Sellitto M.; Terenzi D.; Starita F.; Di Pellegrino G.; Battaglia S., The Cost of Imagined Actions in a Reward-Valuation Task, «BRAIN SCIENCES», 2022, 12, Article number: 582, pp. 1 - 15 [articolo]Open Access
Battaglia S.; Cardellicchio P.; Di Fazio C.; Nazzi C.; Fracasso A.; Borgomaneri S., The Influence of Vicarious Fear-Learning in “Infecting” Reactive Action Inhibition, «FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE», 2022, 16, Article number: 946263, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access
Simone Battaglia, Jasper H. Fabius,Katarina Moravkova, Alessio Fracasso, Sara Borgomaneri, The Neurobiological Correlates of Gaze Perception in Healthy Individuals and Neurologic Patients, «BIOMEDICINES», 2022, 10, Article number: 627, pp. 1 - 20 [articolo]Open Access
Ippolito G.; Bertaccini R.; Tarasi L.; Di Gregorio F.; Trajkovic J.; Battaglia S.; Romei V., The Role of Alpha Oscillations among the Main Neuropsychiatric Disorders in the Adult and Developing Human Brain: Evidence from the Last 10 Years of Research, «BIOMEDICINES», 2022, 10, Article number: 3189, pp. 1 - 29 [articolo]Open Access
Borgomaneri, S.; Battaglia, S.; Avenanti, A.; di Pellegrino, G., Don't Hurt Me No More: State-dependent Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the treatment of specific phobia, «JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS», 2021, 286, pp. 78 - 79 [articolo]Open Access
Borgomaneri S.; Vitale F.; Battaglia S.; Avenanti A., Early right motor cortex response to happy and fearful facial expressions: A tms motor-evoked potential study, «BRAIN SCIENCES», 2021, 11, Article number: 1203, pp. 1 - 15 [articolo]Open Access
Battaglia S.; Serio G.; Scarpazza C.; D'Ausilio A.; Borgomaneri S., Frozen in (e)motion: How reactive motor inhibition is influenced by the emotional content of stimuli in healthy and psychiatric populations, «BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY», 2021, 146, Article number: 103963, pp. 103963 - 103963 [articolo]Open Access
Borgomaneri S.; Battaglia S.; Sciamanna G.; Tortora F.; Laricchiuta D., Memories are not written in stone: Re-writing fear memories by means of non-invasive brain stimulation and optogenetic manipulations, «NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS», 2021, 127, pp. 334 - 352 [articolo]Open Access
Garofalo, Sara; Battaglia, Simone; Starita, Francesca; di Pellegrino, Giuseppe, Modulation of cue-guided choices by transcranial direct current stimulation, «CORTEX», 2021, 137, pp. 124 - 137 [articolo]Open Access
Veer I.M.; Riepenhausen A.; Zerban M.; Wackerhagen C.; Puhlmann L.M.C.; Engen H.; Kober G.; Bogemann S.A.; Weermeijer J.; Uscilko A.; Mor N.; Marciniak M.A.; Askelund A.D.; Al-Kamel A.; Ayash S.; Barsuola G.; Bartkute-Norkuniene V.; Battaglia S.; Bobko Y.; Bolte S.; Cardone P.; Chvojkova E.; Damnjanovic K.; De Calheiros Velozo J.; de Thurah L.; Deza-Araujo Y.I.; Dimitrov A.; Farkas K.; Feller C.; Gazea M.; Gilan D.; Gnjidic V.; Hajduk M.; Hiekkaranta A.P.; Hofgaard L.S.; Ilen L.; Kasanova Z.; Khanpour M.; Lau B.H.P.; Lenferink D.B.; Lindhardt T.B.; Magas D.A.; Mituniewicz J.; Moreno-Lopez L.; Muzychka S.; Ntafouli M.; O'Leary A.; Paparella I.; Poldver N.; Rintala A.; Robak N.; Rosicka A.M.; Roysamb E.; Sadeghi S.; Schneider M.; Siugzdaite R.; Stantic M.; Teixeira A.; Todorovic A.; Wan W.W.N.; van Dick R.; Lieb K.; Kleim B.; Hermans E.J.; Kobylinska D.; Hendler T.; Binder H.; Myin-Germeys I.; van Leeuwen J.M.C.; Tuscher O.; Yuen K.S.L.; Walter H.; Kalisch R., Psycho-social factors associated with mental resilience in the Corona lockdown, «TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY», 2021, 11, Article number: 67, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access
Battaglia, Simone; Orsolini, Stefano; Borgomaneri, Sara; Barbieri, Riccardo; Diciotti, Stefano; Di Pellegrino, Giuseppe, Spectral analysis of heart rate variability in human fear learning, «JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2021, 429, pp. 118556 - 118556 [abstract]
Candini, Michela; Battaglia, Simone; Benassi, Mariagrazia; di Pellegrino, Giuseppe; Frassinetti, Francesca, The physiological correlates of interpersonal space, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2021, 11, Article number: 2611, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]Open Access
Borgomaneri S.; Serio G.; Battaglia S., Please, don't do it! Fifteen years of progress of non-invasive brain stimulation in action inhibition, «CORTEX», 2020, 132, pp. 404 - 422 [articolo]Open Access
Battaglia S.; Garofalo S.; di Pellegrino G.; Starita F., Revaluing the role of vmPFC in the acquisition of pavlovian threat conditioning in humans, «THE JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE», 2020, 40, pp. 8491 - 8500 [articolo]Open Access
Borgomaneri S.; Battaglia S.; Garofalo S.; Tortora F.; Avenanti A.; di Pellegrino G., State-Dependent TMS over Prefrontal Cortex Disrupts Fear-Memory Reconsolidation and Prevents the Return of Fear, «CURRENT BIOLOGY», 2020, 30, pp. 3672 - 3679 [articolo]Open Access