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Simone D'Agostino

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHEM-03/A Chimica generale e inorganica


D'Agostino, Simone; Taddei, Paola; Boanini, Elisa; Braga, Dario; Grepioni, Fabrizia, Photo- vs Mechano-Induced Polymorphism and Single Crystal to Single Crystal [2 + 2] Photoreactivity in a Bromide Salt of 4-Amino-Cinnamic Acid, «CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN», 2017, 17, pp. 4491 - 4495 [articolo]Open Access

D'Agostino, Simone; Spinelli, Floriana; Boanini, Elisa; Braga, Dario; Grepioni, Fabrizia, Single crystal to single crystal [2+2] photoreactions in chloride and sulphate salts of 4-amino-cinnamic acid via solid-solution formation: A structural and kinetic study, «CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS», 2016, 52, pp. 1899 - 1902 [articolo]Open Access

Grepioni, F; D'Agostino, S.; Braga, D.; Bertocco, A.; Catalano, L.; Ventura, B., Fluorescent crystals and co-crystals of 1,8-naphthalimide derivatives: synthesis, structure determination and photophysical characterization, «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. C», 2015, 3, pp. 9425 - 9434 [articolo]Open Access

Baroncini, M.; D'Agostino, S.; Bergamini, G.; Ceroni, P.; Comotti, A.; Sozzani, P.; Bassanetti, I.; Grepioni, F.; Hernandez, T.M.; Silvi, S.; Venturi, M.; Credi, A., Photoinduced reversible switching of porosity in molecular crystals based on star-shaped azobenzene tetramers, «NATURE CHEMISTRY», 2015, 7, pp. 634 - 640 [articolo]Open Access

D'Agostino, S; Grepioni, F; Braga, D; Ventura, B, Tipping the Balance with the Aid of Stoichiometry: Room Temperature Phosphorescence versus Fluorescence in Organic Cocrystals, «CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN», 2015, 15, pp. 2039 - 2045 [articolo]Open Access

Simone d’Agostino; Dario Braga; Fabrizia Grepioni; Paola Taddei, Intriguing case of Pseudo-isomorphism between chiral and racemic crystals of rac- and (S)/(R)2-(1,8-Naphthalimido)-2-quinuclidin-3-yl, and their reactivity toward I2 and IBr, «CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN», 2014, 14, pp. 821 - 829 [articolo]

Ventura, B.; Bertocco, A.; Braga, D.; Catalano, L.; D'Agostino, S.; Grepioni, F.; Taddei, P., Luminescence properties of 1,8-naphthalimide derivatives in solution, in their crystals, and in co-crystals: Toward room-temperature phosphorescence from organic materials, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C», 2014, 118, pp. 18646 - 18658 [articolo]

Dario Braga;Simone d'Agostino;Eros D'Amen;Fabrizia Grepioni;Damiano Genovese;Luca Prodi;Massimo Sgarzi, A quest for supramolecular gelators: silver(I) complexes with quinoline-urea derivatives, «DALTON TRANSACTIONS», 2013, 42, pp. 16949 - 16960 [articolo]

Simone d'Agostino;Fabrizia Grepioni;Dario Braga;Daniele Moreschi;Valeria Fattori;Francesca Delchiaro;Simone Di Motta;Fabrizia Negri, Exciton coupling in molecular salts of 2-(1,8-naphthalimido)ethanoic acid and cyclic amines: modulation of the solid-state luminescence, «CRYSTENGCOMM», 2013, 15, pp. 10470 - 10480 [articolo]

D. Braga; S. D'Agostino; F. Grepioni, Co-Crystals and Salts Obtained from Dinitrogen Bases and 1,2,3,4-Cyclobutane Tetracarboxylic Acid and the Use of the Latter As a Template for Solid-State Photocyclization Reactions, «CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN», 2012, 12, pp. 4880 - 4889 [articolo]

D. Braga; E. Dichiarante; F. Grepioni; G. I. Lampronti; L. Maini; P. P. Mazzeo; S. D’Agostino, Mechanical Preparation of Crystalline Materials. An Oxymoron?, in: Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, CHICHESTER, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2012, pp. 2993 - 3007 [capitolo di libro]

D. Braga; S. d'Agostino; F. Grepioni, Shape Takes the Lead: Templating Organic 3D-Frameworks around Organometallic Sandwich Compounds, «ORGANOMETALLICS», 2012, 31, pp. 1688 - 1695 [articolo]

Dario Braga; Simone D’Agostino; Fabrizia Grepioni; Massimo Gandolfi; Katia Rubini, Crystal to crystal transformations and polymorphism in anionic hydrogen bonding networks stabilized by crown ether metal complexes, «DALTON TRANSACTIONS», 2011, 40, pp. 4765 - 4777 [articolo]

D. Braga; S. d’Agostino; E. Dichiarante; L. Maini; F. Grepioni, Dealing with Crystal Forms (The Kingdom of Serendip?), «CHEMISTRY - AN ASIAN JOURNAL», 2011, 6, pp. 2213 - 2214 [articolo]

D. Braga; S. d’Agostino; E. D’Amen; F. Grepioni, Polymorphs from supramolecular gels: four crystal forms of the same silver(I) supergelator crystallized directly from its gels, «CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS», 2011, 47, pp. 5154 - 5156 [articolo]

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