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Paolo Trevisi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Settore scientifico disciplinare: AGR/18 NUTRIZIONE E ALIMENTAZIONE ANIMALE


M. Mazzoni; G. Merialdi; G. Sarli; P. Trevisi; P. Bosi, Effect of Two Doses of Different Zinc Sources (Inorganic vs. Chelated form) on the Epithelial Proliferative Activity and the Apoptotic Index of Intestinal Mucosa of Early-weaned Pigs Orally Challenged with E. coli K88, «ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES», 2010, 23, pp. 777 - 785 [articolo]Open Access

P. Trevisi; E. Corrent; S. Messori; L. Casini; P. Bosi, Healthy newly weaned pigs require more tryptophan to maximize feed intake if they are susceptible to Escherichia coli K88, «LIVESTOCK SCIENCE», 2010, 134, pp. 236 - 238 [articolo]

Latorre, R.; Mazzoni, M.; Bosi, P.; Trevisi, P.; De Giorgio, R.; Chiocchetti, R.; Grasso, V.; Serra, M.; Lalatta Costerbosa, G.; Tonini, M.; Clavenzani, P., Modificazioni dell’espressione dell’α-transducina indotte da digiuno e rialimentazione nel tratto gastrointestinale di suino (Changes of α-transducin espression evoked by fasting and refeeding in the pig gastrointestinal tract)., in: Atti LXIV Conv. Naz. S.I.S.Vet., Asti, 21-23, 2010, s.n, 2010, pp. 21 - 23 (atti di: Conv. Naz. S.I.S.Vet, Asti, 2010, 8-11 settembre) [atti di convegno-abstract]

P. Bosi; P. Trevisi, New topics and limits related to the use of beneficial microbes in pig feeding, «BENEFICIAL MICROBES», 2010, 1, pp. 447 - 454 [articolo]

M. Modesto; M. R. D'Aimmo; I. Stefanini; P. Trevisi; S. De Filippi; L. Casini; M. Mazzoni; P. Bosi; B. Biavati, A novel strategy to select Bifidobacterium strains and prebiotics as natural growth promoters in newly weaned pigs, «LIVESTOCK SCIENCE», 2009, 122, pp. 248 - 258 [articolo]

P. Trevisi; D. Melchior; M. Mazzoni; L. Casini; S. De Filippi; L. Minieri; G. Lalatta-Costerbosa; P. Bosi, A tryptophan-enriched diet improves feed intake and growth performance of susceptible weanling pigs orally challenged with E. coli K88, «JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2009, 87, pp. 148 - 156 [articolo]

MAZZONI M.; DE GIORGIO R.; BOSI P.; TREVISI P.; LATORRE R.; LALATTA COSTERBOSA G.; CHIOCCHETTI R.; BARBARA G.; STANGHELLINI V.; BORTOLAMI R.; TONINI M.; ROZENGURT E.; STERNINI C.; CLAVENZANI P., Changes of α-transducin immunoreactivity (IR) in the pig gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa evoked by fasting/refeeding., in: , «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY», 2009, 114, pp. 76 - 76 (atti di: VII Conv. Naz. Morfologi veterinari, PERUGIA, 4-6 GIUGNO 2009) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Bosi P; Messori S; Nisi I; Russo D; Casini L; Coloretti F; Schwarzer K; Trevisi P, Effect of different butyrate supplementations on growth and health of weaning pigs challenged or not with E. coli K88, in: , 2009, 8 (suppl.2), pp. 268 - 270 (atti di: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASPA 18TH CONGRESS, PALERMO, JUNE 9-12, 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

P. Trevisi; S. De Filippi; L. Minieri; M. Mazzoni; M. Modesto; B. Biavati; P. Bosi, Effect of fructo-oligosaccharides and different doses of Bifidobacterium animalis in weaning diet on bacterial translocation and TLRs gene expression in pigs, «NUTRITION», 2008, 24, pp. 1023 - 1029 [articolo]

P. Janczyk; P. Trevisi; W. B. Souffrant; P. Bosi, Effect of thymol on microbial diversity in the porcine jejunum, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY», 2008, 126, pp. 258 - 261 [articolo]

S.R. Konstantinov; H. Smidt; A.D.L. Akkermans; L. Casini; P. Trevisi; M.Mazzoni; S. De Filippi; P. Bosi; W.M. de Vos, Feeding of Lactobacillus sobrius reduces Escherichia coli F4 levels in the gut and promotes growth of infected piglets, «FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY», 2008, 66, pp. 599 - 607 [articolo]

M. Mazzoni; M. Le Gall; S. De Filippi; L. Minieri; P. Trevisi; J. Wolinski; G. Lalatta-Costerbosa; J.-P. Lallès; P. Guilloteau; P. Bosi, Supplemental sodium butyrate stimulates different gastric cells in weaned pigs, «JOURNAL OF NUTRITION», 2008, 138, pp. 1426 - 1431 [articolo]

Bikker P.; A. Dirkzwager; J. Fledderus; P. Trevisi; I. Le Huërou-Luron; J.P. Lallés; A. Awati, Dietary protein and fermentable carbohydrates contents influence growth performance and intestinal characteristics in newly weaned pigs, «LIVESTOCK SCIENCE», 2007, 108, pp. 194 - 197 [articolo]

Trevisi P.; Merialdi G.; Mazzoni M.; Casini L.; Tittarelli C.; De Filippi S.; Minieri L.; Lalatta Costerbosa G.; Bosi P, Effect of dietary addition of thymol on growth, salivary and gastric function, immune response, and excretion of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, in weaning pigs challenged with this microbe strain, in: Proceedings of the 17th ASPA Congress, Alghero, May 29-June 1, 2007, 2007, 6 Suppl1, pp. 374 - 376 (atti di: Proceedings of A.S.P.A. XVII Congress, Alghero, Italy, May 29 - June 1) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access

L. Casini; S.R.Kostantinov; F. Coloretti; S. De Filippi; M. Mazzoni; P. Trevisi; P. Bosi, Interference of the humoral immune response against resident and nonresident intestinal commensal strains in weaning pigs, «LIVESTOCK SCIENCE», 2007, 108, pp. 226 - 228 [articolo]