Foto del docente

Sonia Lucarelli

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Coordinatrice del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in East European and Eurasian Studies

Curriculum vitae

Scarica Curriculum Vitae (.2023_LUCARELLI.pdf 393KB )

1. Personal information

 Name: Sonia Lucarelli

Current occupation: Full Professor (SPS 04), University of Bologna, Department of Political and Social Sciences.


2. Education

Laurea, University of Florence (October 1991). Final grade: Summa cum Laude and "dignity of publication"; PhD, European University Institute (July 1998); Post-doctorate, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, 2001-2.


3. Employment

Since 2020: Full Professor, University of Bologna

2010-2020: Associate Professor, University of Bologna

2005-2010 Assistant Professor (Ricercatrice), University of Bologna

2001-2002: Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institute

1998-2000: Research Fellow, Forum on the Problems of Peace and War, Florence

2000-2010: Adjunct Professor University of Bologna, University of Siena, University of Pisa, European School of Economics (see below)

1996-1997: Research Fellow Institute for International Affairs, Rome


4. Memberships

Member of the Academic Council of the Network Europaeum

Member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of the Institute of International Affairs, Rome

Member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of the Forum on the problems of Peace and War, Florence

Member European International Studies Association

Member Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP – Italian Political Science Association);

Member Council for the United States and Italy – Young Leader Programme;

Affiliations: European International Studies Associaiton, Italian Society of Political Science, Italian Standing Group on International Relations, ECPR Standing Group on International Relations, ECPR Standing Group on the European union.


5. Teaching experience

Courses tought: “International Relations” (BA); “Pan-European Security” (MA); Workshop on Public Speaking (BA); “European Security” (MA); “The European Union in World Politics” (MA); “International Institutions and World Politics” (MA); “European institutions” (MA and PhD), Where: University of Bologna, University of Siena, University of Pisa, European School of Economics, Lucca; Italian Air Force War College in Florence.


Invited Lectures (sample) at Universities of Catania, Florence, Pisa, Gothenburg, Rio de Janeiro, Victoria (B.C., Canada), Genoa, Perugia, Pretoria, Boston, Turin, Sarajevo; Harvard Center for European Studies; European University Institute; European Parliament; Italian Chamber of Deputies; University of Italian Diplomatic Institute; Harvard Law School; European Commission – DG Research; SAIS Johns Hopkins Bologna; Syracuse University Florence; University Roma Tre; Luiss Rome; Sant'Anna – Pisa.


Keynote speeches at: Central European University, Budapest (2019); Corvinus University Budapest & Karl Polanji Centre (2018); UACES Annual Conference (2017); Rouen University – Kick off Conference EuroBroadMap Project (2011); Dragan Foundation, Bucarest (2005)


6. Research

Areas of expertise: External image of the EU; European Security; NATO; European identity; Identity and foreign policy; EU foreign policy; security governance; Migration and justice in Europe.


Direction of Research

  • Team Leader (Director of the University of Bologna Unit) in the Research Project GLOBUS - Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice (H2020 2016-2020)
  • Team Leader (with J. Sperling and M. Webber) in the project: Governing the European Security Space: The EU as an Agent of Collective Securitization, developed in the context of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence "The European Union in World Politics" (Punto Europa Forlì; Research Grant EU Commission 2014-2017).
  • Director of research of the project Projections and Relevant Effects of Demographic Implications, Changes, and Trends (PREDICT), financed by NATO ACT (2014).
  • Director of the research project Gender and the European Union, financed by Italian Foreign Ministry (2012-2013).
  • Research Programme Coordinator of the unit of the Forum of the Problems of Peace and War in the Research Project EU-GRASP: Changing Multilateralism: The EU as a Global-regional Actor in Security and Peace (2009-2012), funded by the EU (FP7-SSH-2007-1)
  • Research Programme Coordinator of the unit of the Problems of Peace and War in the Network of Excellence Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: the Role of the EU (GARNET) (2005-2010), funded by the EU (FP6-2002-Citizens-3);
  • Research Director of the project The external image of the EU, developed in the context of GARNET (see above), and co-financed by the Italian Foreign Ministry (2006-2009).
  • Research Director of the project Values and Principles in European Foreign Policy (2002-2005), financed by Italian Foreign Ministry.
  • Director of Research at the Forum on the Problems of Peace and War, 2001-2020.

Participation in internationally financed research teams

  • Member of the Unibo team of the Research project CYDIPLO (European Cyberdiplomacy), EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network (2020-2023).
  • Member of the Unibo team of the Research Project BordEUr: New European Borderlands. EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network (2019–2022).


Grants ad personam

  • Research grant from the Regione Toscana (1998-2000)
  • NATO-EACP Research Fellowship (2000 - 2002).
  • Jean Monnet Fellowship, European University Institute (2001-2002).
  • Grant from Volkswagen Stiftung as Research Assistant at IAI Rome (1996-7);
  • Ph.D. grant from: the European University Institute 1994/5; and the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry 1992/3 and 1993/4;


7. Sample of large international conferences actively attended (as paper giver, panel or session organizer):

European International Studies Association (EISA) (2013 - convenor of a session with 10 panels, Panel Chair, paper giver and discussant; 2015; 2017; 2018). ECPR Joint Sessions (1993, 2000, 2004; 2006). ECPR General Conference (2007; 2009). British International Studies Association (1994). Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (1999, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 2014; 2016; 2018; 2019; Chair IR Session 2011-2012). Italian Standing Group of International Relations (2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018). TEPSA (2001). International Studies Association ISA Annual conference (2011; 2015). International Studies Association – CISS Conference (2017); 'European Union in International Affairs' (EUIA): (Member of the International Steering Committee 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020; Active participant: 2008, 2010, 2012). EUSA 2019; 10th Anniversary Ralph Dahrendorf Conference, Oxford University (2019).


