Foto del docente

Silvana Di Sabatino

Full Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: FIS/06 Physics of the Earth and of the Circumterrestrial Medium

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenges


Valmassoi A, Gharbia S., Stibe S., Di Sabatino S., Pilla F., Future impacts of the Reforestation Policy on the amospheric parameters: a sensitivity study over Ireland, «PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2017, 109C, pp. 367 - 375 [Scientific article]Open Access

Sabatino, Silvana Di; Castelli, Silvia Trini; Brattich, Erika, Harmonisation within atmospheric dispersion modelling for regulatory purposes 9-12 October 2017, bologna, Italy, in: S. Di Sabatino, S. Trini Castelli, E. Brattich, HARMO 2017 - 18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Proceedings, Hungarian Meteorological Service, 2017, 2017-, pp. 3 - 4 (atti di: 18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2017, CNR Research Area, Bologna, Italia, 9-12 ottobre 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Wang Y., Di Sabatino S., Martilli A., Li Y., Wong M.S., Gutiérrez, E., Chan, P.W.f, Impact of land surface heterogeneity on urban heat island circulation and sea-land breeze circulation in Hong Kong, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. ATMOSPHERES», 2017, 122, pp. 4332 - 4352 [Scientific article]

Di Sabatino S., Barbano F., Bazzani A., Misure e dati per comprendere i fenomeni, «ECOSCIENZA», 2017, 3, pp. 14 - 16 [Scientific article]

Di Sabatino S., Jylhä K., Barbano F., Brunetti A.F., Drebs A., Fortelius C., Nurmi V., Minguzzi E., Pulvirenti B., Votsis A., Report on climate change and air quality interactions, 2017, pp. 97 . [Technical report]

Chen L., Hang J., Sandberg M., Claesson L., Di Sabatino S., Wigo H., The impacts of building height variations and building packing densities on flow adjustment and city breathability in idealized urban models(, «BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT», 2017, 118, pp. 344 - 361 [Scientific article]

Chen L., Hang J., Sandberg M., Claesson L., Di Sabatino S., The Influence of Building Packing Densities on Flow Adjustment and City Breathability in Urban-like Geometries, «PROCEDIA ENGINEERING», 2017, 198, pp. 758 - 769 [Scientific article]

Dimitrova, R; Silver, Z; Zsedrovits, T; Hocut, C.M; Leo, L.S; Di Sabatino, S; Fernando, H.J.S, Assessment of Planetary Boundary-Layer Schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting Mesoscale Model Using MATERHORN Field Data, «BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY», 2016, 159, pp. 589 - 609 [Scientific article]

Di Sabatino, S., Boundary-Layer Atmospheric Processes in Mountainous Terrain: Results from MATERHORN-X, «BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY», 2016, 159, pp. 465 - 467 [Comment on a court sentence]

Di Sabatino S., Barbano F., Convezione Atmosferica, «ITHACA», 2016, 8, pp. 43 - 58 [Scientific article]

Zampieri, M; Russo, S; Di Sabatino, S; Michetti, M; Scoccimarro, E; Gualdi, S., Global assessment of heat wave magnitudes from 1901 to 2010 and implications for the river discharge of the Alps, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2016, 571, pp. 1330 - 1339 [Scientific article]

Buccolieri, R; Cesari, R; Dinoi, A; Maurizi, A; Tampieri, F; Di Sabatino, S., Impact of ship emissions on local air quality in a Mediterranean city's harbour after the European sulphur directive, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION», 2016, 59, pp. 30 - 42 [Scientific article]

Leo, L.S.; Thompson, M.Y.; Di Sabatino, S; Fernando, H.J.S., Stratified Flow Past a Hill: Dividing Streamline Concept Revisited, «BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY», 2016, 159, pp. 611 - 634 [Scientific article]

Grachev, A.A; Leo, L.S; Di Sabatino, S; Fernando, H.J.S; Pardyjak, E.R; Fairall, C.W., Structure of Turbulence in Katabatic Flows Below and Above the Wind-Speed Maximum, «BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY», 2016, 159, pp. 469 - 494 [Scientific article]

Lehner, M; Whiteman, C.D; Hoch, S.W; Jensen, D; Pardyjak, E.R; Leo, L.S; Di Sabatino, S; Fernando, H.J.S., A case study of the nocturnal boundary layer evolution on a slope at the foot of a desert mountain, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY», 2015, 54, pp. 732 - 751 [Scientific article]