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Serena Morigi

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Matematica

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MATH-05/A Analisi numerica


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

L.Moltedo, S.Morigi ANIMA: An Interactive Tool for Scientific Data Animation, Computer Graphics forum, Vol.12, No. 5 (1993), pp.277-288;

G.Casciola, S.Morigi, Graphics in parallel computation for rendering 3D modelled scenes, Parallel Computing No. 21, pp.1365-1382, (1995);

G.Casciola, S.Morigi, Il problema SSI nella modellazione solida con superfici NURBS, Atti della Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, classe di scienze fisiche, serie V, No. 6, (1995);

G.Casciola, S.Morigi, Reparametrization of NURBS curves, International Journal of Shape Modeling, Vol 2, No. 2&3 (1996), pp 103-116;

G.Casciola, S.Morigi, Modelling of Curves and Surfaces in Polar and Cartesian Coordinates, Technical Report No 12, Department of Mathematics, Università di Bologna, 07/1996;

G.Casciola, M.Lacchini, S.Morigi Degree elevation for single-valued curves in polar coordinates, Technical Report No 13 , Department of Mathematics, Università di Bologna, 09/1996;

D.Liberanome, L.Moltedo, S.Morigi Superfici dinamiche per lo studio di fenomeni in evoluzione spazio-temporale; Atti della Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, classe di scienze fisiche, serie V, No 7, pp. 77-89, (1996);

G.Casciola, S.Morigi, Spline Curves in Polar and Cartesian Coordinates, in Curves and Surfaces with applications in CAGD, A. Le Mèhautè, C.Rabut, and L.L.Schumaker (eds.) , Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN, (1997), pp 61-68;

G.Casciola, S.Morigi, Circle as a p-spline curve, Technical Report No 9 , Department of Mathematics, Università di Bologna, 05/1997;

S.Morigi, Modellazione con curve e superfici p-spline, Tesi di Dottorato di ricerca pubblicata da Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Quaderni Del Gruppo Nazionale Per L’Informatica Matematica, No 7, Firenze 1997;

D.Liberanome, L.Moltedo, S.Morigi A graphical Modelling Technique for time-space simulations; in SCCG98 Conference Proceeding (ISBN 80-223-0837-4), Bratislava, (1998);

G.Casciola, S.Morigi, J.Sanchez-Reyes; Degree elevation for p-Bèzier curves, Computer Aided Geometric Design, No. 15 (1998), pp 313-322;

S. Morigi Modeling with curves and p-spline surfaces , BOLLETTINO DELLA UNIONE MATEMATICA ITALIANAVolume: 1ASupplement: SPages: 197-200Published: APR 1998;

S.Morigi, A.Mingozzi, Min-Max Partitioning of a matrix with non-guillotine-cuts, Technical Report No. 14, Dipartimento di Matematica, Univ.Bologna, (1999);

S.Morigi, A. Sarti, F.Sgallari Parallel Multiscale Analysis of 2D Image Sequences, in Proceeding Fifth European SGI/Cray MPP Conference, Italia, (1999);

D.Calvetti, S.Morigi, L.Reichel, F.Sgallari, Computable error bounds and estimates for the conjugate gradient method, Numerical Algorithms, Vol 25, (2000), pp. 75--88;

D.Calvetti, S.Morigi, L.Reichel, F.Sgallari, Tikhonov Regularization and the L-curve for large discrete ill-posed problems, book series Studies in Computational Math., Numerical Analysis 2000 in the 20th century, Volume III Linear Algebra , J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol 123, pp.423-446 (2000);

D.Calvetti, S.Morigi, L.Reichel, F.Sgallari, An L-ribbon for large underdetermined linear discrete ill-posed problems, Numerical Algorithms, Vol 25, 2000, pp. 89--107;

S.Morigi, M.Neamtu, Some results for a class of Generalized Polynomials, Advances in Computational Mathematics 12 (2000), pp. 133-149;

G.Casciola, S.Morigi, The trimmed NURBS age, Advances in Computation: Theory and Practice; Recent Trends in Numerical Analysis, eds.L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante, Nova Science Books and Journals, NY, pp.107-119 (2000);

G.Casciola, S.Morigi, xcmodel: an aCADemic system, Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Sez. VII, Sc. Mat. Supplemento Vol. XLV, (2000), pp. 405-430;

M.Bertaia, S.Morigi, E.L.Piccolomini, F.Sgallari, F.Zama Regularization of large discrete ill-posed problems in Image Processing, Advances in Computation: Theory and Practice; Recent Trends in Numerical Analysis, eds.L.Brugnano, D.Trigiante, Nova Science Books and Journals., NY, pp.43-97 (2000);

A.Cappello, S.Morigi, F.Sgallari, C.Zannoni, An anisotropic nonlinear diffusion approach to image interpolation, Proceeding International Symposium Mathematic Theory of Networks and Systems, Perpignan,Vol.8, Proceeding Conf. MTNS 2000, Francia, (2000);

S.Morigi,F.Sgallari Models and numerical methods in nonlinear diffusion equations for 2D/3D image and image sequence analysis, Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Sez. VII, Sc. Mat. Supplemento Vol. XLV, pp. 129-141 (2000);

D.Calvetti, S.Morigi, L.Reichel, F.Sgallari, An iterative method with error estimator, book series Studies in Computational Math., Numerical Analysis 2000 in the 20th century, Volume V Quadrature and Orthogonal Polynomials, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 127 (2001), pp. 93--119;

S.Morigi, F.Sgallari, A regularizing L-curve Lanczos method for underdetermined linear systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol 121/1, pp 55-73, (2001);

K. Mikula, S.Morigi, A. Sarti, F.Sgallari; Parallel Multiscale Filtering of two and three Dimensional Image Sequences, in “Scienza e Supercalcolo al CINECA”, Report CINECA eds., (2001);

S.Morigi, F.Sgallari, K. Mikula Registration based on evolution models, Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), vol. 4474-41 a cura di Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XI,ed.F.T.Luk, pp. 346-356, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA,USA, (2001);

U. Diewald, S.Morigi, M.Rumpf, On geometric evolution and cascadic multigrid in subdivision. In T. Ertl, B. Girod, G. Greiner, H. Niemann, and H.-P. Seidel, editors, Proc. Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2001, Stuttgart, pages 67-75, 2001

S.Morigi, A.Mingozzi, Partitioning a matrix with non-guillotine cuts to minimize the maximum cost, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol 116/3,pp.243-260, 2002;

U. Diewald, S.Morigi, M.Rumpf, A Cascadic Geometric Filtering Approach to Subdivision, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol 19, pp. 675-694,(2002);

G.Casciola, S.Morigi, Inverse Circular Curves, International Journal of Shape Modeling, Vol 8, No. 1, (2002), pp 43-58;

S.Morigi, F.Veneri, Surface reconstruction from multiple range images, Proceedings of EG italian chapter, Milano, (2002);

S.Morigi, F.Sgallari, 3D long bone reconstruction based on level sets, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol 28/7 pp 377-390, (2004);

A.Liverani, S.Morigi, Efficient 6DOF tools for Free-form Surface Modelling, The Visual computer, Vol. 20,Numbers 8-9, (2004);

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