R. Scazzieri, Review of: Review of : S. Goyal, ' Connections. An Introduction to the Economics of Networks' (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007), «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ISSUES», 2009, 43, pp. 1079 - 1081 [Review]
R. Scazzieri, Structural Economic Dynamics: Looking Back and Forging Ahead, «ECONOMIA POLITICA», 2009, 26, pp. 531 - 557 [Scientific article]
R.Scazzieri, The Feasibility of Normative Structures, in: Bruno de Finetti Radical Probabilist, LONDON, College Publications, 2009, pp. 129 - 152 [Chapter or essay]
Scazzieri R., Traverse Analysis and Methods of Economic Dynamics, in: Capital, Time and Transitional Dynamics, LONDON, Routledge, 2009, pp. 96 - 132 [Chapter or essay]
R. Scazzieri; P.L. Porta, A Revolution to be Accomplished: Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians, «ECONOMIA POLITICA», 2008, 25, pp. 455 - 479 [Scientific article]
Scazzieri R.; Zamagni S., Between History and Theory: on the Identity of Hicks' s Economics, in: Markets, Money and Capital. Hicksian Economics for the Twenty-first Century, CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 1 - 37 [Chapter or essay]
Scazzieri R., Bisogni umani, società civile e teoria del valore nelle lezioni di Luigi Valeriani (1807-1824), in: Gli archivi e la storia del pensiero economico, BOLOGNA, Il Mulino, 2008, pp. 53 - 81 [Chapter or essay]
Pasinetti L.L.; Scazzieri R., Capital Theory: paradoxes, in: The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, second edition, LONDON, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. 675 - 684 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
R. Scazzieri, Coordination, Context and Patterns of Reasoning, in: Reasoning, Rationality and Probability, STANFORD/CHICAGO, CSLI Publications/Chicago University Press, 2008, pp. 187 - 207 [Chapter or essay]
Quadrio Curzio A.; Scazzieri R., Historical Stylisations and Monetary Theory, in: Markets, Money and Capital. Hicksian Economics for the 21st Century, CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 185 - 203 [Chapter or essay]
Galavotti M.; Scazzieri R.; Suppes P., Introduction: Reasoning and Patterns of Rationality, in: ., Reasoning, Rationality and Probability, STANFORD/CHICAGO, CSLI Publications/Chicago University Press, 2008, pp. 1 - 9 [Brief introduction]
R. Scazzieri; A. Sen; S. Zamagni, Markets, Money and Capital. Hicksian Economics for the Twenty-First Century, CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 464 . [Editorship]
R.Scazzieri; R. Simili, Preface and Acknowledgments, in: The Migration of Ideas, SAGAMORE, MASSACHUSETTS, Science History Publications (SHP), 2008, pp. vii - ix [Brief introduction]
R. Scazzieri; R. Simili, Preface/Afterword, in: The Migration of Ideas, SAGAMORE BEACH MA, Watson Publishing International LLC, 2008, pp. VII-IX - 225-232 [Brief introduction]
M.C. Galavotti; R. Scazzieri; P. Suppes, Reasoning, Rationality, and Probability, STANFORD, CSLI Publications/Chicago University Press, 2008, pp. 303 . [Editorship]