Foto del docente

Paolo Casadio

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MED/40 Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Valdiserri A; Casadio P; Galletti F; Gessa G; Tabarelli C; Matarozzi A; Zanella L; Bertoni F; Filicori M, Assessment of Human Sperm Quality Using Flow Cytometry Analysis, in: IFFS '98 - Analysis 16th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility and the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM-IFFS), 1998, pp. 462 - 462 (atti di: 16th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility and the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM-IFFS), San Francisco, CA, USA, 4-9 Oct, 1998) [Poster]

Casadio P; Cognigni GE; Tabarelli C; Pocognoli P; Spettoli D; Ciampaglia W; Taraborrelli S; Cantelli B; Gessa G; Pecorari R; Parmegiani L; Ferlini F; Filicori M, HORMONE DYNAMICS IN OVULATION INDUCTION: GnRH antagonist VS. GnRH AGONIST SUPPRESSION, in: Filicori M, Flamigni C, “Treatment of Infertility: The New Frontiers” Final Program and Abstracts, Communications Media for Education, 1998, pp. 99 - 101 (atti di: Treatment of Infertility: The New Frontiers, Boca Raton, Florida (USA), 22-24 Gennaio 1998) [Abstract]

Cognigni GE; Ciampaglia W; Spettoli D; Taraborrelli S; Arnone R; Tabarelli C; Casadio P; Cantelli B; Gessa G; Pocognoli P; Pecorari R; Parmegiani L; Ferlini F; Filicori M, INCREASED EFFICIENCY OF hMG OVER PURIFIED FSH FOR INDUCTION OF MULTIFOLLICULOGENESIS, in: Filicori M, Flamigni C, Treatment of Infertility: The New FrontiersFinal Program and Abstracts, Communications Media for Education, 1998, pp. 101 - 101 (atti di: Treatment of Infertility: The New Frontiers, Boca Raton, Florida (USA), 22-24 Gennaio 1998) [Abstract]

Filicori M; Gessa G; Cognigni GE; Tabarelli C; Pocognoli P; Spettoli D; Casadio P; Ciampaglia W; Cantelli B; Taraborrelli S; Ferlini F, Induction of monofolliculogenesis with pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone, in: Fertility and reproductive medicine : proceedings of the XVI World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, San Francisco, 4-9 October 1998, New York, Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier, 1998, 1998, pp. 523 - 528 [Chapter or essay]

Filicori M; Tabarelli C; Casadio P; Ferlini F; Gessa G; Pocognoli P; Cognigni G; Pecorari R, Interaction between menstrual cyclicity and gonadotropin pulsatility, «HORMONE RESEARCH», 1998, 49, pp. 169 - 172 [Scientific article]

Pocognoli P; Cognigni GE; Arnone R; Spettoli D; Tabarelli C; Casadio P; Ciampaglia W; Taraborrelli S; Cantelli B; Gessa G; Parmegiani L; Filicori M, PITUITARY DESENSITIZATION BEFORE PULSATILE GnRH: HYPOGONADOTROPIC VS. HYPERANDROGENIC PATIENTS, in: Filicori M, Flamigni C, Treatment of Infertility: The New FrontiersFinal Program and Abstracts, Communications Media for Education, 1998, pp. 88 - 88 (atti di: Treatment of Infertility: The New Frontiers, Boca Raton, Florida (USA), 22-24 Gennaio 1998) [Abstract]

Pocognoli P; Cognigni GE; Arnone R; Spettoli D; Tabarelli C; Casadio P; Ciampaglia W; Taraborrelli S; Cantelli B; Gessa G; Parmegiani L; Filicori M, PULSATILE GnRH OVULATION INDUCTION: UPDATE 1997, in: Filicori M, Flamigni C, Treatment of Infertility: The New FrontiersFinal program and Abstracts, Communications Media for Education, 1998, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: Treatment of Infertility: The New Frontiers, Boca Raton, Florida (USA), 22-24 Gennaio 1998) [Abstract]