8. Editorial Boards: Interdisciplinary Political Studies, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica / Italian Review of Political Science, The International Spectator. Past: Quaderni Forum, Warning.


9. Reviewer for: Cooperation and Conflict; Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche; Journal of International Relations and Development; Geopolitics; Journal of Common Market Studies; Rivista italiana di Scienza Politica; Review of International Studies; International Relations; Rivista italiana di politiche pubbliche, European Political Science Review, Journal of European integration; Journal of Cultural Studies; The International Spectator. Publishers: Routledge; Sage; Palgrave; Springer. Reserch foundations: Swiss National Science Foundation.


10. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (25 out of 130)


  • · Europe and the Breakup of Yugoslavia. A Political Failure in Search of a Scholarly Explanation, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2000.
  • · Si chiude il sipario sull’ordine liberale? Crisi di un sistema che ha cambiato il mondo, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2020.

Sample of edited books

  • Values and Principles in European Foreign Policy, London and New York, Routledge 2006 (ed. with Ian Manners).
  • The Search for a European identity. Values, Policies and Legitimacy of the European Union, London and New York, Routledge (2008) (ed with Furio Cerutti).
  • External Perceptions of the European Union as a Global Actor London, Routledge 2010 (ed with Lorenzo Fioramonti).
  • Debating Political Identity and Legitimacy in the European Union: Interdisciplinary Views, London, Routledge, 2011 (ed with Furio Cerutti and Vivien Schmidt).
  • The EU and Multilateral Security Governance, London: Routledge, 2012 (ed with Luk Van Langenhove and Jan Wouters).
  • The EU Migration System of Governance. The European Union in International Affairs. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 2021 (ed with Michela Ceccorulli and Enrico Fassi).

Sample of Journal Special issue

  • Mobilising Politics and Society? The EU Convention's Impact on Southern Europe, ed with Claudio Radaelli, Special Issue of South European Politics and Society, 9(1), 2004.
  • Beyond Self Perception: The Others' View of the European Union, Special issue of European Foreign Affairs Review, Ed., 12, 3, 2007.
  • Italy in the Eyes of European and Transatlantic Allies, Ed. with O. Croci, Special issue of Modern Italy, 15, 3, 2010.
  • “The European Union, Security Governance and Collective Securitization”, Ed. with J. Sperling and M. Webber, Special Issue of West European Politics, 42, 2, 2019.
  • Talking migration: Narratives of Migration and Justice Claims in the European Migration System of Governance, ed with Silvia D’Amato, Special Issue of The International Spectator, September 2019, 54(3).

Sample of peer reviewed articles and chapters

  • · “No-Constructivists Land. IR Theory in Italy in the 1990s”, with R. Menotti, Journal of International Relations and Development, 5, 2, pp. 114-142, 2002.
  • · “Values, Identity and Ideational Shocks in the Transatlantic Rift”, Journal of International Relations and Development, 9, 3, pp. 304-334, 2006.
  • · “EU Security Governance: Putting the ‘Security’ Back in”, with Christou, M. Ceccorulli, S. Croft, European Security, 19, 3, pp. 341-359, 2010.
  • · “Seen From the Outside: the State-of-the-Art on the External Image of the EU”, Journal of European Integration 39, 1, pp. 1-16, 2014.
  • · “Multilateral Governance”, in J. Sperling (ed) Handbook on Governance and Security, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014.
  • · “Italy and the EU: from true love to disenchantment?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 53, 1, pp. 40-60, 2015.
  • · “Europe's “depopul-ageing” bomb?”, with M. Ceccorulli and E. Fassi, Global Affairs, 1, 1, pp. 81-91, 2015
  • · ‘On Regional Security Governance Once Again: How Analysis of the Southern Caucasus Can Advance the Concept’, with M. Ceccorulli and C. Frappi, European Security, 26(1): 59-78, 2017.
  • · "NATO’s demographic paradox”, with M. Ceccorulli and E. Fassi, Global Change Peace and Security 29(3): 294-271, 2017.
  • · 'Migration and the EU Global Strategy: Narratives and Dilemmas', with M. Ceccorulli, The International Spectator 52 (3): 83-102, 2017.
  • · “Talking Migration: Narratives of Migration and Justice Claims in the European Migration System of Governance”, with S. D’Amato, The International Spectator, 54(3), pp. 1-17, 2019.
  • · “The EU as a Securitizing Agent? Testing the Model, Advancing the Literature”, West European Politics, 42(2): 413-436, 2019.
  • · Natalia Chaban, Sonia Lucarelli (2021) 'Reassessing External Images of the EU: Evolving Narratives in Times of Crisis', European Foreign Affairs Review, 26(1), pp. 177-196.