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Pierfrancesco Callieri

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Beni Culturali



Callieri Pierfrancesco, Evidence of administration in the Archaeological Heritage of the Achaemenid period in Iran., in: Die Verwaltung im Achämenidenreich: Imperiale Muster und Strukture - Administration in the Achaemenid Empire: Tracing the Imperial Signature, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017, pp. 257 - 294 (CLASSICA ET ORIENTALIA) [capitolo di libro]

Askari Chaverdi Alireza; Callieri Pierfrancesco, From Palace to Town. Report on the multidisciplinary project carried out by the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission on the Persepolis Terrace (Fars, Iran), 2008-2013, 1. Topography, Diagnostic and Conservation., Roma, BraDypUS, 2017, pp. 132 . [curatela]

Askari Chaverdi Alireza; Callieri Pierfrancesco, From Palace to Town. Report on the multidisciplinary project carried out by the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission on the Persepolis Terrace (Fars, Iran), 2008-2013, 4. Science for Archaeology., Roma, BraDypUS, 2017, pp. 110 . [curatela]

P. Callieri; Li Yusheng, Gold ring, in: West and East. Archaeological Objects Along the Silk Roads, Shanghai, Shanghai Classics Publishing House, 2017, pp. 117 - 120 [scheda di catalogo]

Askari Chaverdi Alireza; Callieri Pierfrancesco, Persepolis West (Fars, Iran): Report on the field work carried out by the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission in 2008-2009, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2017, pp. 293 (BAR INTERNATIONAL SERIES). [libro]

P. Callieri; Geng Shuo; Fan Jianan, Seal, in: West and East. Archaeological Objects Along the Silk Roads, Shanghai, Shanghai Classics Publishing House, 2017, pp. 197 - 201 [scheda di catalogo]

P. Callieri; Geng Shuo, Seal; seal; gold ring, in: West and East. Archaeological Objects Along the Silk Roads, Shanghai, Shanghai Classics Publishing House, 2017, pp. 133 - 138, 173-177 [scheda di catalogo]

Askari Chaverdi A., Callieri P., Matin E., The Monumental Gate at Tol-e Ajori, Persepolis (Fars): New Archaeological Data, «IRANICA ANTIQUA», 2017, 52, pp. 205 - 258 [articolo]Open Access

Askari Chaverdi, A.; Callieri, P.; Laurenzi Tabasso, M.; Lazzarini, L., Archaeological site of Persepolis (Iran): study of the finishing technique of the bas-reliefs and architectural surfaces, «ARCHAEOMETRY», 2016, 58, pp. 17 - 34 [articolo]

Callieri, Pierfrancesco, Archeologia della Persia antica dagli Achemenidi ai Sasanidi (VI sec.a.C.-VVI sec.d.C.), in: Leoni e tori dall'Antica Persia ad Aquileia - Lions and Bulls from Ancient Persia in Aquileia, Aquileia, Umberto Allemandi per Fondazione Aquileia, 2016, pp. 29 - 38 [capitolo di libro]

Askari Chaverdi, Alireza; Callieri, Pierfrancesco, Tang-e Bolaghi (Fars) Sites TB76 and TB77: Rural Settlements of the Achaemenid and Post-Achaemenid Periods, Oxford, British Archaeological Reports Ltd, 2016, pp. 393 (BAR INTERNATIONAL SERIES). [libro]

Callieri, Pierfrancesco, The archaeology of Ancient Persia from the Achaemenids to the Sasanids (6th century B.C. - 7th century A.D.), in: Leoni e tori dall'Antica Persia ad Aquileia - Lions and Bulls from Ancient Persia in Aquileia, Aquileia, Umberto Allemandi per Fondazione Aquileia, 2016, pp. 47 - 55 [capitolo di libro]

Callieri, Pierfrancesco, The bust-pillar: a new type of monument in Ancient Iran?, in: Entre Orient et Occident. Circulation des hommes, porosité des héritages. Rika Gyselen in honorem (Acta Orientalia Belgica XXIX), Bruxelles, Societé belge des orientalistes, 2016, pp. 17 - 28 [capitolo di libro]

Callieri, Pierfrancesco, Hellenistic Art on the Iranian Plateau: Movement of Objects, Movement of People, «PROBLEMY ISTORII, FILOLOGII, KULʹTURY», 2015, 47, pp. 12 - 20 [articolo]

Alireza, Askari Chaverdi; Pierfrancesco, Callieri, In Search of the Elusive Town of Persepolis, in: Studies on the Iranian World I. Before Islam, Krakow, Jagiellonian University Press, 2015, pp. 239 - 251 [capitolo di libro]

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