Ellena, Giulia; Battaglia, Simone; Làdavas, Elisabetta, The spatial effect of fearful faces in the autonomic response, «EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2020, 238, pp. 2009 - 2018 [articolo]Open Access
Garofalo S.; Battaglia S.; di Pellegrino G., Individual differences in working memory capacity and cue-guided behavior in humans, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2019, 9, Article number: 7327, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access
Battaglia, Simone; Garofalo, Sara; di Pellegrino, Giuseppe*, Context-dependent extinction of threat memories: influences of healthy aging, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2018, 8, Article number: 12592, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access
Garofalo, Sara; Timmermann, Christopher; Battaglia, Simone; Maier, Martin E.; di Pellegrino, Giuseppe, Mediofrontal negativity signals unexpected timing of salient outcomes, «JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE», 2017, 29, pp. 718 - 727 [articolo]