Prando, G.; Lascialfari, A.; Rigamonti, A.; Romanó, L.; Sanna, Samuele; Putti, M.; Tropeano, M., Superconducting phase fluctuations in SmFeAsO0.8F0.2 from diamagnetism at a low magnetic field above Tc, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS», 2011, 84, Article number: 064507, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]
Khasanov, R.; Sanna, Samuele; Prando, G.; Shermadini, Z.; Bendele, M.; Amato, A.; Carretta, P.; De Renzi, R.; Karpinski, J.; Katrych, S.; Luetkens, H.; Zhigadlo, N. D., Tuning of competing magnetic and superconducting phase volumes in LaFeAsO0.945F0.055 by hydrostatic pressure, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2011, 84, Article number: 100501, pp. 1 - 5 [articolo]
Prando, G.; Carretta, P.; De Renzi, R.; Sanna, Samuele; Palenzona, A.; Putti, M.; Tropeano, M., Vortex dynamics and irreversibility line in optimally doped SmFeAsO0.8F0.2 from ac susceptibility and magnetization measurements, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2011, 83, Article number: 174514, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]
Sanna, Samuele; Coneri, Francesco; Rigoldi, Americo; Concas, Giorgio; Giblin, Sean; Derenzi, Roberto, Competing orders suppressed by disorder around a hidden quantum critical point in cuprate high Tc superconductors, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2010, 82, Article number: 100503(R), pp. 1005031 - 1005034 [articolo]
Prando, G.; Carretta, P.; Lascialfari, A.; Rigamonti, A.; Sanna, Samuele; Romanò, L.; Palenzona, A.; Putti, M.; Tropeano, M., Investigation of fluctuating diamagnetism and spin dynamics in SmFeAsO1-xFx superconductors, in: Volume 75 - 5th FORUM ON NEW MATERIALS PART D, Stäfa, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2010, pp. 141 - 146 (ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) [capitolo di libro]
Coneri, F.; Sanna, Samuele; Zheng, K.; Lord, J.; De Renzi, R., Magnetic states of lightly hole-doped cuprates in the clean limit as seen via zero-field muon spin spectroscopy, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2010, 81, Article number: 104507, pp. 10450711 - 10450721 [articolo]
Sanna, Samuele; De Renzi, R.; Shiroka, T.; Lamura, G.; Prando, G.; Carretta, P.; Putti, M.; Martinelli, A.; Cimberle, M. R.; Tropeano, M.; Palenzona, A., Nanoscopic coexistence of magnetic and superconducting states within the FeAs layers of CeFeAsO1-xFx, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2010, 82, Article number: 060508(R), pp. 0605081 - 0605084 [articolo]
Prando, Giacomo; Carretta, Pietro; Rigamonti, Attilio; Sanna, Samuele; Palenzona, Andrea; Putti, Marina; Tropeano, Matteo, 19F NMR study of the coupling between 4f and itinerant electrons in the pnictide superconductors SmFeAsO1-xFx, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2010, 81, Article number: 100508(R), pp. 1005081 - 1005084 [articolo]
Francesco, Coneri; Giorgio, Concas; Sean, Giblin; Americo, Rigoldi; Sanna, Samuele; Roberto De Renzi,, Effect of the double doping mechanism on the phase diagram of Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O6+y, «PHYSICA. B, CONDENSED MATTER», 2009, 404, pp. 706 - 709 [articolo]
Sanna, Samuele; Agrestini, Stefano; Zheng, Kefei; De Renzi Roberto, ; Saini, Naurang, Experimental evidence of chemical-pressure-controlled superconductivity in cuprates, «EUROPHYSICS LETTERS», 2009, 86, Article number: 67007, pp. 670071 - 670076 [articolo]
Sanna, Samuele; De Renzi Roberto, ; Lamura, Gianrico; Ferdeghini, Carlo; Martinelli, Alberto; Palenzona, Andrea; Putti, Marina; Tropeano, Matteo; Shiroka, Toni, Intrinsic Ferromagnetic Impurity Phases in SmFeAsO1-xFx Detectedby muSR, «JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM», 2009, 22, pp. 585 - 588 [articolo]
Sanna, Samuele; De Renzi Roberto, ; Lamura, Gianrico; Ferdeghini, Carlo; Palenzona, Andrea; Putti, Marina; Tropeano, Matteo; Shiroka, Toni, Magnetic-superconducting phase boundary of SmFeAsO1-xFx studied via muon spin rotation: Unified behavior in a pnictide family, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2009, 80, Article number: 052503, pp. 0525031 - 0525034 [articolo]
Sanna, Samuele; Francesco, Coneri; Americo, Rigoldi; Giorgio, Concas; Roberto De Renzi,, Experimental evidence of two distinct charge carriers in underdoped cuprate superconductors, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2008, 77, Article number: 224511, pp. 2245111 - 2245114 [articolo]
Bianconi, A.; Busby, Y.; Fratini, M.; Palmisano, V.; Simonelli, L.; Filippi, M.; Sanna, Samuele; Congiu, F.; Saccone, A.; Giovannini, M.; De Negri, S., Controlling the Critical Temperature in Mg(1-x)AlxB2, «JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM», 2007, 20, pp. 495 - 501 [articolo]
Allodi, G.; Sanna, Samuele; Concas, G.; Caciuffo, R.; De Renzi, R., Magnetic clusters in superconducting lightly doped YBa2Cu3O6+x, «PHYSICA. B, CONDENSED MATTER», 2006, 374-375, pp. 221 - 224 [articolo]