Foto del docente

Paolo Figini

Professore associato confermato

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-02/A Politica economica


A. Books

  1. SOCLIMPACT, 2021. Downscaling climate change impacts, socio-economic implications and alternative adaptation pathways for islands and outermost regions. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.

  2. Candela, G., Figini, P., 2012. The economics of tourism destinations, Springer, Heidelberg.

  3. Candela, G., Figini, P., 2010. Economia del turismo e delle destinazioni, McGraw-Hill, Milano.

  4. Candela, G., Figini, P., 2005. Economia dei sistemi turistici, McGraw-Hill, Milano.

  5. Candela, G., Figini, P., 2003. Economia del turismo. Principi micro e macroeconomici, McGraw-Hill, Milano.

  6. McAleese, D., Charmant, S., Figini, P., and Hogan, O., 1997. Instructor's manual for "Economics for Business", Prentice Hall, London.

B. Articles in refereed journals and collective books

  1. Figini, P., Leoni, V., Vici, L., 2024. And suddenly the rain! When surprises shape experienced utility, Journal of Economic Behavior and organization, online first:
  2. Angelini, F., Figini, P., Leoni, V., 2023. High tide, low price? Flooding alerts and hotel prices in Venice, Tourism Economics, online first:
  3. Figini, P., Cicognani, S., Zirulia, L., 2022. Booking in the rain. Testing the impact of public information on prices, Italian Economic Journal, online first:
  4. Danzi, L., Figini, P., 2022. The tourism economics of marginal and mature mountains. The case of the Regional Park of Corno alle Scale (Apennines), Italy. Current Issues in Tourism, online first:
  5. Figini, P., 2022. The coordination challenge in tourism destinations: value creation, enhancement, and retention, In Croes, R., % Yang, Y., (eds.) A Modern Guide to Tourism Economics, E.Elgar (forthcoming).
  6. Figini, P., Patuelli, R., 2022. Estimating the economic impact of tourism in the European Union: review and computation. Journal of Travel Research, 61(6):1409-1423.
  7. Cicognani, S., Figini, P., Magnani, M., 2022. Social influence bias in online ratings: a field experiment in the hospitality sector, Tourism Economics, 28(8): 2197-2228).
  8. Arabadzhyan, A., Figini, P., Zirulia, L., 2021. Hotels, prices, and risk premium in exceptional times. The case of Milan hotels during the first COVID-19 outbreak, Annals of Tourism Research – Empirical Insights.
  9. Arabadzhyan, A., Figini, P., Vici, L., 2021. Measuring destination image: a novel approach based on visual data. A methodological proposal and an application to European islands, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. (temporary open access here)
  10. Arabadzhyan, A., Figini, P., Garcia, C., Gonzalez, M., Lam-Gonzalez, Y.E., Leon, C., 2021. Climate change, coastal tourism, and impact chains - A literature review, Current Issues in Tourism, 24(16):2233-2268.
  11. Figini, P., Mariotti, A., 2020. Travel and tourism. In Goldstein, A., Bellettini, G. (eds.) The Italian Economy after COVID-19, Bononia University Press (Italian translation: Viaggi e Turismo, in Goldstein, A., Bellettini, G. (eds.) L'economia italiana dopo il COVID-19). 
  12. Leoni, V., Figini, P., Nilsson, J.O.W., 2020. It’s not all about price. The determinants of occupancy rates in p2p accommodation: a methodological contribution, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(4):1693-1711.
  13. Figini, P., Vici, L., Viglia, G., 2020. A comparison of hotel ratings between verified and non-verified online review platforms, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14(2):157-171.
  14. Emili, S., Figini, P., Guizzardi, A., 2020. Modelling international monthly tourism demand at the micro destination level with climate indicators and web-traffic data, Tourism Economics, 26(7):1129-1151.
