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Riccardo Accorsi

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IIND-05/A Impianti industriali meccanici


Accorsi, Riccardo; Cholette, Susan; Manzini, Riccardo; Tufano, Alessandro, A hierarchical data architecture for sustainable food supply chain management and planning, «JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION», 2018, 203, Article number: S095965261832626X, pp. 1039 - 1054 [articolo]Open Access

Gallo, A.; Accorsi, R.; Baruffaldi, G.; Ferrari, E.; Manzini, R., A taxonomy framework to manage perishable products in cold chains, in: AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, 2018, 2018-, pp. 298 - 304 (atti di: 23rd Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering 2018, Grand Hotel et des Palmes, ita, 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Riccardo, Accorsi; Marco, Bortolini; Emilio, Ferrari; Mauro, Gamberi; Francesco, Pilati, Class-based storage warehouse design with diagonal cross-aisle, «LOGFORUM», 2018, 14, Article number: 9, pp. 101 - 112 [articolo]Open Access

Accorsi Riccardo, Ferrari Emilio, Gallo Andrea, Manzini Riccardo, Clustering algorithms for deductive FMEA and failure identification in complex production systems, in: International Society of Science and Applied Technologies (ISSAT), Reliability and Quality in Design, Edison, New Jersey, USA, H. Pham, 2018, 24, pp. 58 - 62 (atti di: 24th ISSAT International Conference Proceedings on Reliability and Quality in Design, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2-4 August 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Faldella, Elisa; Pawar, Kulwant; Accorsi, Riccardo; Ferrari, Emilio; Manzini, Riccardo, Determinants and mitigation strategies for food waste: A case study from a University's student canteen, in: Pawar, K.S.; Potter, A.; Chan, C.; and Pujawan, N., Big Data Enabled Supply Chain Innovations, Nottingham, KS Pawar, A Potter, Caroline Chan and Nyoman Pujawan, 2018, 23, pp. 478 - 486 (atti di: 23rd International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2018) - Big Data Enabled Supply Chain Innovations, Balì, 8 - 11 July, 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Gallo, Andrea; Accorsi, Riccardo; Manzini, Riccardo; Santi, Daniele; Tufano, Alessandro, Improving integration in supply chain traceability systems for perishable products, in: International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2018, Dime University of Genoa, 2018, pp. 28 - 36 (atti di: 4th International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2018, hun, 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Accorsi, Riccardo; Baruffaldi, Giulia; Manzini, Riccardo; Tufano, Alessandro, On the design of cooperative vendors' networks in retail food supply chains: a logistics-driven approach, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS», 2018, 21, pp. 35 - 52 [articolo]

Baruffaldi, G.; Accorsi, R.; Botti, L.; Galizia, F.G.; Tufano, A., Perishable products supply chains: Research trends over the last decade, in: AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, 2018, 2018-, pp. 257 - 262 (atti di: 23rd Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering 2018, Grand Hotel et des Palmes, ita, 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Accorsi, Riccardo; Baruffaldi, Giulia; Manzini, Riccardo, Picking efficiency and stock safety: A bi-objective storage assignment policy for temperature-sensitive products, «COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING», 2018, 115, pp. 240 - 252 [articolo]

Tufano, Alessandro; Accorsi, Riccardo; Garbellini, Federica; Manzini, Riccardo, Plant design and control in food service industry. A multi-disciplinary decision-support system, «COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY», 2018, 103, pp. 72 - 85 [articolo]

Tufano, Alessandro; Accorsi, Riccardo; Gallo, Andrea; Manzini, Riccardo, Simulation in food catering industry. A dashboard of performance indicators, in: International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2018, Dime University of Genoa, 2018, pp. 20 - 27 (atti di: 4th International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop, FoodOPS 2018, hun, 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Tufano, A.; Accorsi, R.; Gallo, A.; Manzini, R., Time and space efficiency in storage systems: A diagnostic framework, in: AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, 2018, 2018-, pp. 362 - 368 (atti di: 23rd Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering 2018, Grand Hotel et des Palmes, ita, 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Accorsi, Riccardo; Gallo, Andrea; Manzini, Riccardo, A climate driven decision-support model for the distribution of perishable products, «JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION», 2017, 165, pp. 917 - 929 [articolo]

Savino, Matteo M; Manzini, Riccardo; Della Selva, Vincenzo; Accorsi, Riccardo, A new model for environmental and economic evaluation of renewable energy systems: The case of wind turbines, «APPLIED ENERGY», 2017, 189, pp. 739 - 752 [articolo]

Riccardo, Accorsi; Marco, Bortolini; Emilio, Ferrari; Francesco, Pilati, A review of technologies and applications for water purification in the food & beverage industry, in: Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, 2017, pp. 312 - 318 (atti di: 22nd Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering 2017, Mondello, Palermo, Italy, 13-15 September 2017) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

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