vai alle Pubblicazioni
Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
Books and Special Issues
Mode in Italy. Una lettura antropologica, Guerini & Associati,
Milano 1999. ISBN-10: 8881071088 ISBN-13: 978-8881071081
Fashion in Italy. An Anthropological Perspective
La moda. Un'introduzione, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2005. (Second Edition
2010) (Italian)
ISBN 8842092819, 9788842092810
Fashion. An Introduction.
Manuale di sociologia, comunicazione e cultura della moda. Vol. IV.
Orientalismi. La moda nel mercato globale, Meltemi, Roma, 2006.
ISBN 88-8353-521-9 (Italian).
Orientalisms: Fashion in the Global Market.
Un mondo di mode. Il vestire globalizzato, Laterza Roma-Bari
2011. A World of Fashions. Dressing Global (Italian) ISBN
La cultura della moda italiana/Made in Italy ‘ZoneModa
Journal' (2 /2011)/Guest Editor. (Italian and English) ISBN
Articles, Entries and e Chapters in Books
‘Il consumatore negli anni Novanta' in Roberto Grandi (ed.),
WP Stories, Dieci Anni fuori Moda, Milano, Lupetti 1992. ISBN-10:
8885838715 ISBN-13: 978-8885838710
‘Consumers in the Nineties'
‘Moda e gusto negli anni Novanta', in ‘Micro & Macro
Marketing' no. 3, Milano 1994. (Italian)
‘Fashion and Taste in the Nineties'
‘Tendenze evolutive' in ‘Dossier Mondo della Moda, Mark Up',
Quasar Editore, Milano 1995. (Italian)
‘The evolution of New Trends'
‘Dalla merceria al personal shopper: centralità del servizio
nel settore dell'abbigliamento' in ‘Micro& Macro Marketing' no.
2, Milano 1996. (Italian)
‘From the haberdasher to the personal shopper: the new fashion
‘Dalla moda moderna alla moda contemporanea. Teorie sociologiche e
strategie aziendali'. Corso di Sociologia della moda. Anno
Accademico 2000/2001. Cooperativa Libraria I.U.L.M. (Italian)
‘From modern to contemporary fashion. Sociological theories and
companies' strategies'
‘Tradurre la marca Italia, Mode in Italy' in Il dolce tuono,
Marco Lombardi (ed.), Milano Franco Angeli, 2000 (2010) ISBN-10:
8846423240 ISBN-13: 978-8846423245
‘Made in Italy as a brand'
‘The material speaks for itself' in Fashion, Italian Style by
Valerie Steele, and consulting to the exhibition at FIT (Fashion
Institute of Technology) New York (11 February - 12 April 2003),
Yale University Press, Yale and London, 2003. (English) ISBN:
‘Fashioning the Church' in ‘Fashion Theory, The Journal of
Dress, Body & Culture', Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2003, Berg,
London, New York. (English)
‘Estetica dell'etica: vestire il sacro' in Discipline della
moda Bernardo Valli, Benedetta Barzini, Patrizia Calefato
eds., Liguori Editore Napoli, 2003. ISBN-10: 8820734788
ISBN-13: 978-8820734787 (Italian)
‘The Aesthetics if Ethics: dressing the sacred'
‘La grande Madre', Ballantyne Cashmere, 2003. (Italian)
‘The Big Mother'
‘Ballantyne Scotland. ‘The place is fundamental' in
100% Cashemere, art director Massimo Alba, photos by artist Esko
Mannikko, published by Ballantyne Cashmere Scotland, 2003.
‘Cina e Italia. Considerazioni sulla nuova cultura della
moda'. in ‘Sociologia del lavoro', n.93, 2004. ISBN-10: 8846471997
ISBN-13: 978-8846471994 (Italian)
‘China and Italy. Translating fashion'
‘China and Italy. Fast Fashion vs Pret à Porter. Towards a new
Culture of Fashion', in ‘Fashion Theory', Volume 9, Issue 1:1-12,
2005. (English)
‘Walter Albini' The Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion, Valerie
Steele (ed.), Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 2004. (English)
ISBN: 0684313944
‘Roberto Capucci' The Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion,
Valerie Steele (ed.), Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 2004.
(English)ISBN: 0684313944
‘Dolce & Gabbana' The Encyclopedia of Clothing and
Fashion, Valerie Steele (ed.), Charles Scribner's Sons, New York
2004. (English)ISBN: 0684313944
‘Fendi' The Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion, Valerie Steele
(ed.), Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 2004. (English)ISBN:
‘Fontana Sisters' The Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion,
Valerie Steele (ed.), Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 2004.
(English) ISBN: 0684313944
‘Romeo Gigli' , The Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion,
Valerie Steele (ed.), Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 2004.
(English) ISBN: 0684313944
‘Le pratiche del consumo di moda' in Enciclopedia della Moda, a
cura di Tullio Gregory, Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma, 2005.
‘Consuming fashion'
‘Milan, the city of prêt à porter” in C. Breward, D. Gilbert
(eds.), in Fashion's World Cities, Berg, Oxford, 2006.
‘La Moda' in Historia, La grande storia della civiltà europea,
Umberto Eco (ed.), Federico Motta Editore, Milano, 2007.