  15. Figini, P., Sahli, M., Vici, L., 2018. Advances in tourism economics: the sixth IATE (International Association for Tourism Economics) conference, Tourism Economics, 24(8):911-914.
  16. Figini, P., Ribaudo, G., 2017. The puzzle of tourism demand at destinations hosting UNESCO world heritage sites. An analysis of tourism flows for Italy, Journal of Travel Research, 56(4): 521-542.
  17. Andergassen, R., Candela, G., Figini, P., 2017. The management of tourism destinations: a policy game, Tourism Economics, 23(1):49-65.
  18. Saayman, A., Figini, P., Cassella, S., 2016. The influence of formal trade agreements and informal co-operation on international tourism flows, Tourism Economics, 22(6):1274-1300.
  19. Candela, M., Biagi, E., Turroni, S., Maccaferri, S., Figini, P., Brigidi, P., 2015. Dynamic efficiency of the human intestinal microbiota, Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 41(2):165-171.
  20. Andergassen, R., Candela, G., Figini, P., 2013. An economic model for tourism destinations: product sophistication and price coordination, Tourism Management, 37:86-98.
  21. Figini, P., Vici, L., 2012. Off-season tourists and the cultural offer of a mass-tourism destination: the Case of Rimini, Tourism Management, 33(4):825-839.
  22. Figini, P., Goerg, H., 2011. Does foreign direct investment affect wage inequality? An empirical investigation, The World Economy, 34(9):1455-1475.
  23. Candela, G., Figini, P., 2010. Destination unknown. Is there any economics beyond tourism areas?, Review of Economic Analysis, 2:256-271.
  24. Figini, P., Vici, L., 2010. Tourism and growth in a cross-section of countries, Tourism Economics, 16(4):789-805.
  25. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, A.E., 2009. Destination management and tourists' choice with a two-part tariff price of the holiday, Rivista di Politica Economica, 99(IV-VI):107-25.
  26. Figini, P., Castellani, M., Vici, L., 2009. Estimating tourism effects on residents: a choice modeling approach to the case of Rimini, in A. Matias, P. Nijkamp, M. Sarmento (eds.), Advances in Tourism Economics. New Developments, Springer-Verlag, Berlin:145-164.
  27. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, A., 2008. The economics of local tourist systems, in R. Brau, A. Lanza, S. Usai (eds.), Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development: Macroeconomic Models and Empirical Methods, Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham:72-88.
  28. Figini, P., Santarelli, E., 2006. Openness, economic reforms and poverty: globalization in the developing countries, Journal of Developing Areas, 39(2):129-51. http://10.1353/jda.2006.0003
  29. Figini, P. and L. Onofri, 2005. Old Masters Paintings: price formation and public policy implications, in A. Marciano and J.M. Josselin (Eds.) The Law and Economics of the Welfare State: A Political Economy Approach, Edward Elgar Publisher, 381-98. 
  30. Candela, G., P. Figini, and A.E. Scorcu, 2004. Price indices for artists: a proposal, Journal of Cultural Economics, 28(4):285-302.
  31. Santarelli, E., Figini, P., 2004. Does globalization reduce poverty? Some empirical evidence for the developing countries, E., Lee, M., Vivarelli (eds.), Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction, ILO, Geneve:247-303.
  32. Bucci, A., Castellani, M., Figini, P., 2003. L'investimento in sponsorizzazione delle imprese: un'analisi economica in termini statici e dinamici, Rivista di Politica Economica, May-June 2003 (V-VI):183-223.
  33. Figini, P., Goerg, H., 1999. Multinational companies and wage inequality in the host country: The case of Ireland, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 135(4): 594-612.
  34. Figini, P., 1998. On the properties of Fields index of inequality, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 8(1): 131-141.


