vai alle Pubblicazioni
Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
In this section the list of works published before 2004 is
reported, since they were not recorded by the census system of the
University of Bologna. The list of the publications from 2004 to
nowadays can be found on the website of the University of
1. P.Leonelli, S.Bonvicini, G.Spadoni, Quantified risk analysis in
transport of dangerous substances: a comparison between pipelines
and roads, in “Advances in Safety and Reliability”, Proceedings of
the ESREL'97 Conference (Lisbon (P), 17-20 June 1997), 725-732, Ed.
C.Guedes-Soares, Pergamon, Oxford (UK), 1997.
2. S.Bonvicini, P.Leonelli, G.Spadoni, Uncertainty evaluation using
fuzzy logic in risk analysis of hazardous materials transportation,
Proceedings of the SRA-Europe 7th Conference (Stockholm, 11-14 June
1997), 237-245, Ed. B.M.Drottz-Sjoberg, Stockholm School of
Economics, Stockholm (S), 1997. Nota: questo lavoro è stato
premiato come “best full paper” incluso negli Atti del
3. S.Bonvicini, P.Leonelli, G.Spadoni, Risk analysis in hazardous
materials transportation: a methodology for the selection of a
multicriterion optimal route, in “Safety and Reliability”,
Proceedings of the ESREL'98 Conference (Trondheim (N), 16-19 June
1998), 1111-1118, Ed. S.Lydersen, G.K.Hansen and H.A.Sandtorv,
Balkema, Rotterdam (NL), 1998.
4. S.Bonvicini, P.Leonelli, G.Spadoni, Trasporto di sostanze
pericolose: metodologie e scopi dell'analisi di rischio, Atti del
Congresso GRICU'98 (Ferrara (I), 23-25 Sept. 1998), 471-474, Ed.
AIDIC, Milano (I), 1998.
5. S.Bonvicini, P.Leonelli, G.Spadoni, A risk-analysis-based
routing methodology for the transportation of hazardous materials,
in “Risk Analysis: Opening the Process”, Proceedings of the
SRA-Europe 8th Conference (Paris (F), 11-14 Oct. 1998), 717-726,
Eds. P.Hubert and C.Mays, IPSN, Fontenay-aux-Roses (F), 1999. Nota:
questo lavoro è stato premiato come “best paper by young
researcher” incluso negli Atti del Convegno.
6. S.Bonvicini, P.Leonelli, G.Spadoni, risk analysis of hazardous
materials transportation: evaluating uncertainty by means of fuzzy
logic, Journ. Haz. Mat., 62(1), 59-74, 1998.
7. S.Bonvicini, P.Leonelli, G.Spadoni, Fuzzy logic: an application
to uncertainty evaluation in risk analysis of hazardous materials
transportation, in “Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management
– PSAM4”, Proceedings of the PSAM4 Conference (New York (USA),
13-18 Sept.1998), 515-520, Eds. A.Mosleh and R.A.Bari, Springer
Verlag, London (UK), 1998.
8. S.Bonvicini, Quantified risk analysis in hazardous materials
transportation: methodological features, uncertainty evaluation,
routes optimisation, Ph.D. Thesis, Università degli Studi di
Bologna, Bologna (I), 1998.
9. G.Spadoni, P.Leonelli, S.Bonvicini, Best route for hazardous
material transportation: risk analysis based methodology,
Proceedings of ICheaP-4, (Firenze (I), 2-5 May 1999), 707-710, Ed.
AIDIC, Milano (I), 1999.
10. P.Leonelli, S.Bonvicini, G.Spadoni, The optipath routing model
for shipments of hazardous materials: discussion of test results,
in “Chemical Industry and Environment III”, Proceedings of the 3rd
European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment (Krakow (PL),
1-3 Sept. 1999), 383-390, Eds. R.Zazrzycki and Z.Malecki, Technical
University of Lodz (Lodz) and Polish Academy of Sciences (Zabrze)
(PL), 1999.
11. P.Leonelli, S.Bonvicini, G.Spadoni, New detailed numerical
procedures for calculating risk measures in hazardous materials
transportation, Journ. Loss Prev., 12(6), 507-515, 1999.
