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Paolo Trevisi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari


Palumbo F.; Luise D.; Virdis S.; Correa F.; Bassi P.; Trevisi P., Relationship between growing pig’s housing conditions, behaviours, lesions and health issues under Italian farming system, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE», 2023, 22, pp. 1040 - 1049 [articolo]Open Access

Luise, D.; Chalvon-Demersay, T.; Correa, F.; Bosi, P.; Trevisi, P., Review: A systematic review of the effects of functional amino acids on small intestine barrier function and immunity in piglets, «ANIMAL», 2023, 17, Article number: 100771, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]Open Access

Amatucci L, Ruggeri R, Romanelli C, Sandri G, Luise D, Canali M, Bosi P, Trevisi P, Andamento del consumo di antibiotici in filiere suinicole italiane caratterizzate dal diverso stato endemico per la sindrome riproduttiva e respiratoria suina, in: 2022 ATTI DELLA SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI PATOLOGIA ED ALLEVAMENTO DEI SUINI, Soc. Italiana Patologia e Allevamento Suini, 2022, pp. 127 - 136 (atti di: XLVII meeting annuale SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI PATOLOGIA ED ALLEVAMENTO DEI SUINI, Lazise, 9-10 giugno 2022) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

P. Trevisi, D. Luise, T. Chalvon-Demersay, B. Colitti, L. Bertolotti, Arginine supply to lactating sows influence piglet’s performance and gut bacterial and viral profile, in: Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 2022, pp. 163 - 163 (atti di: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Porto, 5 – 9 September, 2022) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Alice Checcucci, Diana Luise, Monica Modesto, Federico Correa, Paolo Bosi, Paola Mattarelli, Paolo Trevisi, Assessment of Biolog EcoplateTM method for functional metabolic diversity of aerotolerant pig fecal microbiota, in: III Convegno AISSA#under40, 2022(atti di: III Convegno AISSA#under40, Bolzano, 14-15 luglio 2022) [atti di convegno-poster]

D. Luise, F. Correa, P. Bosi, P. Trevisi, Association of peripheral blood transcriptome and haemochromocytometric values in piglets, in: Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 2022, pp. 699 - 699 (atti di: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Porto, 5 – 9 September, 2022) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Luise D.; Bosi P.; Raff L.; Amatucci L.; Virdis S.; Trevisi P., Bacillus spp. Probiotic Strains as a Potential Tool for Limiting the Use of Antibiotics, and Improving the Growth and Health of Pigs and Chickens, «FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY», 2022, 13, Article number: 801827, pp. 1 - 19 [articolo]Open Access

Paolo Trevisi, Challenge and opportunities of the low protein diet for weaning pigs, in: Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 2022, pp. 683 - 683 (atti di: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Porto, 5 – 9 September, 2022) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Checcucci A.; Luise D.; Modesto M.; Correa F.; Bosi P.; Mattarelli P.; Trevisi P., Correction to: Assessment of Biolog Ecoplate™ method for functional metabolic diversity of aerotolerant pig fecal microbiota, «APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2022, 106, pp. 4351 - 4352 [articolo]Open Access

Amatucci L, Bosco C, Luise D, Luppi A, Virdis S, Trevisi P, Correlazione tra le lesioni della carcassa e le lesioni anatomopatologiche polmonari rilevate al macello in suini sottoposti o no a caudotomia, in: 2022 ATTI DELLA SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI PATOLOGIA ED ALLEVAMENTO DEI SUINI, Soc. Italiana Patologia e Allevamento Suini, 2022, pp. 301 - 310 (atti di: XLVII MEETING ANNUALE SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI PATOLOGIA ED ALLEVAMENTO DEI SUINI, Lazise, 9-10 giugno 2022) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Gotti R.; Esposito E.; Luise D.; Tullio S.; Interino N.; Trevisi P.; Fiori J., Determination of Free Amino Acids in Milk, Colostrum and Plasma of Swine via Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence and UV Detection, «MOLECULES», 2022, 27, Article number: 4153, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access

Correa, F; Luise, D; Amatucci, L; Palumbo, F; Virdis, S; Negrini, C; Clavenzani, P; Vecchi, M; Mazzoni, M; Bosi, P; Trevisi, P, Effect of an Escherichia coli F4/F18 bivalent oral live vaccine on gut health and performance of healthy weaned pigs, «ANIMAL», 2022, 16, Article number: 100654, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]Open Access

F. Palumbo, G. Bee, P. Trevisi, F. Correa, S. Dubois, M. Girard, Effect of maternal diet on slow and fast growing piglet faecal microbiota and volatile fatty acids, in: Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 2022, pp. 199 - 199 (atti di: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Porto, 5 – 9 September, 2022) [atti di convegno-abstract]

P. Trevisi, G. Palladino, D. Luise, S. Turroni, F. Correa, P. Brigidi, P. Bosi, D. Scicchitano, G. Babbi, S. Rampelli, M. Candela, P.L. Martelli, EU-CIRCLES project: microbial and health evolution of pigs reared in high and low sanitary condition, in: Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 2022, pp. 164 - 164 (atti di: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Porto, 5 – 9 September, 2022) [atti di convegno-abstract]

C. Negrini, D. Luise, F. Correa, L. Amatucci, S. Virdis, A. Romeo, N. Manzke, P. Bosi, P. Trevisi, Growth performance and gut health of low and normal birth weight piglets fed different zinc sources, in: Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 2022, pp. 198 - 198 (atti di: 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Porto, 5 – 9 September, 2022) [atti di convegno-abstract]