, ice clouds and surface emissivity. ATMOS 2018 Saltzsburg, A.
15. M. Ridolfi, L.Palchetti, H.Brindley, S.Del Bianco, B.M.Dinelli, L.Labonnote, T.Maestri, R.Saunders. The FORUM EE9 proposed mission: potentiality of measurements and synergies with IASI-NG. ATMOS 2018 Saltzsburg, A.
16. Sabine Griessbach, B.M. Dinelli, D. Gerber, M. Höpfner, L. Hoffmann, M. Kahnert, M. Krämer, T. Maestri, R. Siddans, R. Spang, J. Ungermann, X. Wu. Characterization of Aerosol and Clouds in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere using Infrared Limb Emission Measurements. ATMOS 2018 Saltzsburg, A.
1: L. Palchetti, G. Bianchini, E. Castelli, U. Cortesi, S. Del Bianco, G. Di Natale, B.M. Dinelli, D. Labate, M. Ridolfi, T. Maestri, G. Masiello, A. Ortolani, R. Rizzi, C. Serio: Monitoraggio da pallone stratosferico dei componenti atmosferici che regolano il bilancio radiativo terrestre attraverso misure spettrali in onda lunga. Workshop ASI Science with Stratospheric ballons, Rome (I).
2: Luca Palchetti1, Helen Brindley, Peter Ade, Richard Allan, Anthony Baran, Claude Camy-Peyret, Ugo Cortesi, Bianca Maria Dinelli, Tiziano Maestri, Javier Martin-Torres, Alberto Ortolani, Carmine Serio, Simon Tett, Martin Wild, Christos Zerefos, Maria-PAZ Zorzano, Demetrio Labate: FORUM: a mission to characterise the far-infrared spectrum of the Earth. Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Conference, Rome (I).
3: Maestri T.: Overview on Climate change drivers and impacts. Journey Climate-KIC 2017, Bologna (I).
1: Grassi D., G. Sindoni, E. D'Aversa, F. Oliva, G. Filacchione, A. Adriani, A. Mura, M.L. Moriconi, R. Noschese, A. Cicchetti, G. Piccioni, N. Ignatiev, T. Maestri: "Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines!" Analysis codes waiting for the first JIRAM-Juno data of Jupiter hot-spots”. EGU 2016-8490, Wien, (A)
1: T. Maestri et al.: Statistics on CALIOP backscatter profiles in presence of cirrus clouds: application to radiative transfer computations. IRS2012-287-1 International Radiation Symposium, Berlin, Germany.
2: Ori D, Maestri T., Rizzi R., Montopoli M., Cimini D., Marzano F.: Microphysical characterization of complex snowflakes and mixed phased particles scattering properties for microwave radar retrieval. The 7th European conference on radar in meteorology and hydrology. ERAD (F).
1. (Invited Speaker) Maestri T: Analysis of down-welling radiances in presence of thin ice clouds: data from the ECOWAR-COBRA Experiment. The Far Infrared Workshop 2011 (Madison, WI, USA).
1: T. Maestri: Ice clouds optical properties in the Far Infrared from the ECOWAR-COBRA Experiment. (Poster) ASSFTS14 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE FROM SPACE USING FOURIER TRANSFORM SPECTROMETRY Firenze (I).
1: A. Bozzo, T. Maestri, R. Rizzi, E. Tosi: A new parameterization of ice cloud optical properties for NWP models: application to the Limited Area Model Lokal-Modell. Poster presenter at the EGU General Assembly 2008 Wien (Austria).
1:T. Maestri: Retrieval of cloud optical properties from infrared hyper-spectral measurements taken from multiple platforms. Poster Presenter at the Joint 2007 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference and the 15th Satellite Meteorology & Oceanography Conference of the American Meteorological Society Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2: Bozzo A., Maestri T., Tosi E., Rizzi R.: A parameterization of mid-latitude cirrus optical properties for NWP models. Application to the LAM Lokal-Modell. Poster Presenter at the Joint 2007 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference and the 15th Satellite Meteorology & Oceanography Conference of the American Meteorological Society Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
3: Maestri T., Bozzo A., Holz R. E., Rizzi R., Todini G., Tosi E.: "Determinazione di proprieta’ ottiche nuvolose da misure ad alta risoluzione spettrale in infrarosso: una nuova metodologia basata su un codice linea per linea a diffusione multipla”. CINFAI Convegno Nazionale di Fisica della Terra Fluida e Problematiche Affini, Ischia, Italy
4: Todini G., Rizzi R., Bozzo A., Maestri T. , Tosi E.: "Analisi dati CloudSat. Confronto con sensori passivi alle microonde al fine di individuare possibili tecniche di miglioramento degli algoritmi di retrieval di precipitazione alle alte latitudini”. CINFAI Convegno Nazionale di Fisica della Terra Fluida e Problematiche Affini, Ischia, Italy
5: Bozzo A., Maestri T., Tosi E., Rizzi R., Todini G.: "Confornti tra il modello LbL RTX e lo schema radiativo del NWP model COSMO-LM.” CINFAI Convegno Nazionale di Fisica della Terra Fluida e Problematiche Affini, Ischia, Italy
6: Rolando Rizzi, Alessio Bozzo, Tiziano Maestri, Giulio Todini, Ennio Tosi: "Procedura di calcolo di radianze ed irradianze LbLMS e confronto con dati misurati, poster.
