Foto del docente

Paolo Gasperini

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Augusto Righi"

Professore a contratto a titolo gratuito

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali


P. Gasperini; G. Vannucci; D. Tripone; E. Boschi, The Location and Sizing of Historical Earthquakes Using the Attenuation of Macroseismic Intensity with Distance, «BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA», 2010, 100, pp. 2035 - 2066 [articolo]

Lolli B.; Boschi E.; Gasperini P., A comparative analysis of different models of aftershock rate decay by maximum likelihood estimation of simulated sequences, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: SOLID EARTH», 2009, 114, pp. B01305 - B01305 [articolo]

Gasperini P.; Lolli B., An empirical comparison among aftershock decay models, «PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS», 2009, 175, pp. 183 - 193 [articolo]

C. Pasolini; D. Albarello; P. Gasperini; V. D’Amico; B. Lolli, The Attenuation of Seismic Intensity in Italy, Part II: Modeling and Validation, «BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA», 2008, 98, pp. 692 - 708 [articolo]

C. Pasolini; P. Gasperini; D. Albarello; B. Lolli; V. D’Amico, The Attenuation of Seismic Intensity in Italy, Part I: Theoretical and Empirical Backgrounds, «BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA», 2008, 98, pp. 682 - 691 [articolo]

Serpelloni E.; Vannucci G.; Pondrelli S.; Argnani A.; Casula G.; Anzidei M.; Baldi P.; Gasperini P., Kinematics of the Western Africa-Eurasia plate boundary from focal mechanisms and GPS data, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2007, 169, pp. 1180 - 1200 [articolo]

Dal Forno G.; Gasperini P., Modelling of mantle postglacial relaxation in axisymmetric geometry with a composite rheology and a glacial load interpolated by adjusted spherical harmonics analysis, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2007, 169, pp. 1301 - 1314 [articolo]

Lolli B.; Gasperini P., Comparing different models of aftershock rate decay: The role of catalog incompleteness in the first times after main shock, «TECTONOPHYSICS», 2006, 423, pp. 43 - 59 [articolo]

P. Gasperini ; B. Lolli, Correlation between the parameters of the aftershock rate equation: implications for the forecasting of future sequences, «PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS», 2006, 156/1-2, pp. 42 - 58 [articolo]

S. Pondrelli; S. Salimbeni; G. Ekstrom; A. Morelli; P. Gasperini; G. Vannucci, The Italian CMT dataset from 1977 to the present, «PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS», 2006, 159, pp. 286 - 303 [articolo]

G. Dal Forno; P. Gasperini; E. Boschi, Linear or nonlinear rheology in the mantle: a 3D finite-element approach to postglacial rebound modeling, «JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS», 2005, 39, pp. 183 - 195 [articolo]

Sandri L.; Marzocchi W.; Gasperini P., Some insights on the flank eruptive activity of Mount Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy), «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2005, 163, pp. 1203 - 1218 [articolo]

G. VANNUCCI; S. PONDRELLI; A. ARGNANI; A. MORELLI; P. GASPERINI; E. BOSCHI, An atlas of Mediterranean seismicity, «ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS», 2004, 47, pp. 247 - 306 [articolo]

Gasperini P.; Camassi R.; Mirto C.; Stucchi M., Catalogo Parametrico dei Terremoti Italiani - Versione 2004 (CPTI04), MILANO, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, 2004. [curatela]

P. Gasperini; G. Dal Forno; E. Boschi, Linear or non-linear rheology in the Earth’s mantle: the prevalence of power-law creep in the postglacial isostatic readjustment of Laurentia, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2004, 157, pp. 1297 - 1302 [articolo]

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