vai alle Pubblicazioni
Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
O.Andrisano, L.Calandrino: "Tap Weight Tolerance Effects in
CCD Transversal Filtering", Alta Frequenza, vol.XLV, n.12,
December 1976.
O.Andrisano, L.Calandrino, B.Ricco': "On the Performance of
CCD Channel Filters for Telephone Systems", Alta Frequenza,
vol.XLVI, n.9, September 1977.
O.Andrisano, L.Calandrino: "On the Design of CCD Transversal
Filters with Quantized Tap Weights", Alta Frequenza,
vol.XLVIII, n.7, July 1979.
O.Andrisano, L.Calandrino, G.Crippa: "Multipath Propagation
Effects on Availability of 4O-PSK Radio Relay Systems", Alta
Frequenza, vol.L, n.2, March-April 1981.
O.Andrisano: "Availability Analysis of L-DCPSK Radio Links in
the Presence of Multipath Propagation Intereference", Alta
Frequenza, n.6, vol. L, 1981.
O.Andrisano: "On the Behavior of 4O-PSK Radio Relay Systems
During Multipath Propagation", Alta Frequenza, n.3, vol.LI,
O.Andrisano: "L-PSK Radio Links During Multipath Fading",
Alta Frequenza, n.6, vol. LI, 1982.
O.Andrisano, G.Corazza, G.Immovilli: "A Promising Application
of CPFSK Systems with Modulation Pulse Shaping in Digital
Radio Affected by Multipath Fading", Alta Frequenza, n.2,
vol. LII, March-April 1983.
O.Andrisano, G.Corazza, G.Immovilli: "On the Availability of
Four-Level CPFSK Systems with Modulation Pulse Shaping During
Multipath Propagation", Record of International Conference on
Communications, ICC 1983, BOSTON.
[10] O.Andrisano, G.Corazza:
"Performance Comparison of High Capacity Digital Radio
Systems in the Presence of Multipath Fading", Record of "1983
International Tirrenia Workshop on Digital Communications",
August-September 1983.
[11] O.Andrisano, G.Corazza:
"Spectra of CPFSK Signals with Modulation Pulse Shaping",
Alta Frequenza, n. 1, vol LIII, January-February
[12] O.Andrisano, G.Corazza,
G.Immovilli: "Effects of Nonlinear Power Amplifiers on
the Spectrum of CPFSK Signals", MILCOM 1984, LOS ANGELES.
[13] Andrisano, O., ''The
Combined Effects of Noise and Multipath Propagation in Multilevel
PSK Radio Links'', Communications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 32,
1984. Pages: 411 - 418.
[14] Andrisano, O. and
Corazza, G. and Immovilli, G., ''On the Availability of Multilevel
CPFSK Systems with Modulation Pulse Shaping During Multipath
Propagation'', Communications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 33, 1985.
Pages: 975 - 985.
[15] O.Andrisano, G.Corazza,
G.Immovilli: "Nonlinear power Amplifier Effects on the
Performance of CPFSK Systems", Alta Frequenza, n.1, vol.LIV,
January - February l986.
[16] O.Andrisano,
L.Calandrino: "Asymptotic Behavior of High Level M-QAM Radio
Systems Affected by Multipath Fading", Globecom 1986,
[17] Andrisano, O. and
Bianconi, G. and Calandrino, L., ''Adaptive Equalization of High
Capacity M-QAM Radio Systems on Multipath Fading Channels'',
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on, Vol. 5, 1987.
Pages: 457 - 465.
[18] M.Ajmone Marsan,
O.Andrisano, G.Castellini, F. Davoli, E.Del Re, P.Tiberio:
Preliminary analysis of PRO-COM (PROMETHEUS, EUREKA) -
Italian contribution, February 1987, Tecnoprint, Bologna.
[19] O.Andrisano : "Topics of
Research on Transmission Techniques" - Definition Phase of
PRO-COM (PROMETHEUS, EUREKA) - May 1987, Tecnoprint,
[20] Andrisano, O. and
Corazza, G. and Immovilli, G., ''Adjacent channel and cochannel
interferences in CPFSK systems with nonlinear transmitters and
limiter-discriminator detection'', Communications, IEEE
Transactions on, Vol. 36, 1988. Pages: 544 -552.
