Fanti, Stefano; Lalumera, Elisabetta, Errors in imaging reading and reporting, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING», 2023, 50, pp. 1546 - 1548 [articolo]
Fanti, Stefano; Lalumera, Elisabetta; Hicks, Rodney, Facts and Myths About Stage Migration: Should the Will Rogers Phenomenon Ride off into the Distance?, «EUROPEAN UROLOGY ONCOLOGY», 2023, 6, pp. 1 - 3 [replica/breve intervento]
Bagnis, Arianna; Todorov, Alexander; Altizio, Ilenia; Colonnello, Valentina; Fanti, Stefano; Russo, Paolo Maria; Mattarozzi, Katia, Familiarity From Facial Appearance Leads to Hypoalgesia, «THE JOURNAL OF PAIN», 2023, 24, pp. 2040 - 2051 [articolo]Open Access
Vetrone L.; Mei R.; Bianchi L.; Giunchi F.; Farolfi A.; Castellucci P.; Droghetti M.; Presutti M.; Degiovanni A.; Schiavina R.; Brunocilla E.; D'Errico A.; Fanti S., Histology and PSMA Expression on Immunohistochemistry in High-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients: Comparison with 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT Features in Primary Staging, «CANCERS», 2023, 15, Article number: 1716, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access
Zamagni E.; Oliva S.; Gay F.; Capra A.; Rota-Scalabrini D.; D'Agostino M.; Belotti A.; Galli M.; Racca M.; Zambello R.; Gamberi B.; Albano D.; Bertamini L.; Versari A.; Grasso M.; Sgherza N.; Priola C.; Fioritoni F.; Patriarca F.; De Cicco G.; Villanova T.; Pascarella A.; Zucchetta P.; Tacchetti P.; Fanti S.; Mancuso K.; Barbato S.; Boccadoro M.; Musto P.; Cavo M.; Nanni C., Impact of minimal residual disease standardised assessment by FDG-PET/CT in transplant-eligible patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma enrolled in the imaging sub-study of the FORTE trial, «ECLINICALMEDICINE», 2023, 60, Article number: 102017, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access
Kratochwil C.; Fendler W.P.; Eiber M.; Hofman M.S.; Emmett L.; Calais J.; Osborne J.R.; Iravani A.; Koo P.; Lindenberg L.; Baum R.P.; Bozkurt M.F.; Delgado Bolton R.C.; Ezziddin S.; Forrer F.; Hicks R.J.; Hope T.A.; Kabasakal L.; Konijnenberg M.; Kopka K.; Lassmann M.; Mottaghy F.M.; Oyen W.J.G.; Rahbar K.; Schoder H.; Virgolini I.; Bodei L.; Fanti S.; Haberkorn U.; Hermann K., Joint EANM/SNMMI procedure guideline for the use of 177Lu-labeled PSMA-targeted radioligand-therapy (177Lu-PSMA-RLT), «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING», 2023, 50, pp. 2830 - 2845 [articolo]Open Access
Gillessen, Silke; Bossi, Alberto; Davis, Ian D; de Bono, Johann; Fizazi, Karim; James, Nicholas D; Mottet, Nicolas; Shore, Neal; Small, Eric; Smith, Mathew; Sweeney, Christopher; Tombal, Bertrand; Antonarakis, Emmanuel S; Aparicio, Ana M; Armstrong, Andrew J; Attard, Gerhardt; Beer, Tomasz M; Beltran, Himisha; Bjartell, Anders; Blanchard, Pierre; Briganti, Alberto; Bristow, Rob G; Bulbul, Muhammad; Caffo, Orazio; Castellano, Daniel; Castro, Elena; Cheng, Heather H; Chi, Kim N; Chowdhury, Simon; Clarke, Caroline S; Clarke, Noel; Daugaard, Gedske; De Santis, Maria; Duran, Ignacio; Eeles, Ros; Efstathiou, Eleni; Efstathiou, Jason; Ngozi Ekeke, Onyeanunam; Evans, Christopher P; Fanti, Stefano; Feng, Felix Y; Fonteyne, Valerie; Fossati, Nicola; Frydenberg, Mark; George, Daniel; Gleave, Martin; Gravis, Gwenaelle; Halabi, Susan; Heinrich, Daniel; Herrmann, Ken; Higano, Celestia; Hofman, Michael S; Horvath, Lisa G; Hussain, Maha; Alicja Jereczek-Fossa, Barbara; Jones, Robert; Kanesvaran, Ravi, Management of Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer. Part I: Intermediate-/High-risk and Locally Advanced Disease, Biochemical Relapse, and Side Effects of Hormonal Treatment: Report of the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference 2022, «EUROPEAN UROLOGY», 2023, 83, pp. 267 - 293 [articolo]Open Access
