Foto del docente

Silvia Castellaro

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Augusto Righi"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GEOS-04/A Geofisica della Terra solida


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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

A. Castellaro, A. Casagrande, S. Castellaro, E. Casarotto, G. Favaro, 1999. The SMART-EEG program for automatic report: a new approach by means of Neural Networks and Expert Systems analyses, 1999 IEEE Transactions on Virtual and Intelligent Measurement Systems.

S. Castellaro, F. Mulargia, 2001. A Simple but Effective Cellular Automaton for Earthquakes, Geophysical Journal International, 144, 609-624.

S. Castellaro, 2001. Cellular Automata Earthquake modelling on Parallel Machines, Science and Supercomputing at CINECA, 305-310.

S. Castellaro, F. Mulargia, 2002. What Criticality in Cellular Automata Models for Earthquakes?, Geophysical Journal International, 150, 483-493.

C. Castellaro, G. Favaro, A. Castellaro, A. Casagrande, S. Castellaro, D.V. Puthenparampil, C. Fattorello Salimbeni, 2002. An Artificial Intelligence approach to classify and analyse EEG traces,Clinical Neurophysiology, 32, 193-214.

S. Castellaro, F. Mulargia, 2003. Implementing cellular automata models for earthquakes on parallel computers, Geophysical Research Letters., 30(5), 1204, doi:10.1029/2002GL016488.

F. Mulargia, R. J. Geller, eds, 2003. Coeditor e autrice dei capitoli 1.3, 2.1, 2.5, 2.8, 3 del libro Earthquake Science and Seismic Risk Reduction, Kluwer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.

P. Bormann, L. Ruifeng, R. Xiao, R Gutdeutsch, D. Kaiser, S. Castellaro, 2007. Chinese National Network magnitudes and recommendations for new IASPEI magnitude standards, Bulletin of the Seismological  Society of America, 97, 114-127.   S. Castellaro, P. Bormann, 2007. Performance of different regression procedures on the magnitude regression problem, Bulletin of the Seismological  Society of America, 97, 1167-1175.

Castellaro S., Mulargia F., 2012. A statistical low noise model of the Earth, Seism. Res. Lett., 83, 40-49.

Franceschina G., Pessina V., Di Giacomo D., Massa M., S. Castellaro, F. Mulargia, 2008. Ricostruzione del moto del suolo per il terremoto del Garda del 2004, Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana / Italian Journal of Geoscience.