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Sandro Graffi

Emeritus Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


E. CALICETI; GRAFFI S., Canonical Expansion of PT-Symmetric Operators and Perturbation Theory, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL», 2004, 37, pp. 2239 - 2251 [Scientific article]

P. CONTUCCI; GRAFFI S., Convex Replica Simmetry Breaking from Positivity and Thermodynamic Limit, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B», 2004, 18(4/5), pp. 585 - 591 [Scientific article]

GRAFFI S.; M. LENCI, Localization in infinite billiards: a comparison between quantum and classical ergodicity, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2004, 116, pp. 821 - 830 [Scientific article]

CONTUCCI P.; GRAFFI S., Monotonicity and Thermodynamic Limit for Short Range Disordered Models, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2004, 115, pp. 581 - 589 [Scientific article]

Pierluigi Contucci; Sandro Graffi, On The Surface Pressure for the Edwards Anderson Model, «COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2004, 248, pp. 207 - 216 [Scientific article]

Graffi S., On the Thermodynamic Limit for Spin Glasses, in: New Trends in Mathematical Physics, SINGAPORE, World Scientific, 2004, pp. 68 - 76 (atti di: New Trends in Mathematical Physics, Napoli, 24-25 gennaio 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

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