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Paul Matthew Loveless

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: SPS/04 SCIENZA POLITICA


Jebril, Nael, Matthew Loveless, and Václav Štětka, Media and Democratisation: Challenges for an Emerging Sub-field, «MEDIJSKE STUDIJE», 2015, 6, pp. 84 - 98 [articolo]Open Access

Binelli C.; Loveless M.; Whitefield S., What Is Social Inequality and Why Does it Matter? Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, «WORLD DEVELOPMENT», 2015, 70, pp. 239 - 248 [articolo]Open Access

Whitefield S.; Loveless M., Social Inequality and Assessments of Democracy and the Market: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, «EUROPE-ASIA STUDIES», 2013, 65, pp. 26 - 44 [articolo]

Loveless M., The Deterioration of Democratic Political Culture: Consequences of the Perception of Inequality, «SOCIAL JUSTICE RESEARCH», 2013, 26, pp. 471 - 491 [articolo]

Nael Jebril; Václav Štětka; Matthew Loveless, What is known about the Role of Mass Media in Transitions to Democracy?, Oxford, Reuters Institute, 2013, pp. 49 . [libro]

Matthew Loveless, Civic Resources for European Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, in: Europe’s Blues and Europe’s Future: Civic Resources for a European Union in Trouble, London, Routledge, 2012, pp. 105 - 124 [capitolo di libro]

Binelli C; Loveless M; Whitefield S, Social Inequality: its character, how it is perceived, and the implications of its perceptions for social and political stability, in: Социальное неравенство [Social Inequality in Post-socialist Countries], -, Nestor-Historia Publishers, 2012, pp. 15 - 32 [capitolo di libro]

Loveless M.; Whitefield S., Being unequal and seeing inequality: Explaining the political significance of social inequality in new market democracies, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL RESEARCH», 2011, 50, pp. 239 - 266 [articolo]

Robert Rohrschneider; Matthew Loveless, Recensione a: Public Perceptions of the EU as a System of Governance, «LIVING REVIEWS IN EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE», 2011, 6, pp. 5 - 38 [recensione]

Loveless M., Agreeing in principle: Utilitarianism and economic values as support for the european union in central and Eastern Europe, «JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES», 2010, 48, pp. 1083 - 1106 [articolo]

Rohrschneider R.; Loveless M., Macro salience: How economic and political contexts mediate popular evaluations of the democracy deficit in the European union, «THE JOURNAL OF POLITICS», 2010, 72, pp. 1029 - 1045 [articolo]

Loveless M., Understanding media socialization in democratizing countries: Mobilization and malaise in Central and Eastern Europe, «COMPARATIVE POLITICS», 2010, 42, pp. 457 - 474 [articolo]

Loveless M., The theory of international media diffusion: Political socialization and international media in transitional democracies, «STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT», 2009, 44, pp. 118 - 136 [articolo]

Loveless M., Media dependency: Mass media as sources of information in the democratizing countries of Central and Eastern Europe, «DEMOCRATIZATION», 2008, 15, pp. 162 - 183 [articolo]

Whitefield S.; Vachudova M.A.; Steenbergen M.R.; Rohrschneider R.; Marks G.; Loveless M.; Hooghe L., Do expert surveys produce consistent estimates of party stances on European integration? Comparing expert surveys in the difficult case of Central and Eastern Europe, «ELECTORAL STUDIES», 2007, 26, pp. 50 - 61 [articolo]