[21] O.Andrisano, R. Siroli:
"Performance of Partial Response CPM Systems with Narrowband
Channels and Limiter- Discriminator Detection", Alta
Frequenza, Focus on Mobile Radio Systems, n.1, 1988.
[22] O.Andrisano, G.Corazza,
G.Immovilli: "Effects of the Interferences in Cellular
Digital Radio Systems Using Full Response CPM with
Limiter-Discriminator Detection", Alta Frequenza, Focus on
Mobile Radio Systems, n.1, 1988.
[23] O.Andrisano, M.Argnani,
N.Ladisa: "Confronto tra Sistemi CPM a Risposta Parziale ed a
Risposta Piena in Presenza di Interferenze", Convegno sui
Sistemi Radiomobili, Villa Griffone, Pontecchio Marconi,
20/21 ottobre 1988.
[24] O.Andrisano, G.Grandi,
C.Raffaelli: "Modello Analitico per Sistemi BTMA nelle Reti
Locali Via Radio", Convegno sui Sistemi Radiomobili, Villa
Griffone, Pontecchio Marconi, 20/21 ottobre 1988.
[25] O.Andrisano, J.Altendorf
(Traffic Systems, Volkswagen A.G., D), M.Frullone (Fondazione
U.Bordoni, Divisione Sistemi Radiomobili), P.Van Berkel
(Bakkenist Management Consultants, NL): "Basic Technologies
for Road Traffic and Transport Applications: a Critical
View", 1st DACAR Seminar (Programma DRIVE, C.E.E.), Brussels,
September 6, 1989, tratto dal "Deliverable D1.1, Agosto 1989,
relativo al progetto DACAR, DRIVE, CEE.
[26] O.Andrisano, M.Chiani:
"On the Spectral Efficiency in Mobile Radio Systems Employing
GMSK and MSK Modulation with Coherent Reception", Proceedings
of the 2nd Workshop of PROMETHEUS (EUREKA), October 30-31,
1989, Stockholm.
[27] Andrisano, O. and
Ladisa, N., ''On the spectral efficiency of CPM systems over real
channel in the presence of adjacent channel and cochannel
interference: a comparison between partial and full response
systems'', Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 39,
1990. Pages: 89 -100.
[28] Andrisano, O. and
Barigazzi, A., ''Interference effects in high spectrum efficiency
M-QAM radio systems'', Communications, Speech and Vision, IEE
Proceedings I, Vol. 137, 1990. Pages: 213 -220.
[29] J.P.Altendorf,
O.Andrisano, P.van Berkel, M.Frullone: "An Assessment Scheme
for Transmission Systems Applied to Road Transport
Informatics", SAE Future Transportation Technology Conference
& Display, August 13-16, 1990, San Diego, CA.
[30] J.P.Altendorf,
O.Andrisano, P.van Berkel, M.Frullone: " Functions, Systems
and the Assessement Approach: a Critical Analysis", 2nd DACAR
Seminar (Programma DRIVE, C.E.E.), Brussels, September 6,
[31] Andrisano, O. and
Grandi, G. and Raffaelli, C., ''Analytical model of busy channel
multiple access (BCMA) for packet radio networks in a local
environment'', Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 39,
1990. Pages: 299 -307.
[32] O.Andrisano, V.Tralli:
"Performance Evaluation Method and Comparison of Local Radio
Systems on Selective Fading Channels", International
Conference on Communication Systems, Singapore, November
[33] O.Andrisano, V.Tralli: "
Multipath Fading Countermeasure Techniques for TDMA Local
Radio Systems", Rapporto Interno DEIS, Dicembre 1990.
[34] O.Andrisano: "Short
Range 60 GHz Communication Systems for Vehicle Applications",
DACAR Steering Committe meeting, Monaco di Baviera, Gennaio
1991, intervento tratto dal Deliverable D1.3, Progetto DACAR,
[35] J.Altendorf,
O.Andrisano, P.van Berkel, G.Falciasecca, P.Form, M.Frullone,
W.Hengeveld, G.Immovilli: "Assessment Methodology and
Criteria for RTI Transmission Systems", FIRST DRIVE
CONFERENCE (CEE), Brussels, Febbraio 1991.
