Foto del docente

Silvia Ferrara

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica

Settore scientifico disciplinare: L-FIL-LET/01 CIVILTA EGEE

Nota biografica

Silvia Ferrara, Professor of Mycenaean Philology, was previously Associate Professor at Sapienza, University of Rome. She returned to Italy in 2011, with the "reverse brain drain" programme entitled to Rita Levi Montalcini. She studied Archaeology and Classics at University College London and Oxford. After her PhD (2006), she became Junior Research Fellow in Archaeology at St John’s College, Oxford (2006-2010). She taught at University College London, Oxford, Cambridge, and Rome.


She is the Principal Investigator of the ERC Consolidator Grant INSCRIBE (Invention of Scripts and their Beginnings).


She is interested in the phenomenon of writing and its interface between art, language, material culture, visual perception and cognitive mechanisms.

Three books are forthcoming in 2023, by Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press. She has written several books, two with Oxford University Press (2012, 2013) and two with Feltrinelli, La Grande Invenzione (2019, translated into eight languages) and Il Salto. Segni, figure, parole: viaggio all'origine dell'immaginazione (2021).


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Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica
Via Zamboni 32, Bologna - Vai alla mappa

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