‘Stereotipi e cultura della moda', in Visioni di moda, Antonella
Mascio (ed.), Franco Angeli Milano 2008. ISBN-10: 8846498518
ISBN-13: 978-8846498519 (Italian)
‘Stereotypes in the culture of fashion'
‘I trend della moda' in Moda oggi tra lusso e low cost, Ampelio
Bucci, Vanni Codeluppi, Mauro Feraresi (esd.), Arcipelago Edizioni,
Milano 2008. ISBN-10: 8876953884 ISBN-13: 978-8876953880
‘New Trends in Fashion'
‘La moda nella comunicazione dell'attrattività di Milano', in Brand
Milano, Stefano Rolando (ed.), Franco Angeli, Milano 2008. ISBN-10:
8856802600 ISBN-13: 978-8856802603 (Italian)
‘The role of fashion in communicating the city of Milan'
‘Habit is second nature, or rather, ten times nature' in
‘Fashion Anatomy' a cura di Maria Luisa e Rita Capezzuto, Domus
924, Fashion/Design Special Milan Furniture Fair 2009.(Italian and
‘What a deformed thief fashion is' in ‘Fashion Anatomy' a
cura di Maria Luisa e Rita Capezzuto, Domus 924, Fashion/Design
Special Milan Furniture Fair 2009. (Italian and English)
‘From Head to Toe: the Whole Body and Body Parts' in Zone Moda
Journal Issue 1. Morphing 08. ISBN 978-88-8342-780-0 (Italian and
‘Fashion and National Identity: Interactions Between
Italians and Chinese in the Global Fashion Industry' in
Business and Economic History On-Line, Papers Presented at the BHC
Annual Meeting - Bocconi University, Milano 2009
‘La moda globale', in XXI Secolo, T. Gregory (ed.)
Enciclopedia Treccani, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana fondata
da Giovanni Treccani, Roma 2009. (Italian)
Global Fashion in the XXI Century
‘Puttig It Together' in Walter Albini and His Time,
M.L. Frisa e S. Tonchi (eds.), Marsilio, Venezia 2010.
‘La moda nella cultura italiana' in Storia della Cultura Italiana,
progetto e direzione scientifica di Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza,
direzione editoriale Vittorio Bo, vol. 5 a cura di U. Volli e C.
Petrini, Utet Grandi Opere, Torino 2010. (Italian)
Fashion in the Italian Culture
‘Made in Italy in Motion' in ‘Fiber on line Journal of the
International Fashion and Apparel Industry', January 2010.
‘Copiare, imitare, ispirarsi. Geografia e creatività nella moda' in
E. Mora (ed.) Geografie della moda, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2010.
ISBN-10: 8856822474 ISBN-13: 978-8856822472 (Italian)
Copying, imitating, to be inspired by. Geography and Creativity in
‘The Nineteenth-Century City and the Empire of Fashion' by
Chris Breward, in Global Design History, Respondent Paper,
Routledge 2010, ISBN-10: 0415572878 | ISBN-13: 978-0415572873
‘Milan as a fashion city', in Berg Encyclopaedia of Dress and
Fashion: Western Europe, Joanne B. Eicher (ed.), Oxford, Berg
2010 (English).
‘Italian and Chinese agendas in the global fashion industry',
in Giorgio Riello and Peter McNeil (eds.) The Fashion History
Reader: Global Perspectives, Routledge, 2010. (English) ISBN
‘If you Speak Fashion you speak Italian. Notes on present day
Italian Fashion Identity' in ‘Critical Studies on Fashion and
Beauty', issue 1/2010. ASIN: B006UEU7MG (English)
‘La nuova moda cinese tra arte, commercio e stato', in C. Giorcelli
(ed.) Abito e Identità, vol. X, Ila-Palma, Roma 2010. ISBN
978 887704 6789 (Italian)
The New Chinese Fashion between Art, Business and the State
‘National Identities and International Recognition' in Fashion
Theory, 15, 2, 2011. (English)
‘Pets and the City', in ‘DIID Disegno Industriale Industrial
Design', 2010. (Italian and English)
‘Moda italiana e Made in Italy: un percorso dai primi del Novecento
a oggi' in A. Bucci, V. Codeluppi, M. Ferraresi (eds) Made in
Italy, Natura, Settori e Problemi , Carocci, Milano 2011.
ISBN-10: 8843060074 ISBN-13: 978-8843060078 (Italian). Italian
Fashion and Made in Italy: from early 900 to present.
‘Comunicare la moda e comunicare con la moda' in Professione
Pr Immagine e Comunicazione nell'Archivio Vitti a cura di
Elena Puccinelli, Skirà, Milano 2011. ISBN-10: 8857211983
ISBN-13: 978-8857211985 (Italian). Communicating fashion and
communicating through fashion.
‘Moda e Identità nazionale' in Moda in Italia 150 anni di eleganza
a cura di Clara Goria e Andrea Merlotti, Condé Nast, Milano 2011.
(Italian and English)
‘L'identità della moda italiana' in Conquiste del Lavoro, n. 733,
Luglio-ottobre 2011. (Italian). The identity of Italian
‘Paparazzi' and ‘Travel' Entries in Gucci The Making Of, 2011,
Editorial Coordination by Gucci, Rizzoli International
Publications, New York, ISBN 978-0-8478-3679-6 (English)
‘The Identity of Fashion in Contemporary China and The New
Relationships with the West' in Fashion Practice 4, 1 2012, pp.
57-70. (English)
‘Italian fashion. Metamorphosis of a Cultural Industry' in
Rethinking Italian Design, Grace Lee Maffei and Kjetil Fallan eds,
Berg, Oxford (forthcoming 2012) (English)
‘The puzzle of fashion distinction in China' in Fashion Media,
Djurdja Bartlett and Agnès Rocamora eds, Berg, Oxford (forthcoming
2012) (English).
Working Papers
‘Uno studio esplorativo sulle aziende di pronto moda italiano
(an explorative study on Italian fast fashion). Modelli di business
e posizionamenti strategici a confronto' , Working paper Iulm
(2007) (with S. Ironico). (Italian)
Book Reviews
Fashion Theory (5); Modo (4) The Journal of Asian Studies