Foto del docente

Rosa Mulè

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GSPS-02/A Scienza politica

Curriculum vitae

dal 2024 Professoressa ordinaria di Scienza Politica

2012 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale Professore di Prima Fascia Scienza Politica

dal 2002 Professoressa associata Scienza Politica

2020·Social Europe. Asymmetries, subsidiarity and conditionality, in G. Walzenbach and Ralf Alleweldt (eds.) Varieties of subsidiarity, E-IR Publications, Bristol (in print-July 2020).

2020· Envisioning the Russian Welfare State Model: The New Political Economy of Gender and the Labour Market in Bianchini, S. and A. Fiori (eds.) Reshaping Power in a Global World. Hybrid Systems and Dynamics of Change in Russia and China, Brill, Leiden (with Olga Dubrovina).

2019 · Introduction: International order and the reconfiguration of power: dynamics of change in the political economy of Russia and China, Interdisciplinary Political Studies 5, 2: 277- 284. e-ISSN: 2039-8573.

2019 · Gendering the costs of the political economy transition in Russia, Interdisciplinary Political Studies 5, 2: 285-317 (with Olga Dubrovina). e-ISSN: 2039-8573.

2019 ·Premessa In R. Mulè and S. Ventura (eds.) Lo studio della politica, l’individuo e la libertà. Scritti in onore di Angelo Panebianco, Bologna, Il Mulino (with Sofia Ventura).

2019 ·Tipo ideale e political economy: un incontro fecondo, in R. Mulè and S. Ventura (eds.) Lo studio della politica, l’individuo e la libertà. Scritti in onore di Angelo Panebianco, Bologna, Il Mulino.

2019 ·Introduction: two spaces of subsidiarity? in R. Mulè and G. Walzenbach, eds. Spaces of subsidiarity. Diverging polities and policies, Special Issue, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 57, 2, Special Issue. (with G. Walzenbach). ISSN:1466-2043.

2019 · The political economy of subsidiarity in labour market reforms: the United Kingdom and Italy in times of crises, in R. Mulè and G. Walzenbach, eds. Spaces of subsidiarity. Diverging polities and policies, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 57, 2: 172–192. ISSN: 1466-2043.

2018· La trasformazione del welfare state in Russia e Cina: la partecipazione femminile al mercato del lavoro, in Bianchini, S. and A. Fiori (eds.) Russia e Cina nel mondo globale, Carocci, Bari: 73-86.

2018 ·Attitudes and Opinions of Middle Level Elites. Adaptation, Innovation or Persistence? Italian Political Science Review, 48, 1:23-42 (with Paola Bordandini). ISSN: 0048-8402.

2017 ·Foreword, in The Political Economy of Crisis and Change in the New Global Context, EGEA, Bocconi University Press, Milan (with E. Baroncelli).

2017.·Striking a Balance? Comparative Political Economy and International Political Economy in times of crises, (with G. Walzenbach) in Baroncelli, E. and R. Mulé (eds.) The Political Economy of Crisis and Change in the New Global Context, EGEA, Milano, Bocconi University Press.

2017.· The political economy of institutional change in advanced and emerging economies, in Baroncelli, E. and R. Mulé (eds.) The Political Economy of Crisis and Change in the New Global Context, EGEA, Milano, Bocconi University Press.

2016 · Coping with the global financial crisis: the regional political economy of emergency social shock absorbers in Italy, Regional and Federal Studies, 26, 3. ISSN: 1359-7566.