Foto del docente

Pierluigi Contucci

Full Professor

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: MAT/07 Mathematical Physics


p.contucci; c.giardina; a.giberti; c.vernia, modelling complex systems with statistical mechanics: the computaional approach, «ERCIM NEWS», 2010, 81, pp. 24 - 25 [Scientific article]

elena agliari; adriano barra; raffaella burioni; pierluigi contucci, New perspectives in the equilibrium statistical mechanics approach to social and economic sciences, in: Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behavior in Socio-Economic and Life Sciences, BOSTON, Birkhäuser, 2010, pp. 137 - 174 (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology) [Chapter or essay]

P.Contucci, Stipendi, Pensioni e Lotterie, «IL MULINO», 2010, 1, pp. 1 - 1 [Comment or similar]

P.Contucci, Stochastic Stability: a Review and Some Perspective, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2010, 138, pp. 543 - 551 [Scientific article]

P.Contucci; A.Coutts; F.Gallo; I.Gallo, Tackling climate change through energy efficiency: mathematical models offer evidence-based recommendation for public policy, in: Applications of Mathematics in Models, Artificial Neural Network and Arts, NEW YORK, Springer, 2010, pp. 175 - 192 [Chapter or essay]

A.Barra; P.Contucci, toward a quantitative approach to migrants integration, «EUROPHYSICS LETTERS», 2010, 89, pp. 68001 - 68007 [Scientific article]

E.Agliari; A.Barra; R.Burioni; P.Contucci, Acquaintance role for decision making and exchanges in social networks, «DYNAMICS OF SOCIO- ECONOMIC SYSTEMS», 2009, 2, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]

P.Contucci, Detti e Contraddetti sulla Ruota di Venezia, «IL MULINO», 2009, 6, pp. 921 - 929 [Scientific article]

A. Barra; F.Camboni; P.Contucci;, Dilution Robustness for Mean Field Ferromagnets, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT», 2009, 3, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]

P. Contucci, Il Metodo Sperimentale in Matematica, in: B. D'AMORE S. SBARAGLI, Pratiche Matematiche e Didattiche in Aula, BOLOGNA, Pitagora, 2009, pp. 183 - 186 [Chapter or essay]

P.Contucci; C.Giardina; C. Giberti, Interaction-Flip identities in Spin Glasses, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 135, pp. 1181 - 1199 [Scientific article]

P.Contucci; F.Romiti, Mathematics for Economics: a Statistical Mechanics Perspective, «ERCIM NEWS», 2009, 78, pp. 36 - 37 [Scientific article]

P.Contucci; C.Giardina; C.Giberti; G.Parisi; C. Vernia, On the Structure of Correlations in the Three Dimensional spin Glasses, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2009, 103, pp. 17201 - 17204 [Scientific article]

A. Barra; P.Contucci; I.Gallo;, Parameter Evaluation of a Simple Mean Field Model in Social Sciences, «MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES», 2009, 19, pp. 1427 - 1439 [Scientific article]

P.Contucci; C.Giardina; H.Nishimori, Spin Glass Identities and the Nishimori Line, in: C. NEWMAN, Spin Glass Models, BERLIN, Springer, 2009, pp. 103 - 121 (Progress in Probability) [Chapter or essay]