7: Di Girolamo P. et al.: "Misure lidar Raman di umidità relativa in presenza di aerosoli e nubi: caratterizzazione di proprietà microfisiche”. CINFAI Convegno Nazionale di Fisica della Terra Fluida e Problematiche Affini, Ischia, Italy
8: Maestri T. et al: Retrieval of cloud optical properties from infrared hyper-spectral measurements: a new methodology based on a line-by-line multiple scattering code. Poster presenter at the EGU General Assembly 2007 - Wien, Austria.
9: Holz R. E., Ackerman S. A., Gumley, L., Maestri T.: Comparing actively remote sensed lidar cloud properties with passive AIRS and MODIS retrievals. Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging and Sounding of the Environment. Santa Fe, NM, 11-15 February 2007. Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2007, Paper HTuD2. CD-ROM, Call Number: Reprint # 5505.
1: T. Maestri: Validation of cloud properties retrieval using a multi-sensors approach during the European AQUA Thermodynamic Experiment (EAQUATE) field campaign. Presenter at the EUMETSAT METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE CONFERENCE HELSINKI, FINLAND.
2: T. Maestri: A NEW CLOUD PROPERTIES RETRIEVAL METHODOLOGY FOR IR MEASUREMENTS: An application to MPACE 2004 field experiment. Advanced High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observation Workshop within IASI workshops in view of the launch of the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (Madison, WI)
3: Maestri T., Rizzi R., P. Di Girolamo, D. Summa and F. Romano: “Synergetic application of a ground based-Raman lidar and an airborne spectrometer to study the evolution of a cirrus cloud”. poster. 23rd International Laser Radar Conference, 24-28 July Nara, Japan
4: Holz E. R., Maestri T., Eloranta E.W. and De Slover D.H.: “Validation of satellite remote sensed cloud properties using combined lidar and radar measurements, poster. 23rd International Laser Radar Conference, 24-28 July Nara, Japan
5: Maestri T., Holz R. E. and Antonelli P.: Retrieval of cloud optical properties from infrared hyper-spectral measurements: a new methodology based on a line-by-line multiple scattering code and measured particle size distributions. Proc. of the 12th AMS Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Madison, WI, USA.
6: Holz R. E., Gumley L., Maestri T., Turner D.D., Eloranta E.E. and Revercomb H.E.: Satellite cloud microphysical retrieval validation using lidar and radar measurements. poster at the 12th AMS Conference on Cloud Physics/12th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, 10-14 July Madison WI, USA
7: Maestri T., Rizzi R., P. Di Girolamo, D. Summa and F. Romano: Synergetic use of ground based-Raman lidar and airborne spectrometers to characterize the evolution of a cirrus cloud. Poster at the 7th ISTP (International Symposium on Atmospheric Profiling), Boulder, Colorado (USA).
8: Bozzo A., Maestri T., Rizzi R., Tosi T.: “Comparison of LM fast radiation code to LbL model RTX: cloud processes. 8th COSMO General Meeting 2006, Sep 18-21, Bucharest (RO).
1: Vincenzo Cuomo, Aldo Amodeo, Paolo Antonelli, Antonella Boselli, Alessio Bozzo, Carmela Cornacchia, Giuseppe D’Amico, Maurizio Di Bisceglie, Francesco Esposito, Paolo Di Girolamo, Giuseppe Grieco, Allen Larar, Luigi Leone, Fabio Madonna, Tiziano Maestri, Rocco Marchese, Guido Masiello, Giuseppe Meoli, Lucia Mona, Marco Pandolfi, Gelsomina Pappalardo, Giulia Pavese, Gianluca Pisani, Rosa Restieri, Rolando Rizzi, Filomena Romano, Enrico Rossi, Federica Rossi, Domenico Sabatino, Carmine Serio, William Smith, Nicola Spinelli, Donato Summa, Giulio Todini, Domenico Villacci, Xuan Wang, Dan Zhou: The Italian phase of the EAQUATE measurement campaign. Proc. SPIE volume 59791E Nov 2005, 14 pp. (SPIE Conference Remote Sensing of Clouds and Atmosphere X, Brugge, Belgium, 22 August 2005), doi: 10.1117/12.628279
2: Maestri T., Rizzi R. and Smith J.A., Preliminary Spectral Infrared Analysis of a Cirrus Cloud based on ARIES Interferometric Measurements. Proc. of IEEE, Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, Anno LX, n. 4, pp. 681-688.
6: Maestri T., P. Di Girolamo, R. Rizzi, F. Romano, D. Summa, D. Sabatino: Synergetic use of a ground based-Raman lidar and airborne spectrometers to characterize the evolution of a cirrus cloud. IAMAS (International Association of Meteorologic and Atmospheric Science) Assembly 2005 August 2-11, Beijing, China.