C. Other publications

  1. Figini, P., Volo, S. 2024. Italy, in J. Jafari and H. Xiao (eds.) Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer, Heidelberg. Forthcoming
  2. Figini, P., Patuelli, R., Curtale, R. and Batista E Silva, F., 2022. Socio-economic impacts of tourism in the European Union - A pilot estimation framework based on Tourism Satellite Accounts, EUR 31304 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, http://doi:10.2760/633006, JRC130978
  3. Figini, P., 2022. Il turismo tra cambiamento e ritorno al passato. DiTe - Dinamiche Territoriali, 14 (Ottobre 2022).
  4. Figini, P., 2021. I turisti e la spiaggia, in P. Battilani and A. Mariotti (eds.) Progetto Identità di Spiaggia, AmsActa UNIBO.
  5. Danzi, L., Figini, P., 2020. Per una rigenerazione dell'Appennino Tosco-Emiliano: turismo, sostenibilità e sviluppo territoriale nel Parco Regionale del Corno alle Scale, Report prepared for CAI (Club Alpino Italiano).
  6. Figini, P. 2019. The economic impact of tourism in the European Union. Report Prepared for the European Commission, Executive Agency for Small and Medium Entreprises.
  7. Figini, P., Volo, S. 2015. Italy, in J. Jafari and H. Xiao (eds.) Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer, Heidelberg.
  8. Figini, P., Vici, L., 2013. Tourism and growth in a cross-section of countries, in L. Dwyer, N. Seetaram (eds.), Recent Developments in the Economics of Tourism, Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham.
  9. Andergassen, R., Candela, G, Figini, P. 2013. Per una tassonomia delle destinazioni turistiche, in G. Cusimano, L. Mercatanti, C.M. Porto (eds.), Percorsi Creativi di Turismo Urbano – Creative Paths of Urban Tourism, Pàtron Ed., Bologna:39-57.
  10. Figini, P., Castellani, M., Vici, L., 2010. The externalities between tourists and residents: a study of Rimini using discrete choice models, in S. Becken (ed.), Tourism and the Environment, Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham:433-458.
  11. Candela, G., Figini, P., 2009. Tourism economics: a discipline of economics, AlmaTourism, 0(0):7-18.
  12. Figini, P., 2008. Impugnare il mercato dalla parte del manico. Ovvero, giocare con l'economia per imparare a difendersi, Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, 30(85):57-68.
  13. Figini, P., 2007. La valutazione dell'investimento in arte: il caso dell'arte etnica, in M. Biordi, G. Candela, (eds.), L'arte etnica tra cultura e mercato, Skira Editore, Milano:241-54.
  14. Vici, L., Castellani, M., Figini, P., 2007. Le esternalità tra residenti e turisti, in L. Punzo, S. Usai, (eds.), L'estate al mare. Residenti e turisti in alcune destinazioni italiane, McGraw-Hill, Milano:131-50.
  15. Figini, P., Troia, T., 2006. Le caratteristiche dei turisti a Rimini: un confronto tra due recenti indagini, Sistemaeconomico, 11(3):5-20.
  16. Figini, P., Vici, L., 2006. C’eravamo tanto amati? La Facoltà di Economia, sede di Rimini e i suoi laureati, Sistemaeconomico, 11(1-2):5-24.
  17. Figini, P., 2005. La politica economica della globalizzazione, Sistemaeconomico, 10(2-3):3-21.
  18. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, A., 2005. Two-part tariff as a policy tool for managing destinations, Economia del Turismo - Acta of the Conference "I Jornadas de Economia del Turismo", Palma de Mallorca, 28-29 May, 2004:323-32.
  19. Figini, P., Santarelli, E., 2004. No global, no poverty? Globalizzazione e povertà nei paesi in via di sviluppo. in Kostoris Padoa Schioppa, F., e S. Gabriele (eds.), Globalizzazione, Sviluppo e Diseguaglianza, Luiss University Press, Roma.
  20. Candela, G., Figini, P., 2004. Qualità etica, ambientale solidale e sociale del turismo: il master in economia ed etica del turismo (MEET), Sistemaeconomico, 9(1):3-13.
  21. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, A.E., 2000. Il diploma universitario in economia e gestione dei servizi turistici ed i suoi laureati, Sistemaeconomico, 5(1): 21-45.
  22. Benassi, C., Figini, P., Mezzetti, G., 2000. L'esperienza del tirocinio nel diploma universitario, Sistemaeconomico, 5(2): 3-21.