[36] O.Andrisano, M.Frullone:
"The RTI Air Interface", DACAR Conference on
Communication Techniques in Road Traffic Informatics, Rome,
May 1991 (DRIVE Programme, CEE).
[37] O.Andrisano, P.Form,
M.Frullone, W.Hengeveld: "The DACAR Project: Assessment
Scheme for RTI Transmission Systems", ISATA International
Symposium on Automotive Technology & Automation", May
1991, Florence.
[38] O.Andrisano: Assessment
of 60 GHz millimeter wave link", DACAR Seminar, June 1991,
Brussels, intervento tratto dal Deliverable D1.4, progetto
[39] O.Andrisano, M.Chiani:
"The First Nyquist Criterion Applied to Coherent Receiver
Design for Generalized MSK Signals", Rapporto interno DEIS,
Tecnoprint, June 1991.
[40] O.Andrisano,
L.Calandrino: "Le Comunicazioni mobili al servizio del
traffico automobilistico del futuro", Convegno sui Sistemi
radiomobili, Villa Griffone, Pontecchio Marconi, Ottobre
1991.[41] O.Andrisano, M.Chiani,
M.Missiroli, C.Moss, V.Tralli - "Short range 60 GHz communication
systems for vehicle-to-vehicle applications" - Appendix to
proceedengs of 5th PROMETHEUS Workshop, Munchen (D) and 10th PROCOM
European Meeting, Aachen (D), Tecnoprint, Ottobre 1991
[42] O.Andrisano, M.Chiani,
M.Frullone, C.Moss, V.Tralli: "New millimeter Wave
Communication Systems for Short Range Applications oriented
to Advanced Transport Telematics, Rapporto Interno DEIS,
Novembre 1991.
[43] Andrisano, O. and
Chiani, M., ''Analytical representation of generalized MSK signals
and coherent receiver design criterion'', Global Telecommunications
Conference, 1991. GLOBECOM '91. 'Countdown to the New Millennium.
Featuring a Mini-Theme on: Personal Communications Services, Vol. ,
1991. Pages: 67 -71 vol.1.
[44] Andrisano, O. and
Chiani, M. and Frullone, M. and Moss, C. and Tralli, V.,
''Propagation effects and countermeasures analysis in
vehicle-to-vehicle communication at millimeter waves'', Vehicular
Technology Conference, 1992, IEEE 42nd, Vol. , 1992. Pages: 312
-316 vol.1.
[45] Andrisano, O. and
Chiani, M. and Verdone, R., ''Discriminator-integrator detection
with decision feedback equalization of CPM systems in mobile radio
channels'', Communications, 1992. ICC '92, Conference record,
SUPERCOMM/ICC '92, Discovering a New World of Communications., IEEE
International Conference on, Vol. , 1992. Pages: 481 -485
[46] Andrisano, O. and
Chiani, M. and Tralli, V. and Verdone, R., ''Impact of cochannel
interference on vehicle-to-vehicle communications at millimeter
waves'', Singapore ICCS/ISITA '92. 'Communications on the Move',
Vol. , 1992. Pages: 924 -928 vol.2.
[47] Andrisano, O. and
Tralli, V., ''Analytical outage evaluation of TDMA local radio
systems with coding and diversity'', Communications, IEEE
Transactions on, Vol. 40, 1992. Pages: 1725 -1736.
[48] O.Andrisano, M.Chiani,
M.Frullone, C.Moss, V.Tralli - "Millimetre wave short range
communications for advanced transport telematics" - European
Transactions on Telecommunications, Luglio-Agosto 1993, DRIVE,
[49] O.Andrisano, M.Chiani,
R.Verdone: "Performance of Narrowband CPM Systems with
Limiter-Discriminator Detection and Decision Feedback Equalization
in Mobile Radio Channels", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology, vol.42, n.2, pp. 166-176, maggio 1993.
[50] O. Andrisano, "Sistemi
di telecomunicazione per la gestione del traffico su strada:
situazione attuale e prospettive future", primo convegno nazionale
Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti 2, Roma, ottobre 1993.
[51] Andrisano, O. and
Chiani, M., ''The first Nyquist criterion applied to coherent
receiver design for generalised MSK signals'', Communications, IEEE
Transactions on, Vol. 42, 1994. Pages: 449 -457.
