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Timna Hitrec

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/09 Physiology


Luppi, Marco; Al-Jahmany, Abed A.; Del Vecchio, Flavia; Cerri, Matteo; Di Cristoforo, Alessia; Hitrec, Timna; Martelli, Davide; Perez, Emanuele; Zamboni, Giovanni; Amici, Roberto, Wake-sleep and cardiovascular regulatory changes in rats made obese by a high-fat diet, «BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2017, 320, pp. 347 - 355 [Scientific article]

Alessia Di Cristoforo, ; Roberto, Amici; Sara, Baraccani; Silvia, Corazza; Matteo, Cerri; Daniela, Dentico; Timna, Hitrec; Marco, Luppi; Davide, Martelli; Emanuele, Perez; Giovanni Zamboni, Gruppioni., Involvement of serotonergic neurons in thermogenic and wake-promoting effects of orexin-A delivery into the raphe pallidus in the rat., «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2016, 25, pp. 47 - 47 [Abstract]

Timna, Hitrec; Roberto, Amici; Sara, Baraccani; Silvia, Corazza; Matteo, Cerri; Flavia Del Vecchio, ; Alessia Di Cristoforo, ; Marco, Luppi; Davide, Martelli; Emanuele, Perez; Giovanni, Zamboni., Sleep homeostasis after the induction of a torpor-like state in the rat, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2016, 25, pp. 331 - 331 [Abstract]

Luppi, M; Amici, R; Cerri, M; Martelli, D; Perez, E; Tupone, D; Di Cristoforo, A; Hitrec, T; Zamboni, G, Sleep regulation effects and sleep-state specific autonomic effects of diet-induced obesity, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2016, 25, pp. 50 - 51 [Abstract]

Amici, R; Cerri, M; Di Cristoforo, A; Hitrec, T; Luppi, M; Martelli, D; Perez, E; Tupone, D; Zamboni, G, The fuzzy nature of physiological regulation during REM sleep: just random?, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2016, 25, pp. 35 - 35 [Abstract]

Alessia Di Cristoforo, ; Roberto, Amici; Matteo, Cerri; Flavia Del Vecchio, ; Timna, Hitrec; Marco, Luppi; Davide, Martelli; Emanuele, Perez; Giovanni, Zamboni., c-Fos expression in the anterior and mediodorsal thalamus following cold exposure in the rat., «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2016, 25, pp. 331 - 331 [Abstract]

Cerri, M.; Del Vecchio, F.; Hitrec, T.; Amici, R.; Di Cristoforo, A.; Luppi, M.; Perez, E.; Zamboni, G., Effect of the activation of the orexin receptors within the Raphe Pallidus at different ambient temperatures in the free behaving rats., «AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE: BASIC & CLINICAL», 2015, 192, pp. 63 - 63 [Abstract]

Di Cristoforo, Alessia; Cerri, Matteo; Del Vecchio, Flavia; Hitrec, Timna; Luppi, Marco; Perez, Emanuele; Zamboni, Giovanni; Amici, Roberto, Wake-sleep, thermoregulatory, and autonomic effects of cholinergic activation of the lateral hypothalamus in the rat: a pilot study, «ARCHIVES ITALIENNES DE BIOLOGIE», 2015, 153, pp. 67 - 76 [Scientific article]

Del Vecchio, F.; Amici, R.; Cerri, M.; Di Cristoforo, A.; Hitrec, T.; Luppi, M.; Perez, E.; G. Zamboni.,, Cage exchange does not disturb sleep in the rat on a 24-h basis., «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2014, 23, pp. 263 - 263 [Abstract]

Del Vecchio, F.; Al-Jahmany, A.; Amici, R.; Cerri, M.; Di Cristoforo, A.; Hitrec, T.; Luppi, M.; Perez, E.; Zamboni, G., Diet-induced obesity rats are hypertensive across the different wake-sleep states., «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2014, 23, pp. 92 - 92 [Abstract]

Del Vecchio, F.; Amici, R.; Cerri, M.; Di Cristoforo, A.; Hitrec, T.; Luppi, M.; Perez, E.; G. Zamboni.,, Waking-promoting effects of orexin injection in the Raphe Pallidus in the rat., «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2014, 23, pp. 92 - 92 [Abstract]

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