D. Working Papers

  1. Figini, P., Leoni, V., Vici, L., 2023. And suddenly, the rain! How surprises shape experienced utility. Bologna: Dipartimento di Scienze economiche, Working Paper DSE n. 1185.

  2. Figini, P., Cicognani, S., Zirulia, L., 2019. Booking in the Rain: Testing the impact of public information on prices. Bologna: Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Working Paper DSE n. 1137.

  3. Cicognani, S., Figini, P., Magnani, M., 2016. Social Influence Bias in Online Ratings: a Field Experiment. Quaderni – Working Paper DSE n. 1060.

  4. Figini, P., Vici, L., 2010. Off-season Tourism and the Cultural Offer of a Mass Tourism Destination: the Case of Rimini, RCEA Working Paper n. 24-10, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.

  5. Candela, G., Figini, P., 2009. Destination Unknown. Is there any Economics beyond Tourism Areas, RCEA Working Paper n. 36-09, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.

  6. Figini, P., Vici, L., 2009. Tourism and Growth in a Cross-Section of Countries, RCEA Working Paper n. 01-09, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.

  7. Figini, P., 2007. Energy and Democracy: an Economic Perspective, Cartografare il presente, Le Monde Diplomatique and Comitato Internazionale di Bologna per la Cartografia e l'Analisi del Mondo Contemporaneo,

  8. Figini, P., Castellani, M., Vici, L., 2007. Estimating Tourist External Effects on Residents: a Choice Modeling Application to Rimini, FEEM Working Paper, 76.07.

  9. Figini, P., Goerg, H., 2006. Does Foreign Direct Investment affect Wage Inequality? An Empirical Investigation, IZA Discussion Paper No. 2336, GEP Research Paper No. 06/29, Leverhulme Centre and IIIS Discussion Paper No. 186, Trinity College Dublin.

  10. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, A., 2005. The Economics of Local Tourist Systems, FEEM Working Paper, 138.05.

  11. Figini, P., Santarelli, E., 2004. No Global, No Poverty? Globalizzazione e Povertà nei Paesi in Via di Sviluppo. Acta of the Workshop on Globalization and Inequality, November 2002 - January 2003, ISAE, Roma.

  12. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, E.E., 2003. Price Indices for Artists: a Proposal, DSE Working Paper No. 491, University of Bologna.

  13. Santarelli, E., Figini, P., 2002. Does Globalization Reduce Poverty? Some Empirical Evidence for the Developing Countries, DSE Working Paper No. 459, University of Bologna.

  14. Figini, P., 2000. Measuring Inequality: on the Correlation between Indices, Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper No. 226 and Trinity Economic Papers, Technical Paper No. 7/98.

  15. Figini, P., 1999. Inequality and Growth Revisited, Trinity Economic Papers, Technical Paper No. 2/99.

  16. Figini, P., Goerg, H., 1998. Multinational Companies and Wage Inequality in the Host Country: The Case of Ireland, Trinity Economic Papers, Technical Paper No. 16/98.

  17. Figini, P., 1998. Inequality Measures, Equivalence Scales and Adjustment for Household Size and Composition, Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper No. 185, and Trinity Economic Papers, Technical Paper No. 8/98.

  18. Figini, P., 1996. A Note on Gary Fields' Index of Income Inequality, Trinity Economic Papers, Technical Paper No. 4/96.


E. Presentations at Conferences

  1. Figini, P., Leoni, V., Quan, D., 2024. Tell me why I don’t like bank mondays (do I?). 9th IATE Conference, Orlando, May 2024.