[52] Andrisano, O. and
Dardari, D. and Verdone, R., ''Code division and time division
multiple access networks for vehicle-to-vehicle communications at
60 GHz'', Vehicular Technology Conference, 1994 IEEE 44th, Vol. ,
1994. Pages: 1859 -1863 vol.3.
[53] Andrisano, O. and
Dardari, D. and Verdone, R., ''Analytical methodology for F-TDMA
and CDMA cellular systems performance evaluation'', Universal
Personal Communications, 1994. Record., 1994 Third Annual
International Conference on, Vol. , 1994. Pages: 31 -36.
[54] Andrisano, P. Daniele,
M. Frullone, R. Verdone, "Roadside to vehicle communications at 60
GHz", Workshop on Short Range Radio Communications, 24th European
Microwave Conference, Cannes, F, 9 Sept 1994.
[55] O.Andrisano, M. Chiani,
D. Dardari, R. Verdone, "Sistemi di comunicazione short range per
applicazioni veicolo-veicolo e veicolo-infrastruttura", Secondo
Convegno Nazionale del PFT2, Genova, 29-31 maggio 1995.
[56] O.Andrisano, D. Dardari,
R. Verdone, "Short Range Communication Systems for
Vehicle-to-Roadside in urban environment", ROVA'95 INTERNATIONAL,
Bolton Institute, Bolton, UK, 11-13 September 1995.
[57] Dardari, D. and Minelli,
L. and Tralli, V. and Andrisano, O., ''Wideband indoor,
communication channels at 60 GHz'', Personal, Indoor and Mobile
Radio Communications, 1996. PIMRC'96., Seventh IEEE International
Symposium on, Vol. , 1996. Pages: 791 -794 vol.3.
[58] Chiani, M. and Agrati,
E. and Mezzetti, M. and Andrisano, O., ''Frequency and interference
diversity in slow frequency hopping multiple access systems'',
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 1996. PIMRC'96.,
Seventh IEEE International Symposium on, Vol. , 1996. Pages: 648
-652 vol.2.
[59] Dardari, D. and Minelli,
L. and Tralli, V. and Andrisano, O., ''Fast ray-tracing
characterisation of indoor propagation channels at 60 GHz'',
Vehicular Technology Conference, 1997 IEEE 47th, Vol. , 1997.
Pages: 989 -993 vol.2.[60] O.
Andrisano, R. Verdone, "Short Range Communications for Traffic
Management", invited paper, 6th EAEC Congress, Cernobbio, I, July
2-4, 1997.
[61] V. Tralli, A. Vaccari,
R. Verdone and O. Andrisano, "Last Mile Wireless Broadband Access
to Interactive Services using a C-OFDM System at 30 GHz", invited
paper, 1997 International Workshop on Wireless Access, Lerici, I,
7-10 Sept. 1997.
[62] M. Chiani, A. Conti, E.
Agrati and O. Andrisano "An Analytical Approach to Evaluate Service
Coverage in Slow Frequency Hopping Mobile Radio Systems", COST 259,
Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 1997.
[63] Andrisano, O. and
Tralli, V. and Verdone, R., ''Millimeter waves for short-range
multimedia communication systems '', Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.
86, 1998. Pages: 1383-1401.[64]
Chiani, M. and Dardari, D. and Zanella, A. and Andrisano, O.,
''Service availability of broadband wireless networks for indoor
multimedia at millimeter waves'', Signals, Systems, and
Electronics, 1998. ISSSE 98. 1998 URSI International Symposium on,
Vol. , 1998. Pages: 29 -33.
[65] Andrisano, O. and
Dell'Acqua, M. and Mazzini, G. and Verdone, R. and Zanella, A.,
''On the parameters optimization in handover algorithms'',
Vehicular Technology Conference, 1998. VTC 98. 48th IEEE, Vol. ,
1998. Pages: 1400 -1404 vol.2.
[66] Tralli, V. and Vaccari,
A. and Verdone, R. and Andrisano, O., ''Adaptive C-OFDM system at
30 GHz for the last mile wireless broadband access to interactive
services'', Communications, 1998. ICC 98. Conference Record.1998
IEEE International Conference on, Vol. , 1998. Pages: 1314 -1319
[67] O. Andrisano, D.