7: Maestri T., Rizzi R., Di Girolamo P., Summa D., Romano F.: Preliminary results combining ground-based RAMAN Lidar and NAST-I airborne spectrometer to describe the evolution of a cirrus cloud – EAQUATE, ITALY 2004. Proc. of ITWG: ITSC-XIV: Beijing, China.
8: D. Cimini, V. Cuomo, S. Laviola, T. Maestri, P. Mazzetti, S. Nativi, J. M. Palmer, R. Rizzi and F. Romano: Cloud Parameters from Infrared and Microwave Satellite Measurements. Proc. of ITWG: ITSC-XIV: Beijing, China, 25-31 May.
9: Rizzi R., Maestri T., P. Di Girolamo, D. Summa and F. Romano: “Preliminary results combining ground based-Raman lidar and NAST-I airborne spectrometers to describe the evolution of a cirrus cloud - Eaquate Italy 2004”. Poster at the ITSC (International TOVS study Conference) XIV° 25-31 May Beijing, China.
10: Palchetti L., Bianchini G., Carli B., Castagnoli F., Cortesi U., Pellegrini M., Rizzi R., Maestri T., Serio C., Esposito F., Restieri R., Cuomo V., Pavese G.: Radiation explorer in the Far InfraRed (REFIR) feasibility of the Space mission breaboarding activity of the Fourier transform spectrometer. Poster at the ASSFTS (Atmospheric Science from Space using Fourier Transform Spectrometry) 12th workshop 18-20 May Quebec City, Canada.
11: Maestri T., Rizzi R., P. Di Girolamo, D. Summa and F. Romano: Preliminary results combining ground based-Raman lidar and airborne spectrometers to describe the evolution of a cirrus cloud (Italian Eaquate campaign). Presenter at the 21th ISSWG (IASI Sounding Science Working Group), Potenza (IT)
12: Bozzo A., Maestri T., Rizzi R.: Comparison of Ritter-Gelen Radiation code to LbL RTX model. Preliminary Results. 7th COSMO General Meeting 2005 Sep. 20-23, Zurich (CH)
1: Maestri T., Rizzi R. and Bozzo B.: Inter-calibration of S-HIS and MAS: results from the P-THORPEX Campaign and comparisons with spectral simulations. 20th ISSWG (IASI Sounding Science Working Group), Exeter (UK).
2: G. Bianchini, V. Cuomo, F. Esposito, G. Grieco, T. Maestri , G. Masiello, L. Palchetti1, G. Pavese, M. Pellegrini, R. Restieri, R. Rizzi, C. Serio: REFIR measurements in the water vapour rotational band and comparison with a BOMEM AERI type Fourier Transform Spectrometer. IRS (International Radiation Symposium), Busan (Korea).
3: Maestri T. and Rizzi R.: Theoretical Investigation and Spectral Infrared Analysis of a Cirrus Cloud base on ARIES Interferometric Data. Presenter at the II° Advanced High Spectral Resolution Infrared Observation Workshop in Ravello (Italy).
4: Maestri T. Rizzi R. and Smith J.: Preliminary Spectral Infrared Analysis of ARIES Interferometric Measures. Presenter at the IEEE Gold Conference Napoli (Italy).
1: Rizzi R. and Maestri T., Radiative component in the Far Infrared: importance of having measurements in the Far Infrared for the study of UT/LS. I° Workshop for the identification of space missions on national scale for the meteorology and climatology. CNR, Rome
2: Maestri T., Rizzi R. and Smith J.S., Validation of a spectral radiative transfer scheme in the infrared when simulating the ARIES interferometric measurements of a cirrus cloud (North of Scotland; October 17, 2000. Poster presenter at the CACGP-IGAC Conference, 18-25 September, Hersonissos, Crete (GR)
3: Maestri T. and Rizzi R., Atmospheric long-wave diabatic exchange and spectral emission to space in presence of clouds. Poster presenter at the CACGP-IGAC Conference, 18-25 September, Hersonissos, Crete (GR).
1: Maestri T., Rizzi R., and Amorati R.: Quantitative Role of Far-Infrared Emission on Diabatic Forcing of the Middle and Upper Troposphere in Clear and Cloudy Conditions. Proc. SI, 4485, 159-170, Optical Spectroscopic Techniques, Remote sensing, and Instrumentations Atmospheric and Space Research. San Diego, California, USA, vol. 4485, p. 159-170, HAMPTON, VIRGINIA: A. Deepak Pu.Co., 2001.
Italian (mother tongue)
English (professional proficiency)
Portuguese (work professional proficiency)
2017: Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) Associate Professor
2010-11: consultant for the TV Channel Class MSNBC - The Weather Channel (Italy).
2003 “Upgrade of the radiative transfer system RTX and migration on the F90/95 AB-SOFT TM Corporation Pro Fortran Linux Compiler”, with the ZEFIR srl.