  2. Angelini, F., Figini, P., Leoni, V. 2024. High tide, high stakes. The Dual Role of MoSe Barriers in Safeguarding Venice. Budapest, 14th RSAI Conference, 8 April 2024; 9th IATE Conference, Orlando, May 2024.

  3. Figini, P., 2023. The socioeconomic impacts of tourism. CLIMAR project meeting, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotà, 21 November 2023; Universidad de Cartagena, 25 November 2023.

  4. Figini, P., Leoni, V., Vici, L., 2022. And suddenly, it rains! The effect of weather surprises on experienced utility. 10th EIASM Conference on Tourism Management and related issues, Valencia, 29-30 September 2022; Workshop, University of Bozen (Campus of Bruneck), 19 December 2022; Internal Seminar, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, February 2023; Research Seminar at TIDES - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 8 March, 2024; 9th IATE Conference, Orlando, May 2024.

  5. Arabadzhyan, A., Figini, P., Vici, L., 2022, Climate changes prices. Estimating the economic impact of climate events in the hospitality sector using big data. Symposium “Contemporary issues in tourism economics”, University of Macau (online), 6 December 2022.

  6. Figini, P., Quattrone, S., Turismo Montano: analisi degli escursionisti nell’area del Sentiero dei Ducati. Conference of the Italian Alpine Club – CAI, Vetto, 3 December 2022.

  7. Figini, P., Patuelli, R., 2022. Assessing the contribution of tourism to European economies. Status quo and pandemic evaluation, 61st ERSA Congress, Pecs, Hungary, 22-26 August 2022.

  8. Figini, P., 2022. Il turismo tra cambiamento e restaurazione, Tavola Rotonda Di.Te - Post-Covid: i cambiamenti e le trasformazioni di città e territori, XLIII AISRE Conference, Milan, Italy, 6 September 2022.

  9. Angelini, F., Figini, P., Leoni, V., 2022. High tide, low price? When flooding Venice impacts accommodation prices, XLIII AISRE Conference, Milan, Italy, 6 September 2022; 8th IATE Conference, Perpignan, France, 1 July 2022.

  10. Figini, P., Huang, L, Volo, S. 2022. Let’s sweat together on Instagram! The impact of thermal stress on tourism experience and destination image, 8th IATE Conference, Perpignan, France, 1 July 2022.

  11. Arabadzhyan, A., Figini, P., Vici, L., 2022. “Vide ‘o mare quant’è bello? Spira tantu sentimento”. Using Visual Object Recognition tools to analyse the affective dimension of destination image, XLIII AISRE Conference, Milan, Italy, 6 September 2022; 8th IATE Conference, Perpignan, France, 29 June 2022.

  12. Figini, P. 2021. Il turismo dopo la pandemia, Dialogue with the Tourism Minister Massimo Garavaglia, Festival dell’Economia di Trento, 5 June 2021.

  13. Danzi, L., Figini, P., 2021. The tourism economics of marginal and mature mountains. The case of the Regional Park of Corno alle Scale, Apennines, Italy, Workshop: Turismo ed economie di montagna: i nuovi trend, Bard, 15-17 July 2021.

  14. Arabadzhyan, A., Figini, P., Vici, L., 2020. Measuring destination image: a visual approach based on visual data mining. A methodological proposal and an application to European islands, CAST Days, Rimini, 10 December 2020.

  15. Arabadzhyan, A., Figini, P., Vici, L., 2020. Hotel prices, climate events and weather conditions: the case of Italian destinations, XVII annual workshop of c.MET05, Webinar 9 September, 2020.

  16. Figini, P., Mariotti, A., 2020. Viaggi e Turismo nell'Italia del COVID-19,GEI Webinar, 23 July, 2020.

  17. Danzi, L., Figini, P., 2020. Per una rigenerazione dell'Appennino Tosco-Emiliano: turismo, sostenibilità e sviluppo territoriale nel Parco Regionale del Corno alle Scale, Regione Emilia Romagna and CAI, Bologna, 22 July, 2020.