Dardari, G. Mazzini, "Wireless Multimedia Assessment with Traffic,
Access and Transmission Protocols in Actual Environment at
Millimeter Waves", 1998, Multimedia Communications Workshop.
[68] O. Andrisano, D.
Dardari, G. Mazzini, "An Integrated Approach for the Design of
Wide-band Wireless LAN", IEEE ICT'98, Jun. 1998, Greece,pp.
[69] V. Tralli, A. Vaccari,
R. Verdone and O. Andrisano, "Performance Analysis of Wireless
Interactive LMDS based on Adaptive TDM/FDM and Coded OFDM", to
appear on IEEE Trans. on Comm.
[70] Chiani, M. and Conti, A. and
Andrisano, O., ''Outage evaluation for slow frequency-hopping
mobile radio systems'', Communications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol.
47, 1999. Pages: 1865 -1874. (also Technical Report (CSITE-012-98),
July 1998.)
[71] Chiani, M. and Conti, A.
and Andrisano, O., ''Up-link analytical outage evaluation for slow
frequency hopping mobile radio systems'', Communications, 1999. ICC
'99. 1999 IEEE International Conference on, Vol. , 1999. Pages:
1922 -1927 vol.3. Also COST259, Duisburg, Sept. 1998.
[72] O. Andrisano, R.
Verdone, "Le Telecomunicazioni per applicazioni ITS nell'evoluzione
verso i sistemi multimediali wireless", Ultimo Convegno Nazionale
PFT2, Roma, I, Nov. 1999.
[73] Andrisano, O. and
Verdone, R. and Nakagawa, M., ''Intelligent transportation systems:
the role of third generation mobile radio networks'',
Communications Magazine, IEEE, Vol. 38, 2000. Pages: 144-151.
[74] Tralli, V. and Vaccari,
A. and Verdone, R. and Andrisano, O., ''Adaptive time and frequency
resource assignment with COFDM for LMDS systems'', Communications,
IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 49, 2001. Pages: 235-238.
[75] Chiani, M. and Agrati,
E. and Andrisano, O., ''Abstracts of forthcoming manuscripts'',
Communications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 49, 2001. Pages: 744
[76] M.Chiani, E.Agrati,
O.Andrisano, "An Analytical Approach to Evaluate Service Coverage
in Slow Frequency Hopping Mobile Radio Systems" IEEE Tran. On
Communications, Vol. 49, pp. 1447-1456, August 2001[77]
O.Andrisano, D.Dardari, "Appunti di
Sistemi di telecomunicazione: elementi di progetto di sistemi
radiomobili", Esculapio, dicembre 2001.
[78] Andrisano, O. and Conti,
A. and Dardari, D. and Masini, B.M. and Pasolini, G., ''Bluetooth
and IEEE 802.11 coexistence: analytical performance evaluation in
fading channel'', Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications,
2002. The 13th IEEE International Symposium on, Vol. , 2002. Pages:
1752 - 1756 vol.4.
[79] Conti, A. and Dardari,
D. and Pasolini, G. and Andrisano, O., ''Bluetooth performance
analysis under IEEE802.11 interference in a fading channel'',
Global Telecommunications Conference, 2002. GLOBECOM '02. IEEE,
Vol. , 2002. Pages: 227 - 232 vol.1.
[80] Conti, D. Dardari, B. M.
Masini, G. Pasolini, Oreste Andrisano, “Joint PHY and MAC analysis
of Bluetooth and IEEE802.11b Coexistence in Fading Channel”,
Med-Hoc-Net 2002 Conference, Chia Laguna, Italy, Sep. 4-6, 2002
[81] O.Andrisano, M.
Nakagawa, R.Verdone, G. Pasolini, "Communications for Intelligent
Transportation Systems", Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, Ed. J.
G. Proakis, Wiley, 2002.
[82] Oreste Andrisano, Marco
Chiani, Andrea Conti, Cesare Fontana, Andrea Giorgetti, Davide
Dardari, Gianluca Mazzini, Gianni Pasolini, Roberto Verdone, Velio
Tralli, Alberto Zanella, "Il contributo di CSITE e CNIT alla rete
di Facoltà: dalla rete ottica FDDI alle reti wireless", Edito da:
Tipografia Digitale Asterisco s.n.c, Anno 2002. [Pubblicazione
[83] Conti, A. and Dardari,
D. and Pasolini, G. and Andrisano, O., ''Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b
coexistence: analytical performance evaluation in fading
channels'', Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on, Vol.
21, 2003. Pages: 259-269.
[84] Alberto Roversi and
Andrea Conti and Davide Dardari and Oreste Andrisano,
''Collaborative and Distributed Laboratories for Remote
Measurement: Concepts and Technical Challenges'', WSEAS
Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 3, 2004. Pages: -.[85]
A.Roversi, A.Conti, D.Dardari,
and O.Andrisano "Collaborative and Distributed Laboratories for
Remote Measurement: Concepts and Technical Challenger", 4th WSEAS
Int. Conf. on Instrumentation, Measurement, Control, Circuits and
Systems (IMCCAS 2004), Miami, Florida, April 21-23, 2004, invited
[86] Gambetti, C. and
Zanella, A. and Verdone, R. and Andrisano, O., ''Performance of a
TD-SCDMA cellular system in the presence of circuit and packet
switched services'', Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC
2004-Spring. 2004 IEEE 59th, Vol. , 2004. Pages: 2067 - 2071
[87] Zuliani, L. and Zanella,
A. and Marazzi, A. and Moretti, R. and Agrati, E. and Verdone, R.
and Andrisano, O., ''A simulation tool for performance assessment
of realistic mobile radio networks'', Personal, Indoor and Mobile
Radio Communications, 2004. PIMRC 2004. 15th IEEE International
Symposium on, Vol. , 2004. Pages: 869 - 874 Vol.2.
[88] Bernardi, M. and
Zanella, A. and Verdone, R. and Andrisano, O., ''The impact of
mobile speed on the performance of W-CDMA networks'', Vehicular
Technology Conference, 2004. VTC 2004-Spring. 2004 IEEE 59th, Vol.
, 2004. Pages: 2379 - 2383 Vol.4.
[89] A.Roversi, A.Conti,
D.Dardari, and O.Andrisano, "Telemeasured Performances of a DSP
based CDMA Software Defined Radio", iCEER 2004International
Conference on Engineering Education and Research, Czech Republic,
June 27-30, 2004.
[90] A.Roversi, A.Conti,
D.Dardari, and O.Andrisano, "Collaborative Distributed
Laboratories: Technical Issues", iCEER 2004 International
Conference on Engineering Education and Research, Czech Republic,
June 27-30, 2004.
[91] O. Andrisano,
"Proceedings of the research project MULTIMEDIA", Agosto 2004, CNR
[92] F. Zabini, A. Conti, B.
M. Masini, O. Andrisano, ''Impact of Partial Equalization on the
Downlink Performance of Multi-Carrier CDMA Systems'', IEEE
Vehicular Tecnology Conference, VTCspring, Vol. Stockholm, 2005.
Pages: -.[93] F. Zabini, A.
Conti, B. M. Masini, O. Andrisano, ''Impact of Partial Equalization
on the Downlink Performance of Multi-Carrier CDMA Systems'',
VTCspring2005, Vol. , 2005. Pages: -.
[94] Andrisano, O. and Bazzi,
A. and Diolaiti, M. and Gambetti, C. and Pasolini, G., ''UMTS and
WLAN integration: architectural solution and performance'',
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2005. PIMRC 2005.
IEEE 16th International Symposium on, Vol. , 2005. Pages: 1769-1775
Vol. 3.
[95] Soloperto, R. and
Roversi, A. and Conti, A. and Dardari, D. and Andrisano, O., ''A 3D
virtual immersive laboratory for distributed telemeasurement'',
Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement
Systems, 2005. VECIMS 2005. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE
International Conference on, Vol. , 2005. Pages: 5 pp.-.
[96] "The Teledoc2 Project: a
Heterogeneous Infrastructure for International e-Learning", G.
Mazzini, University of Ferrara, Italy; A. Ravaioli, C. Fontana, P.
Toppan, O. Andrisano, University of Bologna, Italy; Luca Simone
Ronga, CNIT-University of Florence Research Unit, Italy; Stefano
Vignola, CNIT-University of Genoa Research Unit, Italy, 2005
[97] Roversi, A. Conti, D.
