Foto del docente

Rocio Beatriz Cortes Lobos


Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: BIO/03 BOTANICA AMBIENTALE E APPLICATA

Curriculum vitae

Education and Training

  • PhD in Deep Learning for modeling current and future biodiversity scenarios . 39th PhD cycle in Life, Earth, and Environmental Sciences - University of Bologna. Position funded by the Horizon project 'Biodiversity Building Blocks for Policy - B3' (University of Bologna, 11/2023 - current)

         Supervisor: prof. Duccio Rocchini

         Co-Supervisor: dott. Michele Di Musciano

  • Master Degree in Science and Management of Nature (University of Bologna, 09/2021 - 10/2023)

        Thesis Title: Early warning system based on AI detects deforestation during the Ukraine war

        Thesis Supervisor: prof. Roberto Cazzolla Gatti

        Final Grade: 110/110 cum laude

  • Bachelor Degree in Astronomy (University of Bologna, 09/2016 - 03/2020)

         Thesis Title: Main thermonuclear reactions in stars

         Thesis Supervisor: prof. Daniele Dallacasa

         Final Grade: 103/110

Courses and Certifications

  • Earth Observation Remote Sensing Workshop 2024
    ESA Academy, Transinne, Belgium (15-19/07/2024)
  • Technician in Weather, Climatology and Environmental Resources Management
    FSE, Fondazione Aldini Valeriani, Bologna (11/2022 - 10/2023)
  • DataLab Project: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analysis & Visualization
    European Social Fund, Emilia-Romagna Region (03/2020 - 07/2020)


Digital Skills

Programming Languages: R - Python - JavaScript - LaTeX

Softwares: Google Earth Engine - QGIS - SNAP - Office365

GitHub: rociobeatrizc


Language Skills

Native Languages: Spanish, Italian

Other Languages: English (B2)



World Biodiversity Forum 2024 - Davos, Switzerland

  • Poster "What a Clichè: the impact of spatial bias on modelling species distribution" Cortes Lobos R., Di Musciano M., Martini M., Rocchini D. 

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