  18. Figini, P., 2020. La Fruizione Economica del Territorio: il Turismo. 4° Festival delle biblioteche specializzate di Bologna, Bologna, 11 February, 2020

  19. Arabadzhyan, A., Figini, P., 2019. Climate Change and Coastal Tourism: a Literature Review of Impact Chains. 7th IATE Conference, La Plata, 3-6 September 2019 and 11th TEM workshop, Colonia del Sacramento, 9-10 September 2019.

  20. Arabadzhyan, A., Figini, P., Vici, L., 2019. Estimating Economic Impacts using Big Data: an Application to Dynamic Pricing in the Accommodation Sector. 7th IATE Conference, La Plata, 3-6 September 2019.

  21. Figini, P., 2019. Sulla Via del Ritorno: Economia e Turismo nei Territori dell’Appennino Bolognese, I.TA.CA’, Marzabotto, 31 May 2019.

  22. Figini, P., 2019. The Impact of Tourism on Global Economies: Envisioning Tourism into an Affluent, Sustainable and Fair World. Keynote Speech at the World Tourism Forum, Luanda, 23-25 May 2019.

  23. Figini, P., 2019. The Economic Impact of Tourism in the European Union, Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting, European Commission, Brussels, 7 May 2019.

  24. Cicognani, S., Figini, P., Zirulia, L., 2018. The Impact of Weather Forecast on the Pricing Strategies of Hotels. TREES Workshop, Potchefstroom, South Africa, August 2018.

  25. Figini, P., 2018. Sulla Via del Ritorno: Economia e Turismo nei Territori dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano. Slow & Cultura (Bologna University, 31 May 2018); A piedi nella storia (CAI Pistoia, 2 December 2017).

  26. Tubadji, A., Figini, P, Nijkamp, P., Saayman, A. Religious Proximity as a Factor for Outbound Tourist Choice Destination: Impacts for Productivity and Migration. 6th IATE Conference, Rimini, 20-23 June 2017.

  27. Leoni, V., Figini, P., Nilsson, J.O.W., Fast and furious? The impact of AirBnB in an important tourism destination: the case of Balearic Islands.6th IATE Conference, Rimini, 20-23 June 2017.

  28. Cicognani, S., Figini, P., Zirulia, L., 2017. The Impact of Weather Forecast on the Pricing Strategies of Hotels. 6th IATE Conference, Rimini, 20-23 June 2017.

  29. Figini, P., Vici, L., Viglia, G., 2016. It is Like Rolling a Dice. On Noise and Difficult Convergence of non-Certified Review Systems. CBTS Workshop, Bruneck, 12-14 December 2016, 6th IATE Conference, Rimini, 20-23 June 2017

  30. Cicognani, S., Figini, P., Magnani, M., 2015. Social Influence Bias in Online Ratings: a Field Experiment. CBTS Workshop, Munich, 2-4 December 2015, IMEBESS Workshop, Rome, March 2016.

  31. Cassella, S., Figini, P., Saayman, A., 2015. The Influence of Trade and Currency Agreements on International Tourism Flows. IATE 5th Conference, Hong Kong, 30 June – 3 July 2015.

  32. Figini, P., Leoni, V., 2015. Disneyland Paris and the French Capital: a Tale of Two Destinations? IATE 5th Conference, Hong Kong, 30 June – 3 July 2015.

  33. Figini, P., Vici, L., 2013. Tourists are Still a Flock of Sheep! Herd Behaviour in Purchasing Tourism Services, CBTS Workshop, Bruneck, 4-6 December 2013.

  34. Andergassen, R., Candela, G., Figini, P., 2013. The Management of Tourism Destinations: a Policy Game, TCVT2, Bruneck, 3 June 2013 and Fourth IATE Conference, Ljubljana, 1-4 July 2013.