Dardari, O. Andrisano, "A WEB-based Architecture Enabling
Cooperative Telemeasurements" (invited), 2005 Tyrrhenian
International Workshop on Digital Communications Distributed
Cooperative Laboratories - Issues in Networking, Instrumentation
and Measurements - Sorrento, Italy, July 4-6 2005
[98] Oreste Andrisano and
Andrea Conti and Davide Dardari and Alberto Roversi,
''Telemeasurements and Circuits Remote Configuration through
Heterogeneous Networks: Characterization of Communications
Systems'', , Vol. 55, 2006. Pages: 744-753.
[99] Zuliani, L. and
Gambetti, C. and Zanella, A. and Andrisano, O., ''Link level
aspects modelling in the simulation of packet switched wireless
networks'', Wireless Communications and Networking Conference,
2006. WCNC 2006. IEEE, Vol. , 2006. Pages: 723 -728.
[100] Andrisano, O. and Conti, A. and
Dardari, D. and Roversi, A., ''Telemeasurement and circuit remote
configuration through heterogeneous networks: characterization of
communications systems'', Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE
Transactions on, Vol. 55, 2006. Pages: 744 -753.
[101] Masini, B.M. and Zuliani, L. and
Andrisano, O., ''On the Effectiveness of a GPRS based Intelligent
Transportation System in a Realistic Scenario'', Vehicular
Technology Conference, 2006. VTC 2006-Spring. IEEE 63rd, Vol. ,
2006. Pages: 2997 -3001.
[102] A. Conti, B. M. Masini, F. Zabini, O.
Andrisano, ''On the down-link Performance of Multi-Carrier CDMA
Systems with Partial Equalization'', IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, Vol. 6. no.1, 2007. Pages: 230-239.
[103] Masini, B.M. and Conti, A. and
Andrisano, O., ''Performance Improvement through Diversity
Reception for Bluetooth in the Presence of Interference'', Wireless
Pervasive Computing, 2007. ISWPC '07. 2nd International Symposium
on, Vol. , 2007. Pages: -.
[104] B. Masini, A. Conti, O. Andrisano,
''Performance Improvement through Diversity Reception for Bluetooth
in the Presence of Interference'', ICWPC, Vol. San Juan, Puerto
Rico, 2007. Pages: -.
[105] Leonardi, G. and Bazzi, A. and
Pasolini, G. and Andrisano, O., ''IEEE802.16e Best Effort
Performance Investigation'', Communications, 2007. ICC '07. IEEE
International Conference on, Vol. , 2007. Pages: 4837-4842.
[106] A. Bazzi, G. Leonardi, G. Pasolini,
O. Andrisano, ''Configuration Issues and Best Effort Performance
Investigation of IEEE 802.16e'', WiMax/MobileFi: Advanced Research
and Technology, Edited by Y. Xiao, Auerbach Publications, Vol. -,
2007. Pages: 177-196.
[107] Bazzi, A. and Leonardi, G. and
Pasolini, G. and Andrisano, O., ''IEEE802.16e Wirelessman-OFDMA
Transport Level Throughput Analysis'', Personal, Indoor and Mobile
Radio Communications, 2007. PIMRC 2007. IEEE 18th International
Symposium on, Vol. , 2007. Pages: 1-8.
[108] Andrisano, O. and Bazzi, A. and
Giorgetti, A. and Pasolini, G. and V. Schena, ''Audio-Video
Services for Emergency Scenarios over Heterogeneous Satellite-WiFi
Networks'', Wireless Rural and Emergency Communications. WRECOM
2007, 1st IEEE Conference on, Vol. , 2007. Pages: -.
[109] Conti, A. and Masini, B. and Zabini,
F. and Andrisano, O., ''On the down-link performance of
multi-carrier CDMA systems with partial equalization'', Wireless
Communications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 6, 2007. Pages: 230
[110] Leonardi, G. and Masini, B.M. and
Bazzi, A. and Pasolini, G. and Conti, A. and Andrisano, O., ''TCP
Performance of MC-CDMA Systems with Partial Equalization in
Correlated Fading Channels'', Communications, 2007. ICC '07. IEEE
International Conference on, Vol. , 2007. Pages: 4093-4097.