Gillessen S.; Bossi A.; Davis I.D.; de Bono J.; Fizazi K.; James N.D.; Mottet N.; Shore N.; Small E.; Smith M.; Sweeney C.J.; Tombal B.; Antonarakis E.S.; Aparicio A.M.; Armstrong A.J.; Attard G.; Beer T.M.; Beltran H.; Bjartell A.; Blanchard P.; Briganti A.; Bristow R.G.; Bulbul M.; Caffo O.; Castellano D.; Castro E.; Cheng H.H.; Chi K.N.; Chowdhury S.; Clarke C.S.; Clarke N.; Daugaard G.; De Santis M.; Duran I.; Eeles R.; Efstathiou E.; Efstathiou J.; Ekeke O.N.; Evans C.P.; Fanti S.; Feng F.Y.; Fonteyne V.; Fossati N.; Frydenberg M.; George D.; Gleave M.; Gravis G.; Halabi S.; Heinrich D.; Herrmann K.; Higano C.; Hofman M.S.; Horvath L.G.; Hussain M.; Jereczek-Fossa B.A.; Jones R.; Kanesvaran R.; Kellokumpu-Lehtinen P.-L.; Khauli R.B.; Klotz L.; Kramer G.; Leibowitz R.; Logothetis C.; Mahal B.; Maluf F.; Mateo J.; Matheson D.; Mehra N.; Merseburger A.; Morgans A.K.; Morris M.J.; Mrabti H.; Mukherji D.; Murphy D.G.; Murthy V.; Nguyen P.L.; Oh W.K.; Ost P.; O'Sullivan J.M.; Padhani A, Management of patients with advanced prostate cancer—metastatic and/or castration-resistant prostate cancer: report of the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) 2022, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER», 2023, 185, pp. 178 - 215 [articolo]Open Access
Elisa Tassinari, Nicole Conci, Giacomo Battisti, Francesco Porta, Valerio Di Scioscio, Maria Giulia Pirini, Dario de Biase, Maria Concetta Nigro, Miriam Iezza, Fausto Castagnetti, Luigi Lovato, Stefano Fanti, Maria Abbondanza Pantaleo, Margherita Nannini, Metabolic pseudoprogression in a patient with metastatic KIT exon 11 GIST after 1 month of first-line imatinib: a case report, «FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY», 2023, 13, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]Open Access
Fortunati E, Bonazzi N, Zanoni L, Fanti S, Ambrosini V., Molecular imaging Theranostics of Neuroendocrine Tumors., «SEMINARS IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE», 2023, 53, pp. 539 - 554 [articolo]
Ayati, Narjess; Herrmann, Ken; Fanti, Stefano; Murphy, Declan G; Hofman, Michael S, More Accurate Imaging Is Not Stage Migration: Time To Move from "Hubble" to "Webb" in Hormone-sensitive Prostate Cancer, «EUROPEAN UROLOGY», 2023, 83, pp. 6 - 9 [articolo]
Palmerini E.; Frega G.; Gambarotti M.; Frisoni T.; Cesari M.; Bazzocchi A.; Miceli M.; Donati D.M.; Fanti S.; Nanni C.; Benini S.; Longhi A.; Paioli A.; Marrari A.; Hakim R.; Righi A.; Ibrahim T., NTRK rearranged sarcoma of the bone. Role for larotrectinib in the neoadjuvant setting of an ultra-rare tumor: a case report, «FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY», 2023, 13, Article number: 1252359, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]Open Access
Bashir H.; Gul M.R.; Younis M.N.; Tulchinsky M.; Li Y.; Fanti S.; Alavi A., Nuclear Medicine - A Name for Now and the Future, «CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE», 2023, 48, pp. 315 - 317 [articolo]
Evangelista L.; Fanti S., PET/CT in Prostate Cancer, «CANCERS», 2023, 15, Article number: 3751, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]Open Access
Castellucci P, Mei R, Farolfi A, Nanni C, Fanti S., Potential Clinical Applications of Dedicated Prostate Positron Emission Tomography., «PET CLINICS», 2023, 19, pp. 119 - 124 [articolo]