12. P.Leonelli, S.Bonvicini, G.Spadoni, Hazardous materials
transportation: a risk-analysis-based routing methodology, Journ.
Haz. Mat., 71(3), 283-300, 2000.
13. S.Bonvicini, G.Spadoni, Effects of different incident
characterisations in hazardous materials transportation risk
analysis, in “Risk Analysis II”, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference
on Computer Simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation
(Bologna (I), 11-13 Oct. 2000), 259-268, Ed. C.A.Brebbia, WIT
Press, Southampton (UK), 2000.
14. V.Cozzani, S.Bonvicini, L.Vanni, G.Spadoni, S.Zanelli, Analisi
comparativa delle frequenze di incidente e di rilascio nel
trasporto stradale e ferroviario di sostanze pericolose, Atti del
Convegno VGR2k (Pisa, 24–26 Oct. 2000), su CD Rom, Eds. M.Carcassi
and M.Leonardi, DIMNP Università degli Studi di Pisa, Pisa (I),
15. S.Bonvicini, G.Spadoni, Ottimizzazione delle rotte nel
trasporto stradale di sostanze pericolose, Atti del Convegno VGR2k
(Pisa, 24–26 Oct. 2000), su CD Rom, Eds. M.Carcassi and M.Leonardi,
(su CD Rom), DIMNP Università degli Studi di Pisa, Pisa (I),
16. S.Bonvicini, G.Costacurta, P.Leonelli, G.Spadoni, Enhancements
to the OPTIPATH model for routing hazardous materials shipments, in
“PSAM5 - Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management”,
Proceedings of the PSAM5 Conference (Osaka (JP), 27 Nov.-1 Dec.
2000), Eds. S.Kondo and K.Furuta, 1667-1673, Universal Academy
Press Inc., Tokyo (JP), 2000.
17. R.Lisi, M.F.Milazzo, G.Maschio P.Leonelli, S.Bonvicini,
G.Spadoni, Risk analysis of the transportation of hazardous
materials: an application of the TRAT2 software to Messina, in
“Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries”,
Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety
Promotion in the Process Industries (Stockholm (S), 19-21 June
2001), 1017-1028, Eds. H.J.Pasman, O. Fredholm, A. Jacobsson,
Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (NL), 2001.
18. S.Bonvicini, V.Cozzani, L.Vanni, The importance of modeling
assumptions in hazardous material transportation risk analysis, in
“Safety and Reliability: towards a safer world”, Proceedings of the
ESREL'01 Conference (Torino (I), 16–20 Sept. 2001), 807–814, Eds.
E.Zio, M.Demichela, N.Piccinini, Politecnico di Torino, Torino (I),
19. V.Cozzani, S.Bonvicini, L.Vanni, G.Spadoni, S.Zanelli,
Trasporto di merci pericolose. Prima parte: dati storici di
incidente, La Chimica e l'Industria, 83(9), 69-74, 2001.
20. V.Cozzani, S.Bonvicini, L.Vanni, G.Spadoni, S.Zanelli,
Trasporto di merci pericolose. Parte seconda: incertezze nei dati
storici di incidente, La Chimica e l'Industria, 83(10), 64-69,
21. S.Bonvicini, E.Vezzani, G.Spadoni, Hazmat transportation in
populated areas: are routing criteria useful to reduce risks?, in
“Decision making and risk management”, Proceedings of the ESREL'02
Conference (Lyon (F), 19-21 March 2002), 557-564, 2002.
22. M.F.Milazzo, R.Lisi, G.Maschio, G.Antonioni, S.Bonvicini and
G.Spadoni, HazMat transport through Messina town: from risk
analysis suggestions for improving territorial safety, Journ. Loss
Prev., 15(5), 347-356, 2002.
23. S.Bonvicini, G.Spadoni, Il trasporto di merci pericolose in
un'area industriale: percorsi alternativi per la riduzione del
rischio, Atti del Convegno VGR2k (Pisa, 15–17 Oct. 2002) su CD Rom,
Eds. M.Carcassi and M.Leonardi, DIMNP Università degli Studi di
Pisa, Pisa (I), 2002.