- Architectures and systems to support mobile, context-aware, and pervasive applications
- Middleware for dynamic and adaptive mobile services in pervasive computing scenarios and integrated wired-wireless IoT systems in general. Application domains:
- Integrated management of networks, systems, and services
- Federation of cloud infrastructures and resources, with special focus on Quality of Service and dynamic resource migration
- Efficient and scalable integration, with exploitation of dynamically determined localities, of sensors/actuators and cloud computing for Cyber Physical Systems, with special focus on edge/fog computing techniques
- Online stream processing of big data for cloud-Internet of Things environments
- Wireless sensor networks and smart space services, with special focus on smart buildings and high scalability in wide-scale urban environments
- Opportunistic and completely decentralized urban monitoring via vehicular ad-hoc sensor networking
- Resource replication and dissemination in mobile ad-hoc and dense networks
- Framework extensions and services for scalability in IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and, more in general, for cloud-based virtual network functions in 4G/5G ecosystems
- Provisioning of continuous and context-aware services with guarantees/indications of Quality of Service towards mobile users and devices, e.g., by considering predictive and proactive management of horizontal/vertical handovers
- Opportunistic and cooperative sharing of resources in highly decentralized and heterogeneous environments (integration/federation of heterogeneous subnetworks, simultaneous exploitation of different network interfaces, sharing incentives, …)
- EU H2020 ICT-11 Innovation Action, “IoTwins”, Coordinator Bonfiglioli Riduttori, Scientific Coordinator Paolo Bellavista (2019-2022), overall budget 20.6M€; overall scientific coordinator
- EU H2020 NMP Research & Innovation Action, “SimDome”, Coordinator UNIBO (2019-2022), overall budget 4.6M€; leading UNIBO activities on ontologies for material modeling
- EU H2020-NMBP-TO-IND Research & Innovation Action, “OntoTrans”, Coordinator TU Wien Austria (2020-2023), overall budget 5.5M€, leading UNIBO activities on ontology platforms and interoperability solutions
- EU H2020 H2020DT Innovation Action, “Change2Twin”, Coordinator SINTEF Norway (2020-2023), overall budget 8.0M€, leading UNIBO activities on distributed and hybrid digital twins for SMEs
- EU H2020 ICT-56-2020, “NexT GEneRation SMart INterconnectEd IoT (Terminet)”, Coordinator Univ. Western Macedonia (2020-2023), overall budget 7.9M€, leading UNIBO activities on edge cloud computing for IoT
- EU H2020 CSA “OntoCommons - Ontology-driven data documentation for Industry Commons”, Coordinator TU Wien (2020-2023), overall budget 4.2M€, leading UNIBO activities on ontology interoperability and associated frameworks
- EU FP7 Large-scale IP, FP7 Future Networks Call, “Mobile Cloud Networking (MCN)”, Coordinator SAP Germany (2012-2016), overall budget 15.7M€; UNIBO leader
- Artemis Joint Undertaking, Innovation Pilot Project, “Arrowhead Tools”, Coordinator Lulea U. Technology Sweden (2019-2022), overall budget 21M€; task leader.
- EU FP7 STREP, ICT Call 8 (FP7-ICT-2011-8), “Cooperative Self-Organizing System for low Carbon Mobility at low Penetration Rates (COLOMBO)”, Coordinator DLR Germany (2012-2015), overall budget 2.4M€; task leader
- PNRR Research Infrastructures,, Coordinator CNR (2022-2025); UNIBO leader
- PNRR Innovation Ecosystems, EcosistER, Coordinator Università di Bologna (2023-2025)
- PNRR Partenariato Esteso 14, Telecommunications of the Future, RESTART, Coordinator Università di Roma Tor Vergata (2023-2025)
- Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti, Coordinator Città Metropolitana di Bologna (2023-2025); WP3 Leader (Research & Development)
- PRIN 2022, JOint ResoUrce Management in ReconfigurabLE I4.0 Factories (JOULE) (2023-2025); National Coordinator
The above research topics are covered also via the coordination and supervision work of a research group, namely Mobile Middleware Research Group – [] . This group, which is coordinated by Antonio Corradi and me, consists of around 10-15 people, including the colleagues Professors Luca Foschini, Rebecca Montanari, Mirco Musolesi, Ph.D. students, PostDoc collaborators and research grant staff, who actively contribute to our research activities and projects.
Please see the full list of publications at: