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Sara Fani

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: L-OR/12 Arabic Language and Literature


Fani, S, Scribal Practices in Arabic Manuscripts from Ethiopia: The 'Ajamization of Scribal Practices in Fusha and 'Ajami Manuscripts from Harar, «ISLAMIC AFRICA», 2017, 8, pp. 144 - 170 [Scientific article]

Sara Fani, Arabic Grammar Traditions in Gibe and Harar: Regional Continuity vs Specificity of Scholarship, «AETHIOPICA», 2016, 19, pp. 113 - 134 [Scientific article]

Sara Fani, Review of: Karin Scheper, The Technique of Islamic Bookbinding: Methods, Materials, and Regional Varieties, Leiden Boston, Brill, 2015, «QUADERNI DI STUDI ARABI», 2016, 11, pp. 254 - 256 [Review]

Fani, Sara, Magic, traditional medicine and theurgy in Arabo-Islamic manuscripts of the Horn of Africa:, in: Essays in Ethiopian Manuscript Studies. Proceedings of the International Conference “Manuscripts and Texts, Languages and Contexts: the Transmission of Knowledge in the Horn of Africa”, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016, pp. 273 - 280 (AETHIOPICA SUPPLEMENTS) [Chapter or essay]

Sara Fani; Margherita Farina, The Typographia Medicea and the Humanistic Perspective of Renaissance Rome, in: The Grand Ducal Medici and the Levant. Material Culture, Diplomacy, and Imagery in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Turnhout, Brepols, 2016, pp. 169 - 177 [Chapter or essay]

Sara Fani; Margherita Farina (a cura di): Vera Valitutto; Pier Giorgio Borbone, Le vie delle lettere. La tipografia medicea tra Roma e l'Oriente, Firenze, Mandragora srl, 2012, pp. 12 (LA BIBLIOTECA IN MOSTRA). [Editorship]

Sara Fani, A Conservative Census of Arabic Manuscripts in the Central National Library of Florence, «COMPARATIVE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPT STUDIES NEWSLETTER», 2011, 2, pp. 5 - 6 [Scientific article]Open Access

Sara Fani, Coperte arabescate. Sull’arte della legatura islamica, «CHARTA», 2009, 101, pp. 36 - 40 [Scientific article]

Sara Fani, Manuali arabi sulle tecniche di legatura dei libri (sec. XI-XVII), «QUADERNI DI STUDI ARABI», 2008, 3, pp. 201 - 218 [Scientific article]