Filicori M; Pocognoli P; Cognigni G; Casadio P; Cantelli B; Gessa G; Tabarelli C; Spettoli D; Ciampaglia W; Taraborelli S; Ferlini F; Arnone R; Pecorari R; Parmegiani L, Pulsatile GnRH to induce monofolliculogenesis in PCO, in: Marco Filicori, Carlo Flamigni, Ovulation induction : update '98 : the proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Ovulation Induction, Bologna, Italy, 12-13 September 1997 / edited by Marco Filicori and Carlo Flamigni, New York : Parthenon Pub. Group, 1998, 1998, pp. 22 - 25 (atti di: Ovulation induction : update '98, Bologna, 12-13 settembre 1997) [Abstract]

Filicori M; Cognigni GE; Arnone R; Pocognoli P; Tabarelli C; Ciampaglia W; Taraborelli S; Casadio P, Subcutaneous administration of a depot gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist induces profound reproductive axis suppression in women, «FERTILITY AND STERILITY», 1998, 69, pp. 443 - 449 [Scientific article]

Filicori M; Pocognoli P; Cognigni GE; Casadio P; Cantelli B; Gessa G; Tabarelli C; Spettoli D; Ciampaglia W; Taraborelli S; Ferlini F; Arnone R; Pecorari R; Parmegiani L, Use of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone to induce monofolliculogenesis in policystic ovary syndrome patients, in: Ovulation induction: update '98: the proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Ovulation Induction, Bologna, Italy, 12-13 September 1997 / edited by Marco Filicori and Carlo Flamigni, New York, New York : Parthenon Pub. Group, 1998, 1998, pp. 55 - 60 [Chapter or essay]

Filicori, M; Pocognoli, P; Cognigni, GE; Casadio, P; Cantelli, B; Gessa, G; Tabarelli, C; Spettoli, D; Ciampaglia, W; Taraborelli, S; Ferlini, F; Arnone, R; Pecorari, R; Parmegiani, L, Use of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone to induce monofolliculogenesis in polycystic ovary syndrome patients, in: Ovulation induction: update '98: the proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Ovulation Induction, Bologna, Italy, 12-13 September 1997 / edited by Marco Filicori and Carlo Flamigni, New York, New York : Parthenon Pub. Group, 1998, 1998, pp. 55 - 60 [Chapter or essay]

Filicori M; Cognigni GE; Ciampaglia W; Tabarelli C. Pocognoli P; Spettoli D; Taraborrelli S; Cantelli B; Casadio P; Gessa G, Amenorree: nuovi approcci terapeutici, in: Atti del LXXIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ginecologia ed Ostetricia, ROMA, CIC Edizioni Internazionali, 1997, pp. 16 - 16 (atti di: LXXIII Congresso Società Italiana di Ginecologia ed Ostetricia, Grado-Trieste, 1-4 giugno 1997) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Taraborrelli S; Cognigni GE; Casadio P; Tabarelli C; Gessa G; Cantelli B; Filicori M, GnRH and GnRH analogs: basic aspects, in: Ambrosini A,Melis GB, Dalla Pria S, Dessolle S, Infertility and assisted reproductive technology : from research to therapy : proceedings of the International Meeting on Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technology, from Research to Therapy : Porto Cervo, Sardinia (Italy), June, 11-14, 1997 / editors, A. Ambrosini, Bologna, Bologna : Monduzzi Editore, International Proceedings Division, 1997, pp. 297 - 300 [Chapter or essay]

Pocognoli P; Tabarelli C; Cantelli B; Casadio P; Gessa G; Taraborelli S; Filicori M, Analoghi del GnRH: presente e futuro, in: Atti del Congresso SIFES “Società Italiana di Fertilità e Sterilità e Medicina della Riproduzione, ROMA, CIC Edizioni Internazionali, 1996, pp. 45 - 46 (atti di: SIFES & MR Congress, Napoli, Giugno 6-8 1996) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Filicori M; Cognigni GE; Arnone R; Falbo A; Pocognoli P; Tabarelli C; Carbone F; Ciampaglia W; Pari C; Casadio P, Endocrine and clinical characteristics of different GnRH agonist regimens used for gonadotropin ovulation induction, in: Marco Filicori, Carlo Flamigni, Treatment with GnRH analogs: controversies and perspectives: the proceedings of a satellite symposium of the 15th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility held in Bologna, Italy, 15-16 September 1995, New York, New York : Parthenon Pub. Group, 1996, 1996, pp. 183 - 187 [Chapter or essay]

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