  35. Figini, P., Gallani, M.G., 2013. Happiness, Social Relationships and Holidays: a Case Study, Fourth IATE Conference, Ljubljana, 1-4 July 2013.

  36. Andergassen, R., Candela, G., Figini, P., 2012. An Economic Model for Tourism Destinations: Product Sophistication and Price Coordination, Third QATEM Workshop, Corte, 13 July 2012.

  37. Andergassen, R., Candela, G., Figini, P., 2011. The Rise, the Development and the Organizational Structure of Tourism Destinations, First EIASM International Conference on Tourism Management and other Tourism Related Issues, Rimini, 15-16 September 2011.

  38. Figini, P., Vici, L., 2010. Off-season Tourism and the Cultural Offer of a Mass Tourism Destination: the Case of Rimini, XVI ACEI Conference, Copenhagen, 9-12 June 2010, RCEF Conference, Rimini, 10-13 June.

  39. Figini, P., Vici, L., 2009. Tourists are a Flock of Sheep! Herd Behaviour in Purchasing Tourism Services, IAES Conference, Rome, 11-14 March 2009, ATE Conference, Lisbon, 23-24 April 2009, ATR Workshop, Bruneck, 27-29 September 2009 and Second IATE Conference, Chiang Mai, 10-12 December 2009.

  40. Candela, G., Figini, P., 2009. Destination Unknown. Is there any Economics beyond Tourism Areas?, Tourism in an age of Turbulence, Rimini, 16 April 2009.

  41. Di Pietro, B., P. Figini, 2007. Tourism Specialisation, Growth and Social Sustainability: an Empirical Assessment, First Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics, Palma de Mallorca, 25-27 October 2007.

  42. Figini, P., 2007. Impugnare il mercato dalla parte del manico. Giocare con l'economia per imparare a difendersi, Economia Civile. Il contributo dei giovani economisti (4th edition), Forlì, 8-9 June.

  43. Castellani, M., Figini, P., Vici, L., 2007. Estimating Tourist External Effects on Residents: a Choice Modeling Application to Rimini, Advances in Tourism Economics, Vila Nova, 13-14 April 2007.

  44. Di Pietro, B., P. Figini, 2006. Tourism Specialisation, Growth and Social Sustainability: an Empirical Assessment, World Tourism Forum, Porto Alegre, 29 November – 2 December 2006.

  45. Castellani, M., Figini, P., Vici, L., 2006. Estimating Tourist External Effects on Residents: a Choice Modelling Application to Rimini, Small Open Economies in a Globalised World, Rimini, 29-31 August 2006.

  46. Figini, P., Goerg, H., 2006. On the Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Inequality in Host Countries, Small Open Economies in a Globalised World, Rimini, 29-31 August 2006.

  47. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, A., 2005. The Economics of Local Tourist Systems "Second International Conference on Tourism Economics", Palma de Mallorca, 18-20 May, 2006.

  48. Figini, P., Vici, L., 2005. C’Eravamo Tanto Amati? La Facoltà di Economia, Sede di Rimini e i suoi Laureati, Conferenza di Polo, Rimini, 28 November, 2005.

  49. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, A., 2005. The Economics of Local Tourist Systems "Second International Conference on Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development: Macro and Micro Issues", Chia Laguna, 16-17 September, 2005.

  50. Figini, P., Goerg, H., 2005. On the Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Inequality in Host Countries, First Conference on Economic Inequality, Palma de Mallorca, 20-22 July 2005.

  51. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, A., 2004. Two Part Tariff as a Policy Tool for Managing Destinations, I Jornadas de Economia del Turismo, Palma de Mallorca, 28-29 May, 2004.

  52. Figini, P., Onofri, L., 2004. Old Master Paintings: Price Formation and Institutional Implications, Applied Econometrics Association, Conference on Econométrie de Biens Culturels, Padova, 22-23 April, 2004.

  53. Santarelli, E., Figini, P., 2003. Does Globalization Reduce Poverty? Some Empirical Evidence for the Developing Countries, 18th EEA Annual Congress, Stockholm, 20-24th August 2003.

  54. Santarelli, E., Figini, P., 2003. Does Globalization Reduce Poverty? Some Empirical Evidence for the Developing Countries, WIDER Conference on Inequality, Poverty and Human Well-Being, WIDER, Helsinki, 30-31st May 2003.

  55. Figini, P., Santarelli, E., 2003. No Global No Poverty? A Study of Developing Countries. V Encuentro de Economistas sobre Globalizacion y Problemas del Desarrollo ANEC, La Habana, 10-14th February 2003.

  56. Figini, P., Santarelli, E., 2002 No Global No Poverty? Globalizzazione e Povertà nei Paesi in Via di Sviluppo, ISAE, Rome, 14th November 2002.

  57. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, A.E., 2002. Hedonic Prices in the Art Market: a Reassessment, 12th ACEI Conference, Rotterdam, 11-14th June 2002.

  58. Candela, G., Figini, P., Scorcu, A.E., 2002. Price Indices for Artists: a Proposal. 12th ACEI Conference, Rotterdam, 11-14th June 2002.

  59. Figini, P., 2001. Inequality and Growth Revisited. I Mediterranean School in Theoretical and Applied Economics, Palma de Mallorca, 25-29th June 2001.

  60. Figini, P., 1999. Inequality and Growth Revisited. Conference: "Growth, Inequality and Crises", Aix-en-Provence, 5-7th November 1999.

  61. Figini, P., 1999. Inequality and Growth Revisited. 14o EEA Annual Congress, Santiago de Compostela, 4-6th September 1999.

  62. Figini, P., 1998. Inequality Measures, Equivalence Scales and Adjustment for Household Size and Composition, 25th IARIW Conference, Cambridge, August 1998.

  63. Figini, P., 1998. Inequality, Redistributive Policies and Growth. 3rd SMYE meeting, Berlin, April 1998.

  64. Figini, P., Goerg, H., 1998. Multinational Companies and Wage Inequality in the Host Country: The Case of Ireland, 12th IEA Conference, Limavady (Ireland), Aprile 1998.

  65. Figini, P., 1997. Measuring Income Inequality: Technical Tests Using Luxembourg Income Study Data. 11th IEA Conference, Athlone (Ireland), April 1997.

  66. Figini, P., 1996. A Note on Fields' Index of Income Inequality. 1st LIS Advanced Workshop, Differdange (Luxembourg), July 1996.


F.Newspapers, Media, and Magazines

  1. Figini, P., 2023. Piove, meteorologo ladro! [], 9 Maggio 2023.

  2. Figini, P., 2022. Non solo oligarchi tra i turisti russi [],, 26 Aprile 2022.

  3. Figini, P., 2021. Quali fondi per il turismo che cambia [],, 14 Dicembre 2021.
  4. Figini, P., 2021. Dove va il turismo finanziato dal PNRR [],, 4 Novembre 2021.
  5. Figini, P., 2021. Nei dati fa capolino il turismo del dopo-pandemia [],, 16 Aprile 2021.
  6. September 2012 – June 2014. Host and presenter of “Piano Marshall”, a weekly economic program atRadio Città del Capo (Popolare Network) Radio station.
  7. Figini, P., 2011. Un'agenda per il turismo,Corriere della Sera, Corriere di Bologna, 26 Giugno 2011, p. 1.
  8. Figini, P. Recensione del libroIl commercio equo e solidale alla prova dei fatti, di L. Becchetti e M. Costantino, Agosto 2006, Radio3scienza.
  9. Figini, P., Perché lanciamo una campagna per l'introduzione della Tobin Tax,Zero in Condotta, No. XXX, January 2002.


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