[111] A. Bazzi, G. Pasolini, O. Andrisano,
''Multi Radio Resource Management: Parallel Transmission for Higher
Throughput?'', EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing,
Vol. , 2008. Pages: - .
[112] Barbara M. Masini and Giacomo
Leonardi and Andrea Conti and Gianni Pasolini and Alessandro Bazzi
and Davide Dardari and Oreste Andrisano, ''How Equalization
Techniques Affects the TCP Performance of MC-CDMA Systems in
Correlated Fading Channels'', EURASIP Journal on Wireless
Communications and Networking, Vol. 2008, 2008. Pages: -.
[113] A. Bazzi, B. M. Masini, A. Conti, O.
Andrisano, ''Infomobility Provision through MBMS/UMTS in Realistic
Scenarios'', Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC,
Vol. Beijing, China, 2008. Pages: ---.
[114] Bazzi, A. and Leonardi, G. and
Pasolini, G. and Andrisano, O., ''IEEE802.16e Simulation Issues'',
Mobile WiMAX Symposium, 2009. MWS '09. IEEE, Vol. , 2009. Pages:
[115] Toni, L. and Conti, A. and Zabini, F.
and Andrisano, O., ''Effective spectral efficiency for adaptive QAM
with diversity and pilot assisted channel estimation'', Wireless
Communication Systems, 2009. ISWCS 2009. 6th International
Symposium on, Vol. , 2009. Pages: 126 -130.
[116] Andrea Conti and Alessandro Bazzi and
Barbara Masini and Oreste Andrisano, ''Vehicular Networks:
Techniques, Standards, and Applications'', Heterogeneous Wireless
Communications for Vehicular Networks, Vol. , 2009. Pages:
[117] Toppan, A. and Bazzi, A. and Toppan,
P. and Masini, B. M. and Andrisano, O., “Architecture of a
simulation platform for the smart navigation service
investigation”, Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and
Communications (WiMob), 2010 IEEE 6th International Conference,
Vol. , 2010. Pages: 548-554.
[118] Bazzi, Alessandro and Masini, Barbara
M. and Andrisano, Oreste, “On the impact of real time data
acquisition from vehicles through UMTS”, Personal Indoor and Mobile
Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2010 IEEE 21st International
Symposium, Vol. , 2010. Pages: 1917-1922.
[119] A. Bazzi, G. Leonardi, G. Pasolini,
O. Andrisano, capitolo “Mobile WiMAX Performance Investigation” per
il libro “Radio Communications”, pubblicato da IN-TECH, aprile
[120] F. Zabini, M. Mazzotti, D. Dardari,
and O. Andrisano, “An upper bound on the probabilità of instability
of a DVB-T/H repeater with a digital echo canceller”, in IEEE
Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, Florida,
USA, dec 2010, pp. 1–5.
[121] A. Conti, A. Bazzi, B. Masini, and O.
Andrisano, Communications and Networking. Rijeka,
Croatia: SCIYO, Sep. 2010, ch. “MC-CDMA Systems: a General
Framework for Performance Evaluation with Linear Equalization”, pp.
127–148, ISBN: 978-953-307-114-5.
[122] L. Toni, A. Conti, M. Chiani, and O.
Andrisano, “Adaptive modulation systems subject to interference”,
in 6th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios, Universitaet
Karlsruhe (TH), Mar. 2010.
[123] A. Bazzi, G. Pasolini, G. Chiurco, O.
Andrisano, P. Faraon, “Experimental Characterization of UMTS
Femtocell Propagation”, Broadband evolved Femtocell Technologies
(BeFEMTO) Workshop at IEEE VTC 2011 spring, Budapest, 15-18 Maggio
[124] A. Bazzi, B. M. Masini, O. Andrisano,
“On the Frequent Acquisition of Small Data through RACH in UMTS for
ITS Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
Vol.60, No.7, Settembre 2011, PP. 2914-2926 .
[125] A. Toppan, P. Toppan, O. Andrisano,
C. De Castro, “A Testbed about Priority-Based Dynamic Connection
Profiles in QoS Wireless Multimedia Networks”, INTECH,
"Telecommunications Networks", ISBN 979-953-307-393-3, 2011