Foto del docente

Riccardo Baroncelli

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Settore scientifico disciplinare: AGRI-05/B Patologia vegetale

Curriculum vitae

Google Scholar: Li0z6ywAAAAJ

Scopus: 37109506600

WoS ResearcherID: L-2598-2014

ORCID: 0000-0002-5878-1159


  • 2018 Italian National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for associate professor in Plant Pathology - AGR12 (valid from 30/07/2018 thru 30/07/2024).
  • 2013 PhD in Plant and Environmental Sciences University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
  • Dichiarato equipollente al titolo di Dottore di ricerca dell’ordinamento universitario italiano (ex art. 4, co.1, D.L. n. 1/2020).
  • 2012 PGC in Transferable Skills in Science University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
  • 2008 MSc in Plant and Microbial Biotechnologies University of Pisa, Italy.
  • 2006 BSc in Agro-industrial Biotechnologies University of Pisa, Italy.


  • 2020 “FEMS Meeting Organizer Grant” (FEMS-GO-2019-486) by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies to support the organization of the 15th European Conference on Fungal Genetics
  • 2014 “Premio Giovani in formazione” by the Italian Phytopathological Society (S.I.Pa.V).
  • 2013 “BSPP Senior Fellowship” by the British Society for Plant Pathology to support working visit of three months at the University of Salamanca, Spain
  • 2010 Best Poster Presentation Prize at Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Student Symposium (FERA - DEFRA, York, United Kingdom)
  • 2008 “Giovani idee cambiano l’Italia” organized by the Department of Youth and Sports Activities (POGAS) of the Italian Government to support and realize innovative projects

Work experiences

  • From September 2021 Associate Professor of Plant Pathology. University of Bologna, Italy.
  • From January to December 2020 Independent Researcher (1 year); senior position as Bioinformaticians to consolidate independent research lines and to promote collaborative projects. Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
  • From June 2018 to January 2020 Competitive Post-doctoral fellow (2 years) assigned by the University of Salamanca - Project: “Evolution and adaptation of carbohydrate utilization in the fungal model system Colletotrichum” Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
  • From February to June 2018 Visiting Lecturer, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom.
  • From January 2015 to May 2017 Post-doctoral Researcher - Project: “Colletotrichum sp. on lupins: population studies and epidemiology”. LUBEM, Université de Brest, France.
  • From June to December 2014 Research associate - Project: “Trichoderma spp. comparative genomics: unrevealing the genetic bases of biocontrol agents”. Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-Environmental Sciences, University of Pisa, Italy.
  • From March to May 2014 Research associate - Project: “Colletotrichum acutatum s.l. comparative genomics”. CIALE, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
  • From September to November 2013 Research Fellow (BSSP senior fellowship) - Project: “Colletotrichum acutatum s.l. comparative genomics”. CIALE, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
  • From February to August 2013 Research associate - Project: “Verticillium longisporum: genome annotation and molecular diagnosis”. WCC, The University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
  • From November 2008 to March 2013 PhD full fellowship (funded by University of Warwick and DEFRA) – Project: “Molecular genetics and environmental factors influencing the epidemiology of Colletotrichum pathogens”. WCC, The University of Warwick, United Kingdom.

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